Am I imagining things ?

Yes, and the person who will find it most fascinating will be your doctor.

Frequency is the inverse of time. Change one and you change the other.

No, I don't.

If you have a very esoteric and cool theory about how gravity doesn't exist, I can falsify it instantly by dropping something. Real world results always trump theories.
No , you're adding subjectivity to the truth I've demonstrated about time dilation.
Of course gravity exists , I also know the mechanism of that too , more easy physics .

If I asked you for evidence of a time dilation you'd provide the light clock thought experiment and/or the Hafele and Keating experiment , both I have demonstrated falsity of .

Do you have any evidence I can't falsify ?
Well, I think decaying muons in particle accelerators is the most up-to-date experimental evidence for time dilation, but that's besides...
Well, I think decaying muons in particle accelerators is the most up-to-date experimental evidence for time dilation, but that's besides...
A computer printout of data is evidence of a time dilation ?

Are we been totally honest here ?

I did mention in the other thread that the light clock thought experiment and the Hafele and Keating experiment are two different independent things , which they are .
The Light clock thought is a distance difference the light travels due to the angular , light taking more time to travel the extra distance , used in the GPS triangulate system .

The Hafele and Keating experiment

∆u=∆t of course the frequency defined as the timing of time .
No , you're adding subjectivity to the truth I've demonstrated about time dilation.
Of course gravity exists , I also know the mechanism of that too , more easy physics .

If I asked you for evidence of a time dilation you'd provide the light clock thought experiment and/or the Hafele and Keating experiment , both I have demonstrated falsity of .
No. I am telling you that, in reality, GPS clocks run too slow without correction due to time dilation. So, again in reality, GPS satellites contain an offset that "forces" their clocks to run faster to appear to run at the correct rate to ground stations.

This is reality. GPS clocks run too slowly due to relativity, so you have to correct them.

Do you have any evidence I can't falsify ?
See the link above.
No. I am telling you that, in reality, GPS clocks run too slow without correction due to time dilation. So, again in reality, GPS satellites contain an offset that "forces" their clocks to run faster to appear to run at the correct rate to ground stations.

This is reality. GPS clocks run too slowly due to relativity, so you have to correct them.

See the link above.
Clocks running slowly are mechanical proof of a timing offset , not a proof of a time dilation or time slowing down . A face of a clock is constant while the finger moves.
Clocks running slowly are mechanical proof of a timing offset , not a proof of a time dilation or time slowing down .
Nope. They are 100% accurate on the ground. Orbit them and they slow down (relative to a ground observer.) Land them and they are 100% accurate again.

This is not due to "oh, clocks run slower in zero gravity" or something equally silly. They experience actual time dilation. This has been replicated by people in spacecraft moving at 18,000mph, people in aircraft moving 550mph and people on the ground moving 1000mph (rotational speed of the Earth.)

Reality trumps your theory.
Nope. They are 100% accurate on the ground. Orbit them and they slow down (relative to a ground observer.) Land them and they are 100% accurate again.

This is not due to "oh, clocks run slower in zero gravity" or something equally silly. They experience actual time dilation. This has been replicated by people in spacecraft moving at 18,000mph, people in aircraft moving 550mph and people on the ground moving 1000mph (rotational speed of the Earth.)

Reality trumps your theory.
No , time is a subjective value added to the clock in about the 60's . .

∆u = ∆f Trumps your theory have no time value .
You are now making shit up.

No I'm not , check science history . 1967 , 1 second was defined as the caesium frequency , an add on to record time.
Take away the subjective added time value , that leaves the true facts ,

∆u = ∆f

As you know, if you changed the temperature the caesium is kept at , that also changes the u and f .
You are making shit up. Time is not "a subjective value added to the clock in about the 60's."
No , you're denying the provided demonstration and adding a time value to be equivalent to a frequency .
It's called observer effect and has no other value other than that of the practitioner , fantasy make believe and not objective.

∆u = ∆f

Where is the time value ?
I haven't gone back through the thread Mark...but, have you been to the doctor, yet as was suggested by others here?
Well , no , because I can't tell him everything .
Talking to doctors, the people who can prescribe drugs, and or, the mindscrewing ones, is so much fun. Human health is such a broad area of research; you never know if they have a speciality: heart surgeon, brain surgeon, Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein...
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Talking to doctors, the people who can prescribe drugs, and or, the mindscrewing ones, is so much fun. Human health is such a broad area of research; you never know if they have a speciality: hear. surgeon, brain surgeon, Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein...
I've hacked my own neurology after having my mind hacked . If I went the doctors I could probably tell them more than they know about MH problems . Of course that could also be a delusion .
I'm not human anymore , that is subjective and just a definition . I am energy in a body , science has messed my mind up , I'm not real .
I've hacked my own neurology after having my mind hacked . If I went the doctors I could probably tell them more than they know about MH problems . Of course that could also be a delusion .
I'm not human anymore , that is subjective and just a definition . I am energy in a body , science has messed my mind up , I'm not real .
If I were your doctor your words would entice me.
If I were your doctor your words would entice me.
It entices me !

I'm science minded so relish the crazyness whilst at the same time learning from it .

You couldn't imagine what I've learnt and experienced about the neurological process and many other things.

Please feel free to study me but understand alls I have to do if I want an answer is to ask space the question . Within a while the space always fills with the answer.

Delusions or neurological evolution beyond the present stage ?

I'm objective so I have to consider dualism