
There are lots of theories, but nobody really knows.

I find it interesting that what we think of as biological organisms do age, life itself appears to be immortal. When we have children, those children become new organisms and seem to start the clock over and don't inherit their parents' age.

There's a continuous chain of life leading back from each of us back to the first cells on Earth. No gaps. Life seems to need to reproduce for some unknown reason, but as long as it does that, there doesn't seem to be any limit on how long the chain of life can last. It's seemingly been here on Earth for upwards of 3 1/2 billion years already.

I find it a little bit nauseating.
nature doesn't care about me, just the purposeless continuation of the species.
but I care about me, and so I will fight nature and its diabolical plans for me and win.
just like humanity has in other ways.
That renewal isn't magic or automatic. The machinery that replaces parts of us is not perfect - and it too ages.

this is the only obtainable route to immortality I could find.
it wont make me better, like becoming a robot would, but at least it might make me immortal, and hence buy me some more time to become better.
The body has programming in the genes, especially in stem cells, that tells it how to keep going. Eventually, the program becomes corrupted. That's how I would explain it in a casual way.
this is the only obtainable route to immortality I could find.
it wont make me better, like becoming a robot would, but at least it might make me immortal, and hence buy me some more time to become better.
Becoming a robot would not make you better unless you define your idea of "better".

Would you live longer? No. Currently, the lifespan for a robot with an uploaded human consciousness is ... zero.

Sure, you can speculate that - sometime in the future - that lifespan will increase.
But the same thing can be said for our human bodies too.
The body has programming in the genes, especially in stem cells, that tells it how to keep going. Eventually, the program becomes corrupted. That's how I would explain it in a casual way.
Ir's still not that simple. Just because the genes tell it to "keep going" doesn't mean it can.
well, whilst all the cells in our body work the way they have to to keep us young, we stay young.
so they must stop working that way.

genes determine almost everything about the cell, so the way I see it,

functional genes=functional cells=functional body

these functional genes can be achieved by ingestion of NMN, which makes sure they are undamaged and expressed properly,
in combination with TA-65 which makes sure that the genes stay this way by protecting them with telomeres.
what is NMN and what is TA-65?
Becoming a robot would not make you better unless you define your idea of "better".

Would you live longer? No. Currently, the lifespan for a robot with an uploaded human consciousness is ... zero.

Sure, you can speculate that - sometime in the future - that lifespan will increase.
But the same thing can be said for our human bodies too.

the lifespan is 0 because there are none.

my idea of better is stronger, faster, more accurate, less fragile, the usual stuff.
what is NMN and what is TA-65?

their medicines.
NMN binds to the chemical which prevents the DNA repair process, stopping it from doing so,
and triggers the release of chemicals to make sure the fixed up genes are expressed properly.

and TA-65 is a telomerase inducer.
telomerase is a chemical which builds protective but otherwise useless DNA in the cell.
so we replace the way the body is replaced also, and the way that is replaced, and so on up until a point at which the renewal occurs irrespective of us.
Uh yes.
I don't think anyone doubts how you might build a robot body strong as steel and durable and self-repairing. These are not really breakthrough ideas.

It's kind of like saying "I know how we can get to other stars. We build a big-ass rocket with a big-ass motor and a bunch of fuel. Problem solved."

The devil is in the details.
Uh yes.
I don't think anyone doubts how you might build a robot body strong as steel and durable and self-repairing. These are not really breakthrough ideas.

It's kind of like saying "I know how we can get to other stars. We build a big-ass rocket with a big-ass motor and a bunch of fuel. Problem solved."

The devil is in the details.
I'm not talking about that,
I'm talking about replacing the way the biological body is replaced.
I know you are.

Yes, artificial bodies will be self-repairing. That goes without saying. This is not a new idea.

no I'm not talking about artificial bodies, I'm talking about maintaining the biological body in this manner, specifically by renewing telomeres so that cells can continue to divide properly.
no I'm not talking about artificial bodies, I'm talking about maintaining the biological body in this manner, specifically by renewing telomeres so that cells can continue to divide properly.
Either way, simply deciding that we can live longer by deciding to repair our bodies is still not exactly an Earth-shattering revelation.

As previously pointed out, it's kind of like saying "I know how we can get to other stars. We build a big-ass rocket with a big-ass motor and a bunch of fuel. Problem solved."

Well ... sure.

People who are pursing longevity research don't really need to be told "Why not get the body to repair itself?" any more than rocket scientists need to be told to "Why not build a rocket?"

The devil is in the details.
Either way, simply deciding that we can live longer by deciding to repair our bodies is still not exactly an Earth-shattering revelation.

As previously pointed out, it's kind of like saying "I know how we can get to other stars. We build a big-ass rocket with a big-ass motor and a bunch of fuel. Problem solved."

Well ... sure.

People who are pursing longevity research don't really need to be told "Why not get the body to repair itself?" any more than rocket scientists need to be told to "Why not build a rocket?"

The devil is in the details.

but I have already thought through the details.
healthy genes = healthy cells = healthy body.

NMN repairs genes and makes sure they're expressed properly, and TA-65 builds buffer DNA to protect genes and keep them that way.
but I have already thought through the details.
healthy genes = healthy cells = healthy body.

NMN repairs genes and makes sure they're expressed properly, and TA-65 builds buffer DNA to protect genes and keep them that way.
Those are not details.

"I have already thought through the details to get to the stars: big ship, big engine, lots of fuel."