“Spiders are next to mothliness”, as the old adage goes.
Or is that just me?
I have a (mild) phobia about both spiders and moths.
Much less than it used to be, but still... *shiver*.
When younger I would be pretty much unable to move if I saw either in the room with me, and they didn’t need to be all that large, either!
If I was a superhero then my arch-nemesis would undoubtedly be Spidermothman.
As for that huntsman, I don’t have a glass large enough, nor a piece of paper strong enough to slide under it even if I did.
If I lived in an area where those were even a possibility I would pretty much have to build myself an hermetically sealed passive house, with any pipes leading in and out of the house lined with miniature laser-grids to kill the ****ers before they could get in.
Then there would be the Crushing Machine of Crushy-Death they’d have to get past, before avoiding the Water Flush Of Doom.
Then, if all my other preventative measures had failed, they'd have to get past the Raid-filled caverns lined with sticky-paper.
After all, I’m not a cruel person.