Anti - Aging

I thought Telomerase are responsible for Telomere formation and constrictions caused in mitosis,:confused:

clarify please,(Counter?,Cris?)

Resveratrol's anticancer mechanism defined

Researchers at De Montfort University in Leicester, England, have discovered the mechanism of action of resveratrol against cancer. Resveratrol, a substance found in grapes, had been previously demonstrated to have cancer-fighting properties, but how it is able to do so has heretofore been unknown. The researchers discovered that resveratrol is converted in the body by the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1B1, found on a variety of tumors, to a substance called piceatannol, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor which is toxic to cancer cells. The process is restricted to the tumor, preventing toxicity to healthy cells.

Resveratrol is naturally produced in plants such as peanuts and grapes to aid them in combating fungus. It was previously believed that the enzyme CYP1B1 was involved in initiating cancer, because it is found only in tumors. The study provides additional insight into CYP1B1's role as a growth suppressor enzyme.
Cancer adjuvant treatment

Many types of cancer cells use an enzyme called cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) to propagate. This includes cancers of the colon, pancreas, breast, prostate, bladder, lung, head and neck, to name a few. The good news is that COX-2 is also involved in the rheumatoid arthritis process, so there are drugs that are already approved to treat arthritis that may also be prescribed for cancer patients.

Drugs that inhibit the cyclooxygenase enzyme are known as COX-2 inhibitors. The two newest COX-2 inhibitors are Celebrex and Vioxx, but we suggest that cancer patients consider older drugs that have a more predictable safety history. One drug that oncologists may consider prescribing is Lodine XL, a drug used to treat arthritis that also interferes with COX-2 activity. A safer COX-2 inhibiting drug called nimesulide is sold in Europe but is not yet approved by the FDA.

Scientists are now actively investigating COX-2 inhibitors as drugs that would be effective in both the prevention and treatment of many cancers. When COX-2 drugs are given to patients with colon polyps (precancerous lesions), the lesions completely disappear. When a group of rats were given a potent carcinogen, there was a 90% reduction in those who developed cancer if they were on COX-2 inhibition therapy. In the few rats that did develop the tumors while taking COX-2 inhibition therapy, the tumors were 80% smaller and less numerous than in the group not on COX-2 inhibition (Wall Street Journal, Sept. 7, 1999).

We predict that COX-2 inhibiting drugs will eventually be approved to treat cancer, but in the meantime, cancer patients should ask their doctors to consider prescribing a COX-2 inhibiting drug as an adjuvant therapy.
Until someone comes up with one pill that covers everything, you have to take a whole lot of pills to cover everything from heart disease to prostate to cholesterol.

I wonder if hGH will solve these problems...if anyone on this forum is a biochemist, get going on this stuff now - one pill or patch.

What I find most encouraging about this news is that drugs like Vioxx and Celebrex have already become popular, with patients and physicians. We could say they are fairly well established in the market. Also, insurance companies are now paying prescription claims for Celebrex more than they have in the past, (though many still prefer a patient try Vioxx first and do their best to avoid paying more than they have to.)

I've often wondered about how many "drugs" we have that are already available, but which might have hidden assests. And of course the only way to discover such hidden treasures is to do research. Lots of it.

What a boon for mankind... to discover truly effective ways to combat or to eradicate a killer like cancer.

Thanks again,

Yes, we have several medications that have beneficial effects that are already on the market and more are on the way. 10 or 15 years ago, we did not know and a lot of people died unnecessarily.

The following medicines (that I can remember) have mulriple benefits.

Celebrex: Cancer, Arthritis
Metformin: Diabetes, Glucose cross-linkage, fat burning, PCOS
ACE inhibitors: keeping arteries clean

Medicines needed but available in herbal form:

Liver tuneup
Memory loss
General adaptogen
DHT blocker

Medicines Needed:
Advanced Glycosylation End-products Cross Linkage Breakers (Age Spots)

DNA repair
A review article coauthored by researcher Bruce Ames PhD of the University of California, Berkeley, published in the April 2002 issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition featured the assertion that over fifty genetic diseases are successfully treated with high doses of vitamins, particularly those of the B complex, and that the vitamins may slow the effects of aging. Dr Ames suggests that there may be many more diseases treatable with megadoses of vitamins, and that the similar biochemical deficiencies of aging may be responsive to megavitamin therapies as well. Young people as well, may find vitamin supplementation useful to tune up their metabolism.

Dr Ames believes that the effectiveness of megavitamins are due to their role as coenzymes, which work with enzymes to perform metabolic functions. Certain genetic mutations reduce the ability of an enzyme to bind to its coenzyme, therefore decreasing the rate of the enzyme to catalyze a reaction. High levels of the right vitamins will raise the amount of coenzymes to a level sufficient to overcome the defect, reversing the effect of the mutations. Dr Ames and his coauthors have estimated that up to one-third of all genetic mutations result in the corresponding enzyme having a decreased binding affinity for a coenzyme. Examples of diseases that can in some instances be caused by mutations and which are responsive to high doses of vitamins cardiovascular disease, migraine, some cancers, alcohol intolerance, blindness, kidney disease, mental retardation, hemolytic anemia and Alzheimer's disease.

Dr Ames commented, "These 50 diseases are just the tip of the iceberg. Individual doctors have noticed this, but nobody put it all together. Now, doctors are going to try high-dose vitamin therapy the minute they know a coenzyme is involved in a disease or there is a problem with the substrate. It makes sense, since many of the vitamins are generally recognized as safe in large doses. I think this kind of thing will turn up all over once people start looking."

Dr Ames notes that B vitamins are sold in dosages hundred times the recommended daily allowances and are considered safe for most people. The review's authors write, "There is potentially much benefit and possibly little harm in trying high-dose nutrient therapy because of the nominal cost, ease of application and low level of risk."

Human Growth Hormone

I think we have every right to expect that our science will change the nature of aging. It has in fact done this in the last few decades. One of my long time friends has been on hGh longer than anyone as far as I know.

Lazarus has been on hGh since he was 59. At that time he looked and felt very old compared to how he looks and feels now. He is now 70 and believes he would not have made it this far if he had not started on hGh when he did.

You can read his story on his web site

The Rejuvenation and Longevity Foundation

I am only 38 and I am not aging all that fast since I exercise eat pretty well and take some supplements as well. I also stay out of the sun unless it is necessary.

We have been looking into natural bacteria that can have the genes infused into them that make hGh and implant them into the small intestine. This would bring down the cost of treatment.

Another possible help is to use an enzyme treatment that stimulated regrowth of the pituitary gland itself. This would eliminate the need to administer added doses of the hormone when the body simply does not produce enough to support our continued life.
We have been looking into natural bacteria that can have the genes infused into them that make hGh and implant them into the small intestine. This would bring down the cost of treatment.

Very good idea. Yogurt for the old folks. I would like to see more fortified banas, apples etc that produce DHA, Vitamin A and E in large quantities.

We definitely need a hGH patch to absorb through skin now, while working on the Yogurt method. People are peddling hGH in homeopathic formula - I think that has no effect on human body - except on your wallet. The Homeopathic idea is that if you take in picogram quantities for items that your body lacks, your body supposed to get a signal to produce more. I am not sure that is a good theory that has been tested.
Homeopathic hGh in non functional by itself

It is my experience in experimenting with this that by itself the Homeopathic method for increased hGh production is not effective at all. With the added precursors it can be effective to a point.

All that is not effective if your pituitary gland has shriveled up to the point where it is not producing much of anything. All the precursors and Homeopathic hGh will not do you a bit of good.

The enzyme treatment to stimulate the rebuilding of the pituitary function holds promise IMHO at making some difference.

I look at people like Lazarus who would be dead if not for injected hGh and I know when it comes to the point where I am their age I want to have better technology worked out.

The patch is not a bad idea but the solvents that bring the aminos below the skin might tend to break the elements down.

a subdermal micro-implant using the bacteria but in a regulated output environment is likely going to be an effective treatment.
While HGH is interesting some caution is in order. Mice modified to produce extra GH became HOOGE and died young. Mice with the GH gene “knocked out” became dwarfs that outlived the normal species. There is reason to believe HGH increases cell division and that might increase the chance of cancer.

In this hamster’s opinion HGH would likely shorten life span when given to young people and lengthen life span when given to elderly. HGH might improve the quality of life for middle-aged people while shortening their life span.