Your "hypothesis" is:
"In a double slit experiment, the particle travels a single path and enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. The aether displacement wave creates wave interference upon exiting the slits. As the particle exits a single slit, it is this interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Detecting the particle causes a loss of coherence of the associated aether displacement wave, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered."
My "hypothesis" is:
"In slit experiments, light interacts with the edges of slits. The interaction actually 'refracts' those photons, electrons, etc. that 'hit' the very thin slit edges. Refraction is induced where photons hit very thin parts of the slit (ideally monoatomic +/-thicknesses). Photonic energy is transferred to outer electrons of the slit material atoms, boosting their (the atom's electrons) energy levels. As the electron energies fall-back to their 'normal' state, the excess energy is emitted as secondary photonic energy - probably of a frequency close (or harmonic?) to that of the impinging photon. So the poorly-understood "bending of light" around slit edges is dominantly a refraction process. The process does not work well when slit material thickness exceeds the ability of the impinging photon to penetrate the material completely. This explanation 'works for me' . . . no one has been able to explain this (light bending) ever since Young first discribed the diffraction phenomenon."
By the way . . . I am enjoying contemplating your ideas . . I just have a difference in explaining the "mechanism" . . . It could well be that your aether waves (rather than my photons) are interacting with slit material to produce the observations. I am open to others' interpretations.
It's not the interaction with the slit material which produces the interference pattern. It is the physical wave which exits both slits and creates wave interference after exiting the slits which alters the direction the particle travels as it exits a single slit which produces the interference pattern.
Louis de Broglie, the first person to understand wave-particle duality, understood wave-particle duality correctly. de Broglie understood the moving particle has an associated physical wave.
'Interpretation of quantum mechanics by the double solution theory - Louis de BROGLIE'
"When in 1923-1924 I had my first ideas about Wave Mechanics I was looking for a truly concrete physical image, valid for all particles, of the wave and particle coexistence discovered by Albert Einstein in his "Theory of light quanta". I had no doubt whatsoever about the physical reality of waves and particles."
"In my view, the wave is a physical one..."
"This result may be interpreted by noticing that, in the present theory, the particle is defined as a very small region of the wave where the amplitude is very large, and it therefore seems quite natural that the internal motion rythm of the particle should always be the same as that of the wave at the point where the particle is located."
"I called this relation, which determines the particle's motion in the wave, the guidance formula. It may easily be generalized to the case of an external field acting on the particle."
"any particle, even isolated, has to be imagined as in continuous “energetic contact” with a hidden medium"
"If a hidden sub-quantum medium is assumed, knowledge of its nature would seem desirable. It certainly is of quite complex character. It could not serve as a universal reference medium, as this would be contrary to relativity theory."
The sub-quantum medium de Broglie is referring to is the aether. It is not a universal reference medium because a universal reference medium is the aether of Lorentz. The sub-quantum medium de Broglie is referring to is the aether of relativity. It is the aether of relativity because the state of the aether of relativity is determined by its connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.
In a double slit experiment the particle enters and exits a single slit and the physical wave enters and exits both. The physical wave creates wave interference upon exiting the slits. It is this interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Detecting the particle turns the associated aether wave into chop, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered.