Aether theory with experimental verification


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My name is Branislav Pavlović. I am from Serbia. I wrote a book ”Teorija etra sa eksperimentalnom verifikacijom” (Aether theory with experimental verification ). My book is in
Serbian. Book was published by, and book is about aether and theory of relativity. More information about the book can be found on the website

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teorija etra branislav pavlovic

In this book I present the main results of my scientific work. My theory is based on the hypothesis of the existence of aether. In my work, I have devoted great attention not only to theoretical considerations but also to the explanation of experiments. I will mention just a few experiments (effects) which I have explained from the standpoint of my aether theory: the Michelson-Morley experiment, the Fizeau experiment, the aberration of light, the Ives-Stilwell experiment, the temperature dependent Pound-Rebka experiment, the Sagnac effect, and so on. Certain anomalies in the GPS system have been analyzed. The Pioneer anomaly has been analysed.


1. Introduction
2. Theories and concepts of aether from ancient philosophers to contemporary viewpoints
3. Analysis of the elementary results of the special theory of relativity
4. Postulates of the aether theory
5. Elementary results of the aether theory
6. The Michelson-Morley experiment
7. The OPERA experiment - neutrino anomaly
8. Relativity of simultaneity
9. The Fizeau experiment
10. The interpretation of the Michelson-Morley experiment in case of the existence of dialectrics in the branches of the interferometer
11. The aberration of light
12. The Hoek experiment
13. The Doppler effect
14. Redshift and blueshift. Change of the frequency of the quantum system
15. The Ives-Stilwell experiment
16. The application of the Doppler effect in the analysis of the Michelson-Morley experiment
17. Experimental testing of the special theory of relativity using laser spectroscopy of fast lithium ions. Determination of the absolute velocity of the Earth
18. Experimental testing of the transversal Doppler effect using Moessbauer spectroscopy
19. The temperature dependent Pound-Rebka experiment.
20. The atomic clocks experiment on a rotating platform. The application of the aether theory within the system of general positioning (GPS)
21. The Pioneer anomaly
22. Henri Poincaré and the theory of relativity
23. The transformation of mechanical quantities from the standpoint of the aether theory
24. Applying equations to transform mechanical quantities on the grounds of the aether theory
25. The analysis of electrodynamics
26. Space and time from the standpoint of Newtonian mechanics
27. The analysis of the general theory of relativity. The explanation for certain experiments based on the application of optics and electrodynamics.
28. The movement of light in noninertial reference systems. The Sagnac effect
29. Using femtosecond lasers for experimental testing of the invariance of the speed of light
Did you say your book was in Serbian? That might be problematic for some of us :). But welcome, and thanks for posting. That is one of my favorite topics.

Do you have the introduction translated in English?
use search engine Google and type into your web browser

teorija etra branislav p pavlovic
and download my book.
pages from 228 to 230 are in English

later we can discuss about relativity, aether et cetera
Advertising is frowned on, but discussion is allowed. What are the postulates of your aether theory?
Stop spamming the forum. This is not a site for selling stuff. If you have something to discuss then discuss it or go away.

Let me start the discussion, how does the OPERA experiment support you ideas?
OK we will discuss about OPERA experiment.

English is not my native language, but I hope that you will understand my
explanation, and again sorry for my bad English.

1. according to general relativity and Einstein gravitacional field is equivalent to space.
of course we can later discuss about this sentence, but according to aether theory, aether
itself is space. I think that aether is some kind of supstanc, some people say that Higgs field is
maybe aether. Aether is medium, and you, me, earth move through the aether, like fish move
through water. We can later discuss about Michelson-Morley experiment.

wikipedia CITATION Quantum mechanics can be used to describe spacetime as being non-empty at extremely small scales, fluctuating and generating particle pairs that appear and disappear incredibly quickly. It has been suggested by some such as Paul Dirac that this quantum vacuum may be the equivalent in modern physics of a particulate aether. However, Dirac's aether hypothesis was motivated by his dissatisfaction with quantum electrodynamics, and it never gained support by the mainstream scientific community.
2. What is inertial frame of reference or inertial frame? It is not easy to answer to this question. In clasicall physics we can use accelerometer to detect acceleration. If acceleration is zero system is
inertial frame. If acceleration is not zero system is non-inertial reference frame. Most of the time when
we you drive car, car is non-inertial reference frame. Earth is non-inertial reference frame too, you know about Coriolis effect, and similar effects, but during very small time intervals Earth can be considered as inertial frame.
3. Maybe you in your free time play billiards-pool. If you want to calculate speed of balls after colision you will use law of momentum conservation, and law of conservation of energy. Of course room where you play billiards is inertial frame. Similar situation me have in particle, nuclear physics, but we use relativistic momentum and relativistic energy. In Minkowski space, energy and momentum can be seen as two components of a Minkowski four-vector.
4. How to make neutrino beam in OPERA experiment. First, make a beam of protons. Next, smash the proton beam into a “target”, just a thin slab of material. *The protons will hit atomic nuclei in the material and shatter them, not only breaking them apart into their protons and neutrons but creating many other particles in the process, including pions of both positive and negative electric charge. *All of these particles *come flying out the back of the target slab, giving us a beam of protons, neutrons, pions, and a few other stray particles. Now put the beam near a magnet. A magnet will cause the paths of charged particles to bend. *So the neutrons go straight on; the negatively charged pions bend one way; and the protons and positively charged pions bend the other way. *The pions will begin to decay, one by one turning into an anti-muon and a neutrino. The positively charged particles — the muons, and any leftover pions and protons, will bend to one side. *Let them run into the wall. What remains? A neutrino beam.
What is important in this process. Decay of *pions is very important. Pions are mesons with zero spin. They decay due to the weak interaction. The primary decay mode of a pion, with probability 0.999877, is a purely leptonic decay into an anti-muon and a muon neutrino.
What is mass of neutrino. Again it is difiicult question.wikipedia CITATION The Standard Model of particle physics assumed that neutrinos are massless. In July 2010 the 3-D Mega Z DR7 galaxy survey reported that they had measured a limit of the combined mass of the three neutrino varieties to be less than 0.28*eV.A tighter upper bound yet for this sum of masses, 0.23*eV, was reported in March 2013 by the Planck collaboration.END OF CITATION

In both cases (neutrinos are massless and mass of neutrino is 0.3 eV) when we analize pions decay we use relativistic law of energy-momentum conservation thus combines and generalizes in one relativistically expression the separate conservation laws of prerelativistic physics: the conservation of mass, the conservation of momentum, and the conservation of energy. After solving equations in both cases neutrinos are not faster than light.
5. After this long introduction now I explain OPERA experiment from standpoint my eather theory. Earth move through the aether, and during experiment Earth can be considered as inertial frame. In CERN pions decay into an anti-muon and a muon neutrino, and I also use relativistic law of energy-momentum conservation and neutrinos are not faster than light. Why I use relativistic law of energy-momentum conservation. In my opinion french scientist Poencare discovered the basic equations of dinamics. Poincaré perfected Lorentz's theory using his mathematical theory of groups, and Lorentz's "Theory of electrons" is aether theory.
I recommend you to read book-Henri Poincare and Relativity Theory. Author is A.A Logunov. Book can be found at site arxiv.

In the end I will ask moderator of this subforum:
May I give you links to read - download my book?

sorry for my bad english again
I saw absolutely nothing in that explanation of the OPERA experiment that supported the idea of aether. Did I miss something?

Lorentz did think there was an aether. The MM experiment showed that we are not moving through an aether and Einstein (as well as Maxwell) showed that an aether was not necessary for the propegation of light anyway.

There must be something.
It should be noted that the person who posted that to youtube added this comment:

Einstein Relativity theory declares aether necessary!
[comment]In science it is said that the einstein relativity theory proved that aether doesn't exist! This is totally false and has been supressed on purpose, to avoid people from thinking of free energy devices running on aether!
I hope this will give ideas to many as it should have happened decades ago!
Extract from: the race to Zero-point energy
As I keep seeing comments stating this is not Einstein voice, I added this in the description... Sure I know it is not his voice I never claimed it anywhere, I just posted this video to show a very important statement of einstein: 'to deny the ether is to assume that empty space has no physical qualities".
Space-time, ether... it's just a name... to those who have seen a rubber sheet describing blackholes in the spacetime continum (the hole bending the flat sheet)... What do you think space time is?? That sheet representing the flat universe we always see, what do you think it's made of?? Void again? or some kind of matter that has properties,...[/comment]

I don't know why the originator of the youtube video would say that unless the voice was dubbed in? Was Einstein actually reading something else and someone dubbed in comments that are attributed to him, but that were not the original sound track of the video?
We discussed about OPERA experiment, but for this experiment aether is not so important. I will later explain why I can not neglect eather when I discuss similar experiments. We all know well about twin paradox. I told that aether is medium, and you, me, earth move through the aether. Let us replace twins with two identical atomic clocks which are in spaceships. Atomic clocks are synchronized. Spaceships (atomic clocks) are in intergalactic space, and they are moving relative each other. Which atomic clock is "younger". According aether theory spaceships (atomic clocks) are moving relative to aether, and spaceship (atomic clock) which is moving faster relative to eather is "younger", and not twin paradox in my aether teory. This is simple example. When I discuss time dilation experiments I can not neglect eather. Aether and time dilatation effects are close related. Doppler effect is different from the non-relativistic Doppler effect because the equations include the time dilation effect, so Doppler effect and aether are close related. I derived equations for Doppler effect, and my equations are similar with relativistic ones but they are not indetical with relativistic equations.
I used my equations to discuss experiments which belong special theory of relativity. I analised Pioneer anomaly. First we say something about radar and how it works
CITATION The basic idea behind radar is very simple: a signal is transmitted, it bounces off an object and it is later received by some type of receiver.* This is like the type of thing that happens when sound echo's off a wall.* However radars don't use sound as a signal.* Instead they use certain kinds of electromagnetic waves called radio waves and microwaves.*END OF CITATION

This principle and Doppler effect is used in 2–way Doppler tracking
. More information about 2–way Doppler tracking
you can find in article.

Is the physics within the Solar system really understood?

Preuss, and H. Dittus

I use my equations and I have good results, but somebody will say Pioneer Anomaly' Mystery Finally Solved. There are sceptics and they say CITATION
The Turyshev study matches fairly close to the Pioneer slowing. It is 20% short..and they have outlined some large margins of error. To assume it is conclusive is premature. Additional studies need to be conducted that duplicate the results. I see some areas where they have taken liberties, such as they claim the rate of deceleration is decreasing, yet their own graph of pioneer shows the rate leveling off at 50AU and then rising at 63AU until 70AU where the study conveniently ends. This is contrary to their diminishing plutonium heat source. I believe they have data beyond 70AU. Also, the study ignores (by their own admission) the spin down anomaly. It seems unlikely that the recoil force of heat off of the antenna would affect the rate of spin. They have the spacecraft thoroughly modeled. Could they not plug in the spin down anomaly to their model? Also, an actual physical model should be built and measured in a controlled space.
Jackaxama makes some good points that merit a response. I take exception to any scientific anomaly pronounced "solved." and especially with several glaring questions or unvalidated by subsequent experimentation. I maintain my skepticism.
Interesting. Several other papers have mentioned this idea over the years, and several other papers have claimed to disprove this theory. There are some 140 papers at ARXIV.ORG claiming to have solved this problem, some from JPL; most of which disagree with each other. Welcome to paper 141. END OF CITATION
I am wondering what scientist will say about the spacecrafts Ulysses and Galileo and asteroids which suggest a similar effect
CITATION Another suggestion, made by Gary Page of George Mason University and his colleagues, is to use remote asteroids to test if an unknown gravitational factor is the cause of the anomaly. They have identified 15 asteroids that might be subjected to the mysterious force; all of the asteroids' orbits stretch far into the outer solar system where the anomaly has made itself felt. Of the 15 candidates, the most promising is 1995SN55. This 370-kilometre-wide rock has spent the past 54 years in the anomaly zone, so it should have experienced the largest perturbation, and, interestingly, it is not where predictions say it should be. END OF CITATION

I watched documentary the race to Zero-point energy. We should know more about work Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla and his radiant energy. Radiant energy is free energy.

Next time we can discuss about Doppler effect, Galaxy rotation curve, and how to solve mystery of dark matter.
@ quantum Wave,

That was Einstein speaking, as I have seen the real video of it before.

There has been much confusion though over Einsteins wordings. I believe Einstein began to use the term "Space" instead of "Aether" as the term Aether was polluted with old concepts..

Follow Progression here.

Lorentz on his side continued to use the aether concept. In his lectures of around 1911 he pointed out that what "the theory of relativity has to say ... can be carried out independently of what one thinks of the aether and the time". He commented that "whether there is an aether or not, electromagnetic fields certainly exist, and so also does the energy of the electrical oscillations" so that, "if we do not like the name of "aether", we must use another word as a peg to hang all these things upon." He concluded that "one cannot deny the bearer of these concepts a certain substantiality".[8][B 7]

In 1916, after Einstein completed his foundational work on general relativity, Lorentz wrote a letter to him in which he speculated that within general relativity the aether was re-introduced. In his response Einstein wrote that one can actually speak about a "new aether", but one may not speak of motion in relation to that aether. This was further elaborated by Einstein in some semi-popular articles

Einstein had abandoned an idea of Aether early in the 20th century, but revised his position with a new aether that followed different rules.

Einstein did believe in an Aether, but it his own version of it and not to be confused with any other definition carrying properties that he deemed likely.

This is my understanding of it, and that he simply called it "space", but I could be mistaken.

I myself cannot imagine how the Universe would work without Aether. The dots simply must be connected.
use search engine Google and type into your web browser

teorija etra branislav p pavlovic
and download my book.
pages from 228 to 230 are in English

later we can discuss about relativity, aether et cetera

Advertising is frowned on, but discussion is allowed. What are the postulates of your aether theory?
There is a lot of territory covered in your book according to your table of contents, and the science and experiments you reference in your responses to Origin are complex and theory dependent, and thus are open to debate.

I'm interested, but I was asking if you could say what the postulates of your aether theory are, for starters. Perhaps you feel that I should buy the book download to find out? Maybe you are expecting some sales as a result, but the moderators and members are not happy when you come here to advertise and we don't want to have to buy books, etc., but would prefer to discuss the topics freely in the open forum.
@ quantum Wave,

That was Einstein speaking, as I have seen the real video of it before.

There has been much confusion though over Einsteins wordings. I believe Einstein began to use the term "Space" instead of "Aether" as the term Aether was polluted with old concepts..

Follow Progression here.

Einstein had abandoned an idea of Aether early in the 20th century, but revised his position with a new aether that followed different rules.

Einstein did believe in an Aether, but it his own version of it and not to be confused with any other definition carrying properties that he deemed likely.

This is my understanding of it, and that he simply called it "space", but I could be mistaken.

I myself cannot imagine how the Universe would work without Aether. The dots simply must be connected.
Thank you kwh.

The "new aether" is a good way to phrase it. Objects do not move through the aether; that concept was falsified to my satisfaction by M&M. However, like you, I don't see how the curvature of spacetime can occur without a mechanism and an action at a distance process, and an aether gives us some medium in space to be a foundation for that action, IMHO.
I think that aether is some kind of supstanc,
That has no meaning. "Substance" means "matter" which is the occupier of space.

Aether is medium, and you, me, earth move through the aether, like fish move through water.
No, water has mass and the fish have to spend energy propelling themselves in it. There is an attenuation of wave propagation in water equivalent to acoustic stiffness due to this mass. None of this remotely resembles the motion of the Earth through space, just as light waves do not undergo any such attenuation.

Quantum mechanics can be used to describe spacetime as being non-empty at extremely small scales, fluctuating and generating particle pairs that appear and disappear incredibly quickly.
In order to be an aether, they must convey light. There is no connection between the alleged conveyance of light and the way it actually propagates in a vacuum, which has no attenuation from any substance.

It has been suggested by some such as Paul Dirac that this quantum vacuum may be the equivalent in modern physics of a particulate aether. However, Dirac's aether hypothesis was motivated by his dissatisfaction with quantum electrodynamics, and it never gained support by the mainstream scientific community.
In other words, it does not overcome the objections I stated above. If you want to argue Paul Dirac's position, fine, but mentioning it as circumstantial evidence is useless.

2. What is inertial frame of reference or inertial frame? It is not easy to answer to this question.
Yes it is, but you must start with Galilean relativity as your basis. You must recognize what it means to be relative first without the complications. You have not laid a foundation for claiming aether.

In clasicall physics we can use accelerometer to detect acceleration. If acceleration is zero system is inertial frame. If acceleration is not zero system is non-inertial reference frame.
Relative to Earth, you mean, which is a necessary distinction. You choose Earth to be inertial, by excluding the influence of Earth's own acceleration in other frames. This logic is no good.

Most of the time when we you drive car, car is non-inertial reference frame.
Only by choice. The car be an inertial frame by choosing a scenario that does not rely to the car's relation to the Earth.

Earth is non-inertial reference frame too, you know about Coriolis effect, and similar effects, but during very small time intervals Earth can be considered as inertial frame.
Again, this is question of relative relationships between frames, and the elimination of all frames not acting on the objects in question to any substantial degree.

3. Maybe you in your free time play billiards-pool. If you want to calculate speed of balls after colision you will use law of momentum conservation, and law of conservation of energy. Of course room where you play billiards is inertial frame. Similar situation me have in particle, nuclear physics, but we use relativistic momentum and relativistic energy. In Minkowski space, energy and momentum can be seen as two components of a Minkowski four-vector.
Again you are skipping the definition of a rest frame, and what relative motion means in terms of particles.

Earth move through the aether, and during experiment Earth can be considered as inertial frame.
Only by choice of experiment or observation. You keep skipping this.

In CERN pions decay into an anti-muon and a muon neutrino, and I also use relativistic law of energy-momentum conservation and neutrinos are not faster than light. Why I use relativistic law of energy-momentum conservation. In my opinion french scientist Poencare discovered the basic equations of dinamics. Poincaré perfected Lorentz's theory using his mathematical theory of groups, and Lorentz's "Theory of electrons" is aether theory.
I recommend you to read book-Henri Poincare and Relativity Theory. Author is A.A Logunov. Book can be found at site arxiv.
None of this answers the question, nor have you related relativity to aether.

In the end I will ask moderator of this subforum:
May I give you links to read - download my book?
The reasons for preventing spamming are obvious. This is not a promotional site, but a place for non-commercial technical dialogue. You would do more to promote yourself by merely participating in the dialogue and stating your thesis clearly. However, be advised, you can harm the sales of your product by inviting a lot of negative feedback. You should be aware that the scientific community does not cater to cranks, and you should understand why. You seem like a smart person, so you should understand this, and the need for honesty. You can't get there by muddling the fact the reference frames have meaning in the Galilean sense; that the relative relationship establishes which is inertial and which is not. So far you seem to be avoiding this.
Branislav Pavlovic

I have to say something. I did not come to this forum to promote, advertise my book. I am not interested in selling my book. I have not sold one single copy HA HA. What all I need is to publish
my ideas in scientific journals but I have problems. I trayed at but they did not allow me. Maybe they were right, maybe not. I have master degree in physics. There are some problems. My book is in Serbian, also I opened many questions. Because my book is in Serbian i had to contact Serbian scientist. I emailed one of greatest Serbian scientist Dejan Stojkovic who works in New York. In March 2012, He was awarded with "Marko Jaric" award, which is known as the "Serbian Nobel Prize in physics". He wrote that my book is interesting, and He read some chapters, and even said maybe aether or something like this would be accepted one day. He did not read all book, but I am satisfied with his reply. You can watch on you tube his lecture

Mini crni rupe u LHC

Lecture was given in Institute of physics in Belgrade, and lecture is in Serbian. He was talking obut mini black holes in Linear Hadron Collider in CERN. He used string theory ih his model of mini black holes.
I will give names of some scientist, and I can not compare with them, but they had similar problems

Peter Higgs work was rejected by journals
Work of one of author of string theory also was rejected by various journals, and he was depresed and even started to drink. Watch about this in you tube The Elegant Universe
Nikola Tesla gave up school
Einstein worked as clerk
James Clerk Maxwell died in 1879, and Heinrich Hertz experimentally proved his theory in 1887

If You agree I can upload my book at my friends site, so you can download it for free. Also if you want I can make my own website and you can download my book for free.
Today or tomorrow I will write about Michelson Morley experiment. I will tray to explain why I dont agree with explanations of this experiment
I am glad to be member of this site, and you are very polite.

MSc Branislav Pavlovic
Branislav Pavlovic

I have to say something. I did not come to this forum to promote, advertise my book. I am not interested in selling my book. I have not sold one single copy HA HA. What all I need is to publish
my ideas in scientific journals but I have problems. I trayed at but they did not allow me. Maybe they were right, maybe not. I have master degree in physics. There are some problems. My book is in Serbian, also I opened many questions. Because my book is in Serbian i had to contact Serbian scientist. I emailed one of greatest Serbian scientist Dejan Stojkovic who works in New York. In March 2012, He was awarded with "Marko Jaric" award, which is known as the "Serbian Nobel Prize in physics". He wrote that my book is interesting, and He read some chapters, and even said maybe aether or something like this would be accepted one day. He did not read all book, but I am satisfied with his reply. You can watch on you tube his lecture

Mini crni rupe u LHC

Lecture was given in Institute of physics in Belgrade, and lecture is in Serbian. He was talking obut mini black holes in Linear Hadron Collider in CERN. He used string theory ih his model of mini black holes.
I will give names of some scientist, and I can not compare with them, but they had similar problems

Peter Higgs work was rejected by journals
Work of one of author of string theory also was rejected by various journals, and he was depresed and even started to drink. Watch about this in you tube The Elegant Universe
Nikola Tesla gave up school
Einstein worked as clerk
James Clerk Maxwell died in 1879, and Heinrich Hertz experimentally proved his theory in 1887

If You agree I can upload my book at my friends site, so you can download it for free. Also if you want I can make my own website and you can download my book for free.
Today or tomorrow I will write about Michelson Morley experiment. I will tray to explain why I dont agree with explanations of this experiment
I am glad to be member of this site, and you are very polite.

MSc Branislav Pavlovic

You still have not entered into any real discussion about any evidence on your idea of an aether. I am looking forward to your discussion about the Michelson Morley experiment, I hope it is not just a description of the experiment and instead you give some concrete reasons why you think the experiment supports your ideas.
Branislav Pavlovic

OK let us discuss famous Michelson Morley experiment. It is good to start from Michelson Morley experiment. Do not worry we will also discuss postulates of my theory. I can not explain and introduce the whole my theory in few post. First type in you search engine Google michelson morley experiment wikipedia and find equation n=2Lv2/c2 (Theory and fallout) (I can not provide links because I do not have 15 posts, but never mind). Then type in you search engine Google michelson morley experiment images (click on link -Images for michelson morley experiment-Report images). I will use the third image. There are beam splitter, two mirrors and detector. The mirror on the right site I will call mirror 1, and mirror up I will call mirror 2. I hope to understand me. Distance between beam splitter and mirror 1 is equal to distance between beam splitter and mirror 2. This distance is L.

In my theory there are two variants of Michelson Morley experiment. I will first explain the first variant.

1. The first variant of experiment

Source of light is not moving relative to mirrors during the time. Distance between beam splitter and mirror 1 is equal to distance between beam splitter and mirror 2. Beam splitter will split light of beam in two beams. One beam is moving to mirror 1 and this beam I will call beam 1. Second beam is moving to mirror 2, and that beam I will call beam 2. Physicists in 19 century expect that beam 1 will come to detector later than beam 2. They expected to find speed of Earth relative to eather. They used equation n=2Lv2/c2, but experiment failed. This is famous Michelson Morley experiment.

Let us discuss about this variant of experiment from standpoint my aether theory. In previous post we discussed a little about inertial frame. OK experimental apparatus is in room, laboratory (Michelson and Morley put their apparatus in basement). Source of light is not moving relative to mirrors during the time. Earth can be considered as inertial frame. According to my theory both light beams will leave beam splitter at same time, and at same time will come to detector, because distance between beam splitter and mirror 1 is equal to distance between beam splitter and mirror 2. This is experimental fact. In think in 2007 group of scientist in Germany conducted this variant of experiment. Sensitivity of their experiment was 1000000 times greater then sensitivity of Michelson Morley experiment conducted in 1877. Of course both light beams at same time come to detector.

But according to my theory results will change if source of light is moving relative to mirrors during time. This is the second variant of experiment. Let us discuss about this variant.

2.The second variant of experiment.

Source of light is moving relative to mirrors during time. I have already mentioned that physicists in 19 century used equation n=2Lv2/c2, and in their equation v is speed of Earth relative to eather. I analysed this variant of experiment (source of light is moving relative to mirrors during time) and I have the same matematic equation n=2Lv2/c2, but in my theory v is not speed of Earth relative to eather, in my theory v is speed of source of light relative to mirrors. This is difference. Light beams (beam 1 and beam 2)will not will come to detector at same time. If v is changing than n ( n=2Lv2/c2) will change. OK Do I have any experimental evidence for my statement, I think I have. Look at wikipedia again (type in you search engine Google michelson morley experiment wikipedia) and find table. I need result of two scientist. They are Tomaschek and Miller. In brackets you can read star light and sunlight. It means that Tomaschek used star light as source of light in Michelson Morley experiment, and Miller used sunlight as source of light. Miller used also in his experiments acetylene lamp, but this is the first variant of experiment. There is relative motion between star and the Earth (Tomaschek experiment) and also there is relative motion between Sun and Earth (Miller experiment). According to my theory they measured relative speeds. I can not find Michelson and Morley paper ( I will try to find it) where they described how n (n=2Lv2/c2) changes during the time. I think they used sunlight as source of light. n (n=2Lv2/c2) is not same in the morning, in the evening. Earth rotation causes this. The second variant of experiment can be conducted with modern apparatus. We need Michelson interferometer and telescope. We can point teleskope to any star, Sun and observe how n ( n=2Lv2/c2) changes during the day, month, year. I also analysed Michelson Morley experiment when there is dialectic in branches of interferometer. This type of experiment can be conducted too.

You can also read about Esclangon experiment. This experiment belongs our discussion. Type into you search engine Google conspiracy of and you will find basic information of Esclangon experiment.

OK I will explain how presented results are connected with aether. I will discuss the second variant of experiment and equation n=2Lv2/c2. I can not give detailed explanation, because as I already said I can not explain my whole theory in few post. It will take time, but I glad that members of this forum are interested in my theory. Of course we will not discuss only my theory, we will talk about mainstream science, and I am going to present one very interesting book about quantum theory. Fortunately book is in English, and book is free.

1. Earth is moving relative to eather. Star is also moving relative to eather and v is relative speed between star and the Earth (equation n=2Lv2/c2).
2. I used my equation for time dilatation to get n=2Lv2/c2. In previous post I said
We all know well about twin paradox. I told that aether is medium, and you, me, Earth move through the aether. Let us replace twins with two identical atomic clocks which are in spaceships. Atomic clocks are synchronised. Spaceships (atomic clocks) are in intergalactic space, and they are moving relative each other. Which atomic clock is "younger". According aether theory spaceships (atomic clocks) are moving relative to aether, and spaceship (atomic clock) which is moving faster relative to eather is "younger", and not twin paradox in my aether theory.
I have experimental evidence for time dilatation. I used experimental results of special theory of relativity. Results of theory of relativity are very important in GPS (Global Positioning System ). I will describe in a few words one experimental result. In GPS there are atomic clocks on Earth, and atomic clocks in satellites. Speed of rotation of satellite around the Earth is 4 km/s. According to special theory of relativity time difference between two atomic clocks (one on Earth, and other in satellite) during one day is 7,68x10-6 s. According to my theory time difference is 7,68003x10-6 s. I predicted some effects in GPS but we will talk about them later.
3. According to my theory Earth is moving relative to aether 600 km/s. I used this result when analysed GPS. If we know speed of Earth, and if we use results of the second variant of Michelson Morley experiment we can estimate speed of any star which is also moving relative to aether. I have to emphasise one thing. One can find one interesting result browsing Internet
CITATION Precise measurements made by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite launched in late 1989 determined the spectrum to be exactly characteristic of a blackbody at 2.735 K. The velocity of the satellite about the Earth, the Earth about the Sun, the Sun about the Galaxy, and the Galaxy through the universe actually makes the temperature seem slightly hotter (by about one part in 1,000) in the direction of motion rather than away from it. The magnitude of this effect--the so-called dipole anisotropy--allows astronomers to determine that the Local Group of galaxies is moving at a speed of about 600 km/sec in a direction that is 45 from the direction of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. Such motion is not measured relative to the galaxies themselves (the Virgo galaxies have an average velocity of recession of about 1,000 km/sec with respect to the Milky Way system) but relative to a local frame of reference in which the cosmic microwave background radiation would appear as a perfect Planck spectrum with a single radiation temperature. END OF CITATION
Probably there is connection between aether and cosmic microwave background radiation. I can not explain this connection but we will discuss about dipole anisotropy and cosmic microwave background radiation.
4. I want to say something about interesting variant of Michelson Morley experiment. OK go to you tube and type Martin Grusenick, and you will find video Extended Michelson-Morley Interferometer experiment. English version. I know what happens in this experiment, and of course we will discuss this experiment.

OK I will make my own website and give members of this forum link, and members can download my book for free. I hope that forum moderator will not complain.

Branislav Pavlovic
OK we will discus about speed of light and postulate of special theory of relativity

1. Postulate of special theory of relativity
" As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body. OR: The speed of light in free space has the same value c in all inertial frames of reference."
2. Imagine this situation. I am at the bus station. My position is determined by the point A. I am not moving. The bus is approaching bus station. Bus is moving uniformly. Its speed is v. I have friend in bus and He has laser. This friend I will call friend 1. Friend 1 will activate laser. For friend 1 speed of light is c=3x10 8 m/s.
But I have another friend, and he is at bus station too. His position is determined by the point B. That friend I will call friend 2. Distance between points A and B is L. Points A and B and bus are on the same straight line. I think You understand me.
Laser light passed through the window (windshield) of bus, and light is moving to me along straight line (points A and B, bus, laser and laser beam are on the same straight line). After some time light will come to point A, to me. What is speed of light for me, friend 1. According to special theory of relativity speed of light for me is c. According to eather theory speed of light for me is c+v.
It is strange but we just started our discussion.
According to special theory of relativity laser light cross the distance L in time


According to eather theory laser light cross the distance L in time


If the bus is moving from me according to special theory of relativity speed of light for me is again c, and laser light cross the distance L in time

According to eather theory (when the bus is moving from me) speed of light for me is c-v, and laser light cross the distance L in time


Presented analysis is connected so called "One-way speed of light".

2. Change some thing in our experiment (thought experiment). Michelson interferometer will be next to me, and bus will be any source of light which can move very fast 50 km/s (0,3 c). According to eather theory this is the second variant of Michelson Morley experiment (source of light is moving relative to mirrors during time).

I will first discuss second variant of Michelson Morley experiment, and speed of light from standpoint special theory of relativity. As in previous post type in you search engine Google michelson morley experiment images (click on link -Images for michelson morley experiment-Report images). I will again use the third image. There are beam splitter, two mirrors and detector. The mirror on the right site I will call mirror 1, and mirror up I will call mirror 2. I hope to understand me. Distance between beam splitter and mirror 1 is equal to distance between beam splitter and mirror 2. This distance is L. According to special theory of relativity both light beams will come to detector at same time, n is 0. (Read previous my post and you will remember what n=2Lv2/c2 is). I previous post I also write ( Distance between beam splitter and mirror 1 is equal to distance between beam splitter and mirror 2. Beam splitter will split light of beam in two beams. One beam is moving to mirror 1 and this beam I will call beam 1. Second beam is moving to mirror 2, and that beam I will call beam 2. Distance between beam splitter and mirror 1 is equal to distance between beam splitter and mirror 2. This distance is L.)
OK first I will discuss beam 1.
According to special theory of relativity beam 1 will cross the distance L ( from beam splitter to mirror 1) in time
Beam 1 will be reflected from the mirror 1 and moves towards beam splitter. According to special theory of relativity beam 1 will cross the distance L (from mirror 1 to beam splitter) in time
OK now I will discuss beam 2.
Beam 2 will cross the distance L (from beam splitter to mirror 2) in time
Beam 2 will be reflected from the mirror 2 and moves towards beam splitter. According to special theory of relativity beam 2 will cross the distance L (from mirror 2 to beam splitter) in time
Both light beams will come to detector at same time
, and n=0 (n=2Lv2/c2)
3. OK now I will discuss Michelson Morley experiment, and speed of light from stand point aether theory (Beam splitter will split light of beam in two beams. One beam is moving to mirror 1 and this beam I will call beam 1. Second beam is moving to mirror 2, and that beam I will call beam 2. Distance between beam splitter and mirror 1 is equal to distance between beam splitter and mirror 2. This distance is L)
According to aether theory beam 1 will cross the distance L (from beam splitter to mirror 1) in time
Beam 1 will be reflected from the mirror 1 and moves towards beam splitter. According to aether theory beam 1 will cross the distance L (from mirror 1 to beam splitter) in time
OK I will discuss beam 2.
Beam 2 will cross the distance L (from beam splitter to mirror 2) in time
t3=L/c (this is approximate equation)
Beam 2 will be reflected from the mirror 2 and moves towards beam splitter. According to aether theory beam 2 will cross the distance L (from mirror 2 to beam splitter) in time
t4=L/c (this is also approximate equation)
Both light beams will not come to detector at same time
(t1+t2)-(t3+t4) is not 0
, and n is not 0 (n=2Lv2/c2).
Here I presented only final results.
4. In previous post I mentioned Tomaschek and Miller' s experimental results. In their experiments n is not 0 (n=2Lv2/c2). Now I recommend you to find paper -Roberto A. Monti Gerardina A. Cesarano Monti The real Einstein (google again).
Quotes from their book:
- Einstein took for granted the null result of Michelson Morley experiment (3) and devised
a Theory to explain this null result: the Theory of Relativity .
-The result (of Michelson Morley experiment) did not have the anticipated magnitude,
corresponding to the known velocity of about 30 km/s. in fig.1... the dotted curve
represents one eight of the theoretical displacement. (4) The experimental result is clearly not up to expectation.
- The experimental result (of Michelson Morley experiment) is clearly not up to expectation.
- Morley and Miller repeated the Michelson Morley experiment from 1902 to 1905, with a
result similar to the one of 1887: The observations...showed a very definite positive
effect slightly larger than that previously obtained, but still too small to be reconciled
with the expectation: v = 8.7 ± 0.6 km/sec .
- The tests of the Theory of Relativity, made at the solar eclipse of 1919, (general relativity) were widely accepted as confirming the theory. Since the Theory of Relativity postulates an exact
null effect from the Ether drift experiment which had never been obtained in fact, the
writer (Miller) felt impelled to repeat the experiment in order to secure a definitive
- Miller experiments have no fundamental error: These observations all show a
positive periodic displacement of the interference fringes, as of an Ether drift, of the
same magnitude, about 10 ± 0.33 km/s, as had been obtained in previous trials...The
effects were shown to be real and systematic, beyond any further question.
- On April 28, 1925, Miller read a paper before the National Academy of Science in
Washington D.C. in which he reported that an Ether drift had definitely been
established .

4. OK I can understand disappointment of scientists at beginning of 20 century. They wanted to measure speed the Earth relative to aether, but they measured only 10-12 km/s.
5.We can analyse so-called "One-way speed of light". Michelson–Morley experiment is two-way speed of light experiment. My thought experiment (bus, me, laser) can be considered as one-way speed of light experiment. It is very dificcult to conduct one-way speed of light experiment.

If you want I can write e-mail adress in this forum, and you can contact me, and I will send you my book. I will explain you and members of this forum many equations much simpler, if you have my book.
OK we will discus about speed of light and postulate of special theory of relativity

1. Postulate of special theory of relativity
" As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body. OR: The speed of light in free space has the same value c in all inertial frames of reference."
2. Imagine this situation. I am at the bus station. My position is determined by the point A. I am not moving. The bus is approaching bus station. Bus is moving uniformly. Its speed is v. I have friend in bus and He has laser. This friend I will call friend 1. Friend 1 will activate laser. For friend 1 speed of light is c=3x10 8 m/s.
But I have another friend, and he is at bus station too. His position is determined by the point B. That friend I will call friend 2. Distance between points A and B is L. Points A and B and bus are on the same straight line. I think You understand me.
Laser light passed through the window (windshield) of bus, and light is moving to me along straight line (points A and B, bus, laser and laser beam are on the same straight line). After some time light will come to point A, to me. What is speed of light for me, friend 1. According to special theory of relativity speed of light for me is c. According to eather theory speed of light for me is c+v.
It is strange but we just started our discussion.
According to special theory of relativity laser light cross the distance L in time


According to eather theory laser light cross the distance L in time


If the bus is moving from me according to special theory of relativity speed of light for me is again c, and laser light cross the distance L in time

According to eather theory (when the bus is moving from me) speed of light for me is c-v, and laser light cross the distance L in time


Presented analysis is connected so called "One-way speed of light".

Experimental evidence shows that the aether conjecture is incorrect. Sorry you wasted so much time on your book.:shrug:

There must be something.
Nice video, it is surprising to see Einstein stating that there is an aether even though he has already developed the general theory of relativity (some books just say that he replaced aether with his idea of spacetime), but I would think that he doesn't mean the same aether that was proposed before he developed the special theory. I think that is why they pushed to just call it spacetime in general relativity instead of aether, because they disproved some of the concepts of the aether like a variable speed of light and the special theory of relativity compensates for the speed of light so that there isn't a variable speed of light. But then, how could spacetime know when to stop us from traveling the speed of light, or how much to dilate our space and time when we travel at different speeds if it didn't have some type of physical properties?

I think he really meant that there is an aether that then obeys special and general relativity. Either that or he just became completely senile in his old age. :)