Once again, you made something up, tried to pass it off as fact. And now you try to change the subject. Really Marquis? You tire of the bullshit? How about you stop spreading it.
At this point, Bells, I think you should make it very clear what exactly you are referring to when you say I'm "making it up".
Because this entire thread has revolved more around the
perception of events than those events themselves, which I have taken great pains to point out, many, many times, to no avail.
y, what speaks for itself is your defense of police officers who shot a 12 year old kid without even having seen the toy gun. It wasn't in his hands. He wasn't pointing it at them.
Ah, and here we go again. The toy gun thing.
I do hope it's becoming clearer over the course of this thread why "facts" are not something Bells has any right to demand.
em, by alluding to how when you will point one at my face and suggesting I get my children to point a toy gun at police officers.
Once again, Bells, asking you how'd you feel with one of these stuck in your face does not constitute a threat.
Asking you if you'd allow your own children out with one of these "toys" was not a suggestion that they do so. And, incidentally, had exactly the response I expected in order to reinforce the point about your continued reference to these as "toys".
Because your response to that, demonstrates more ably than anything else you've written, that it is in fact
you attempting to convey a picture not exactly in tune with reality.
You know, in spite of everything you're trying to convey here, that someone carrying one of those around is likely to be perceived as a threat. You've admitted it.
A short transcript from the posted video:
Caller: "there's a guy holding a pistol, you know, like pointing it at everybody"
Caller: "its probably fake, you know, but it scared the fuck out of me"
Caller: "and he's pulling in in and out of his pants, you know..."
And later, from the police officer calling in the incident:
"and he's uh... about 20"
So apparently, those who were
actually there, specifically making mention of the caller himself, were "scared".
And let us reiterate
yet again that the comment on it probably being a toy was not relayed to the officers involved. And
yet again that the orange tip these things have to show they're only a toy, was not in place.
Another interesting thing - when questioned whether the guy was white or black, the caller didn't appear to relate the question to race at all, at first. This goes back to something Photizon said about "whites having moved on", earlier, and to the extent to which the media tend to play up certain angles, but I despair at the thought of even
touching that.
Those in control here already have him tarred and feathered, and are currently looking for a rail out of town on which they might place him. Bon Voyage, Photizon. You don't fit, 'round these parts.
Which non-existent dots did you connect to arrive at the conclusion that I somehow or other needed to have a realistic looking gun pointed in my face by you to show me how scared I am, when the issue we were discussing did not even involve a gun pointed to the police?
If you're going to persist in painting the picture of a child with a toy gun, Bells, then I'm going to continue to
persist in my attempts to show you that that picture has nothing to do with reality.
Then seek help from someone who does understand.
Other than it's you who apparently needs a little of an assist, given your apparent emotional state at this point in time, I would ask - would this person or agency I'm supposed to seek help from, by any chance, be one duly authorised and approved of by yourself?
I'm reminded of young women being institutionalised in times past for being... well, a little too spirited, shall we say.
It would appear Bells herself wouldn't have had too many problems with putting away those who simply disagree with her notion of reality, under the premise that they're obviously insane or mentally ill.
Yes, you have.
As I noted above, you took a story about a kid being shot and ran with it like a hot little potato,
Actually, I rather thought I was commenting mostly on you and yours running with it like a hot little potato.
claiming he aimed a realistic looking gun at police and then told me I am scared for when you point one of those things at my face. The kid never pointed a gun at the police. Once again, stretching reality and delving into the realms of your imagination..
Pointed it at every one else, though, didn't he, and was apparently reaching for it again when he was shot.
By police specifically warned they were on a "gun run".
Your image: 12 year old child holding a toy.
Police image: responding to a public call regarding a BN, BG.
Reality, she says.
Now, Bells, if you want to discuss "reality", then by all means please begin.
I use the word "begin" because you have not, at any point, been doing so.
Now, you'll note here I hope that I have not specifically made any comments on whether or not the officer should be prosecuted, or how that prosecution should proceed should it be deemed one is necessary.
My interest obviously lies more in the perception of those events, and how they relate to other events around the world and, indeed, to this very forum.
A point which you're doing everything in your power not only to avoid answering, but burying so deep in hysterical horsepucky it would need a shovel in order to once again see the light of day.
The title of this thread was "an inconvenient truth".
Pause for a moment, and reflect upon that.
I don't need news articles to reinforce my point, Bells. Nor do I need pictures, or videos.
You're doing a perfectly adequate job merely by presenting yourself here and writing what you do.
By all means... carry on.
And here is what you do not understand.. I do not want to have anything further to do with you. No future PM discussions, no future discussions on the forum.
Of course I understand, Bells. You run up, scream at me, storm off in a huff and then when I respond, I'm told I "don't understand you want nothing further to do with me".
And then, you do it again.
Make up your mind, woman, for pity's sake.
And doing it to malign and go on a rant about Muslims? Really dude? Really? Did you want me to nod sagely and just agree with that level of bullshit? Come on..
No, Bells, I expect you (well, no, actually I no longer do) to actually consider the possibility that those Muslims should have a good hard look at themselves
as well as demanding that "someone do something".
You dismissing this out of hand as being drunken stupidity and calling it a "rant about Muslims" is yet another example of your particular... argumentative style.
As is this:
And watching you descend down to the point where you feel you need to completely fabricate something so that you could complain about Muslims, it's sad.
And as for this:
What? You?
It is always interesting when someone caught out lying, they always defend those who were also lying.
I'm not even sure what this is in response to. it was posted immediately after quoting me as saying
"After all... those charged with the upholding of law are in some way expected, demanded, according to you and those like you, to be more than human.
So you do that. Be the paragon of virtue you demand those charged with enforcement are expected to be.
Or give the job to someone more capable. How about it Bells, do you think some more training would help?"
So I suppose it was probably addressing that, but.... I'm not clear exactly how.
Stop playing the martyr The Marquis. Stop hoping to be the victim of 'big bad Bells' so that what you believe is true or how you read behind the words is true, becomes true.
hoping to be the
victim of
big bad Bells?
Oh, my.
I won't be responding to you any further. I am not going to enable you any further. So rant away, go nuts. Lie as much as you want. My discussion with you is officially over, in every single capacity imaginable.
Yes, you've said that, more than once. I suppose you're still trying to find that exit condition under which you can ensure you get the last word? I've already mentioned the only actual option you have.
By all means, Bells, ignore me. Many do.
In your case, recently, it would actually come as quite a relief.
For some reason, the Mindless Bugblatter Beast of Traal is currently rampaging through my mind. That, at least, is making me smile this morning.