How can one prove they saw a vision of a random apartment number years before and then later ended up in an apartment with the same number on the door along with some other details that make it creepily less likely to be not coincidental? Also, it wasnt the first choice as that was taken and the next available was offered so it wasnt conscious.
You can't prove it, unless you wrote down some of the details from the vision at the time?
Coincidences happen all the time. You'll have a hard time ever proving something is not simple coincidence and selection bias. That is why all testing of supped psychic abilities need to be robust, rigorous and free from any means of tampering or faking etc.
What I suggest, if you are indeed serious in this endeavour, is to set up a thread called "birch's visions" or some such, and then document each vision you have, numbering them. Then, when you think they have come true, you can look back and search through the record, and we can discuss whether it is coincidence or not.
If the future can be seen, what does this possibly mean about time or space?
It means the universe is deterministic.
"Seeing the future" isn't all that difficult if all that it entails is estimating what will happen next.
If I drop a china mug onto a concrete floor from a significant height, is it "seeing the future" to imagine the mug shattering, or simply me estimating the likeliest effect?
Why would someone see these things in the first place or shown things to a person who is not even a scientist? What could be the point? To have debates with people who obviously need empirical evidence which one can even sympathize with but can't like its some cosmic joke?
Many people raise these matters in debating sites simply to garner attention. Maybe they really do believe what they claim, maybe they don't, but the reason is often not to have serious debate but simply to be seen and to be the focus of attention.
There is also the matter of deja vu, where the brain simply makes you think it has seen something before when in fact it hasn't. So it may very well be that your brain has tricked you into thinking that you had a vision of the apartment number (and other details) years ago, when actually you didn't.
Not saying this is the explanation, only one to consider.