What you are saying is true at the conscious level, but it may not be true at the unconsciou level. If human nature is based on genetic firmware, unless the conscious mind can alter these genetics, the firmware will advance in a very conservative way. We can hook up with any carrot on the string, through will power and coice, but this does not necessarily mean we will move in the direction of the DNA and its natural conservative firmware.
I can eat candy and rot my teeth. The DNA within my tooth may not be designed for that much candy, even if wanted to loop using a food pleasure carrot all the time. Eventually, a balance can be exceeded. We can go to the denist and he can fill the decay, but unconscious firmware is not the same as body hardware.
I can eat candy and rot my teeth. The DNA within my tooth may not be designed for that much candy, even if wanted to loop using a food pleasure carrot all the time. Eventually, a balance can be exceeded. We can go to the denist and he can fill the decay, but unconscious firmware is not the same as body hardware.