Animal Sacrifices in the Bible?

God apparently sacrifices Christ. Does this make Christ nothing more than a burnt offering or dead animal?

Want to stick with the thread? Jesus is not an animal just as no human is an animal. Yes I do take great offense to that but the fact that we have a soul seperates us from animals. Stick with the thread.
Considering sacrifices are usually to the "enemy" for the benefit of said group, this itself should immediately raise a red flag! Why would an all-knowing, all powerful CREATOR need a sacrifice??? ...

Yep, God didn't need it. Humans needed it because Adam and Eve couldn't understand the consequences of their actions. The animal sacrifice was a symbolic picture of what God would do someday to begin the process of restoring humans to himself.
Want to stick with the thread? Jesus is not an animal just as no human is an animal. Yes I do take great offense to that but the fact that we have a soul seperates us from animals. Stick with the thread.

A human is not an animal?? Really?? And animals do not have souls but somehow humans do?? uhuh.

Who says? the bible?
Yep, God didn't need it. Humans needed it because Adam and Eve couldn't understand the consequences of their actions. The animal sacrifice was a symbolic picture of what God would do someday to begin the process of restoring humans to himself.

More twisted mumbo jumbo. The whole thing is ridiculously crazy, it's hard to know even what to say. Wow. No wonder you people get away with it. How can you argue with hot air.
I think this has its roots in the practices of hunter-gatherer societies...where the act of spearing was analogous to penetration with the penis...respect was later paid to the spirit of the dead animal.
A human is not an animal?? Really?? And animals do not have souls but somehow humans do?? uhuh.

Who says? the bible?

What separates us then? Obviously something to provoke different names. More over how many conversations have you carried on with an animal. Excuse me I mean where the animal has responded with a sentence. Am I saying the ability to speak language is evidence of a soul? Essentially. The ability to develop language, speak, and communicate is an example of conciousness. Again the topic is on sacrifices and I believe the understanding of the difference between and animal and Jesus Christ are obvious.

Thank you,
His son,
Can animals adopt a faith regarding eternity?

What does that have to do with a soul??

See, me even asking this question means nothing when your conversing with devious minds in the first place.

Does a retarded "human" have a soul?? How about those who are born mute, blind, crippled?? How about a baby?? Does the baby go to heaven if it dies before it develops the mental ability to comprehend it?

Don't answer because I've heard the shpiel countless times.

Soul or energy has nothing to do with your mental ability to comprehend.
What separates us then? Obviously something to provoke different names. More over how many conversations have you carried on with an animal. Excuse me I mean where the animal has responded with a sentence. Am I saying the ability to speak language is evidence of a soul? Essentially. The ability to develop language, speak, and communicate is an example of conciousness. Again the topic is on sacrifices and I believe the understanding of the difference between and animal and Jesus Christ are obvious.

Thank you,
His son,

Not only are you religious but you also have idiotic reasoning and comprehension besides being deslusional. Should I believe you are without a soul??? LOL! You are an idiot but more importantly self-deceptive if you believe animals do not have consciousness. Of course they do.
"Of course they do," proof?

What does an animal think about eternity, where does he think he will go when his physical body dies?

You are a pompous idiot. Just because you can think of a concept does not negate the existence of those that can't. Did you not realize that??
Not only are you religious but you also have idiotic reasoning and comprehension besides being deslusional. Should I believe you are without a soul??? LOL! You are an idiot but more importantly self-deceptive if you believe animals do not have consciousness. Of course they do.

You call me an idiot and you can not even answer the question. What separates a human from an animal.
The Creator God sacrificed an animal so that Adam and Eve could be covered, just as He would later sacrifice his Son, the Lamb of God, the "last Adam."

How does killing anything cover anything? I mean what is it exactly about whacking an animal, a person or a god that forgives man for anything? Who made it so and why? It seems a tad uhh.. worthless. I just don't get it.

If a human did the same thing you'd all call him a weirdo.. Imagine everytime some guys son was naughty the man went out and battered a hedgehog to death. What exact mechanism has turned the beating to death of the hedgehog into forgiveness for the son? Can the father not find a better way with which to forgive his son than to squidge a harmless animal? It's simply ludicrous.. It's almost as bad as demanding that your children snip a bit of their penis off.. Why on earth would you ask such a thing? I mean surely if he didn't want that bit of skin to be there he just wouldn't have created humans with it? This god of the jews/christians is a right fucknut.

What about Cain an Abel. Abel brought the best while Cain brought some. The point of the story was their view on God. Abel saw God as King and He deserved the best while Cain saw himself greater than God.

Your claim is not corroborated by the bible. If you actually read it you'll see that the only "crime" was that Cain offered fruit. In either case, why would an all-loving god get pissed off because an offering, (of which he has no need of), isn't quite good enough for him? He's like a spoilt child at christmas. Word of advice for god: Be happy with what people give you and say "thank you". It's the 'nice' way of doing things.

Jesus is not an animal just as no human is an animal. Yes I do take great offense to that but the fact that we have a soul seperates us from animals.

Humans are part of the animal kingdom. That's the way it goes - absolutely bloody regardless to your personal protests. The only way to escape that is to kill yourself and then it wont matter, (doing so is not advisable).

I would also point out the importance of not using the word "fact", because you will be called on it. Now, you claim that it's a "fact" that we have a soul. While there is actually no evidence to suggest we do, you state it's a fact and therefore clearly have those facts to show. Show them.

Can animals adopt a faith regarding eternity?

Have any ever told you they can't?
Not only are you religious but you also have idiotic reasoning and comprehension besides being deslusional. Should I believe you are without a soul??? LOL! You are an idiot but more importantly self-deceptive if you believe animals do not have consciousness. Of course they do.

You are breaking the forum rules!
The Jesus myth is just a more modern form of sacrifice, either animal as with ancient Hebrews, or human, as with the Aztecs. It is a sucessful mutation of the sacrifice meme which requires much less economic sacrifice.

It is also the antithesis of Jesus' teaching. Christianity is a pagan death cult.
How does killing anything cover anything? I mean what is it exactly about whacking an animal, a person or a god that forgives man for anything? Who made it so and why? It seems a tad uhh.. worthless. I just don't get it.

If a human did the same thing you'd all call him a weirdo.. Imagine everytime some guys son was naughty the man went out and battered a hedgehog to death. What exact mechanism has turned the beating to death of the hedgehog into forgiveness for the son? Can the father not find a better way with which to forgive his son than to squidge a harmless animal? It's simply ludicrous.. It's almost as bad as demanding that your children snip a bit of their penis off.. Why on earth would you ask such a thing? I mean surely if he didn't want that bit of skin to be there he just wouldn't have created humans with it? This god of the jews/christians is a right fucknut.

Your claim is not corroborated by the bible. If you actually read it you'll see that the only "crime" was that Cain offered fruit. In either case, why would an all-loving god get pissed off because an offering, (of which he has no need of), isn't quite good enough for him? He's like a spoilt child at christmas. Word of advice for god: Be happy with what people give you and say "thank you". It's the 'nice' way of doing things.

Humans are part of the animal kingdom. That's the way it goes - absolutely bloody regardless to your personal protests. The only way to escape that is to kill yourself and then it wont matter, (doing so is not advisable).

I would also point out the importance of not using the word "fact", because you will be called on it. Now, you claim that it's a "fact" that we have a soul. While there is actually no evidence to suggest we do, you state it's a fact and therefore clearly have those facts to show. Show them.

Have any ever told you they can't?

The idea of sacrifice is justice. If Jesus would not have died then there would have been no punishment making God unfair. Hence the need for a sacrifice. To address Cain and Abel good point but if you look at it again it describes Abel's sacrifice and refers to Abel's as "some." One put thought into it while one put little. It appears as though Cain was just doing it to get by does it not? So again it all goes back to the intent. Also why would God settle for whatever He gets. If your idea of God is King then you believe He deserves the best. The animal kingdom comes from a classification system developed by humans. To simply start showing evidence for a soul what classification has any other species developed? So I pose the question to you. What is the difference between us and animals? Suicide is not the only way by the way, if you would have put some thought into it I could just kill everything else. What evidence do you have to say we do not have a soul?

Thank you,
His son,
You are a pompous idiot. Just because you can think of a concept does not negate the existence of those that can't. Did you not realize that??

You are breaking the forum rules! Please leave my thread!