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It's True! Antigravitics, ZPE, Teleportation and Time~Travel are all connected by a series of Quantum Particles and will be proven in public demonstrations very soon! it's only "A Matter of Time"
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From our Bookmarks section:
---Antigravity Research
A collection of anti-grav research links...
*A Compilation of Anti-Gravity Articles And References
With apologies for not fixing the equations or symbols. Someone send me the replacement text, and I will fix it! These 5 articles are included in this file below...
Delta UFO, " The Descent", ©1996, 1997, Dave Kauble. posted on Deb's UFO Research Information Clearinghouse, January 12, 1997 ...
It sounds like something from The X-Files, but levitation is raising eyebrows--and interest at NASA
*Antgrav Research Links2
The Parr Gravity Wheel Experiment, The Gravity Wheel, Gravity Car Proposal, Single Pole Generator The Bedini Hamel Magnetic gate, means of propulsion for a flying disk UFO, An examination of the energy machine of Joseph Newman, Method and apparratus for accumulating electrical energy and transforming ether electricity, Structural Shape and Design of a UFO, Making a wimshurst electro static generator, Electrical Current Generator including Torque Reducing Countermagnetic Field, Sonic Levitation, High Frequency generator, Apparatus for transmission of electrical energy, The Hubbard Energy Transformer by Gaston Burridge, A motor operated by radio waves, Some Improvement in the construction of electro magnets, Hydrogen Fuel generator, Marko Rodin's on his unusual coil design, An Ion electrical generator, Your Car can run on water using this device without pollution, Making your own electrostatic machine, Water Powered Motors, FREE - GEET Multi-Fuel Conversion Plans updated, Very detailed Indian Research Paper on some perpetual motion observations, Extracting Energy from a Permanent Magnet with Energy-Replenishing from the Active Vacuum...
*Anti-Gravity And The Unified Field; Childress, David H. (Ed.); 0932813100; @ Insight
Books by Childress, David H. (Ed.) at Insight Metaphysical Bookstore. We have a wide selection of books on , , . Anti-Gravity And The Unified Field; Childress, ...
*Anti-Gravity Links
*Anti-Gravity Machine (Eugene Podkletnov)
Henry P. Dart, III From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 7, November 1996, pp. 7-8. New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL ...
*AntiGravity Article From: "Scientific American"
(By: Mark Connolly) I have recently heard reports of a researcher claiming to have produced anti-gravity effects using a spinning, superconducting disk. Is there any theoretical basis to support the existence of anti-gravity or of some method of shielding out gravity?
*Antigravity News And Space Drive Technology
A new bi-monthly newsletter (began in July 1997) that focuses on the theory, devices, and results of anti-gravity research. A serious publication.
*Antigravity News And Space Drive Technology
Courtesy of the Editor From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 8, Dec. 1997, pp. 8-9. New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL ...
*Antigravity and Propelantless propulsion researches
created on March 31th, 2001 - JLN Labs - Last update April 8th, 2001
*BAe's anti-gravity research, By: James Meek, science correspondent
BAe's anti-gravity research braves X-Files ridicule, Serious Progress Hinted In Secret Anti-Gravity Projects . The military wing of the hi-tech conglomerate BAe Systems took the Podkletnov experiment so seriously that it has launched an anti-gravity research programme, Project Greenglow. If the technology could be made to work it would make existing forms of transport obsolete.
Welcome To The Search For Free-Energy & Anti-Gravity at C.T.G Research Labs, The purpose of this site is to promote knowledge about free-energy and anti-gravity devices and to get other people interested in this rapidly developing field. We hope that presenting our research on the Internet will inspire new ideas in others, it also ensures that information cannot be suppressed, since once it's on the Internet it's out forever.
*Higgs Fields
SCALAR Anti-Grav Device? Higgs technology deals with manipulation of the Higgs scalar field and related forces within the Standard Model of particle physics. All particles get their mass from the interaction between ...
*How To Build A Gravity Car! (Antigravity?)
Introduction: Last summer I published my 5th book, "Shape Power", which describes in detail the experiments which Joe Parr and myself have been doing. The simpler experiments we term the "Gravity Wheel Experiment". Joe discovered the basic effects and perfected the instrumentation. I was interested enough to hop on the band wagon and duplicate the simpler aspect of the experiments. The results from these experiments showed that we can...
*Project Greenglow
BAE SYSTEMS (The company formed from the merger of British Aerospace and Marconi Electronic Systems) is currently running a speculative research programme in the realm of gravitational physics with the aim of initiating some new areas of research and priming technology development, with the hope that subsequent implementation, could lead to significant advances in the aerospace industry. For historical reasons we have called this programme project Greenglow.
Pictured above this design appeared in a crop of wheat at Barbury Castle in 1991. To explore the uniqueness of the design a three dimensional six foot model was constructed. Experiments performed on the model revealed several anomalous properties. This web site is an assemblage of these experiments. ZPF and resonance is dealt with in parts to enlighten the reader to the scientific possibility of inertia modification. This web site is provided as a public service for educational purposes only...Professor Aquino clearly and concisely shows that Inertial Mass and Gravitational mass are related by a energy factor. Controlling this factor, gravitational forces can be reduced, nullified and inverted. No fundamental conservation laws are broken as energy is added to effect the process.
*The Black-Triangle E-Group
We Are Unique - In That We Link Military Aviation ('Spotters') & Mil-Airband (Radio-Scanner) Enthusiasts, With UFO Researchers & The Groom Lake / Area51 'Interceptors'. We Are Searching For Answers To The Many Questions Raised By Sightings Reports Of Triangular, Stealthy & Unknown Flying Craft.
*The Gravitational Spacecraft from Fran De Aquino
Warping to the deep space...created on March 21th, 2000 - JLN Labs - Last update April 20th, 2000 (CAD Photos included)
*The Gravity Shielding Experiment: from "Chris Hardeman"
created on February 4th, 2001 - JLN Labs - February 26th, 2001 ...All informations in this page are published free and are intended for private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications.
*The Rise and Fall of the "Anti-Gravity Machine"
By: D. Trull
*The Thomas Townsend Brown Early Warped Ideas
Early Warped Ideas By Dan McCosh (04,2001)...The man who would later invent the flying saucer was a student at Caltech in 1923, when he first began espousing his theory of gravitation. But the world of conventional physics wasn't quite ready for the ideas of Thomas Townsend Brown, who told his classmates that gravity was a positive force that permeates space, a force that could be directed by high-voltage electricity. At a time when rocket science itself was in its infancy, he speculated that this could be the basis of an interstellar space drive free of the limitations of conventional rockets. It didn't help when the popular press of the day quickly embraced his ideas, while the establishment at Caltech ridiculed them.
*The Thomas Townsend Brown Website
Thomas Townsend Brown, an American physicist, was a leader in developing theories concerning the link between electromagnetic and gravitational fields theorized by Dr. Albert Einstein. He advanced from theory to application with the development of solid and disc-shaped apparatuses which are believed to have created and utilized temporary, localized gravitational fields.
Did you say antigravity? In the Star Wars galaxy, vehicles levitate freely, oblivious to the law of gravity. Some are propelled by reactors that generate a stream of charged particles. All fine to feed our hunger for movie-screen adventures, but in the science community, such antigravity machines aren't just seen as fodder for space fantasies, the mere mention of them is enough to end a scientist's career. In 1992, Eugene Podkletnov, a Russian materials scientist at the University of Tampere in Finland, made a strange observation. Podkletnov was studying superconductors, materials that lose all of their electrical resistance and repel magnetic fields when cooled. While testing a superconducting disc by rotating it above powerful electromagnets, he found that small objects above the disc seemed to lose weight – up to two per cent. It doesn't sound like much, but it would imply that the objects were somehow being shielded from the pull of the Earth.
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