Advice on Engineering Education?


Light Bearer
Registered Senior Member
This is not some free thought or something . But I had no idea where else could I place this personal question of mine . It's more of a question related to Education .
I think this forum has quite a lot of experienced engineers from different parts of the world .
To them and others who'd like to help me,
I would like to enquire about some questions . I'd be very thankful to all who answer them.
I am currently gonna pursue engineering and I have a lot of fields as options
-Electronics & Communication

1 ) Which engineering fields of these do have bright future in ? You might like to tell about the field you selected and what you basically do and in the end how has it turned up for you . Would you recommend others too ?
2 ) I have interest in Civil and Environmental besides Mechanical . Everybody here says that Civil is just something low-grade and I better keep out of it. Does that hold true ? And how's environmental ? Surely a lot of demand for it ?

PS:I just don't like much of computers, programming and shit nor the diodes and stuff . I like doing things which require creativity .

Please give your worthy views .
Im 16, but im planning to go into petroleum engineering because i have some friends and family that makes loads of money off of it.

Since opec did that stunt closing off oil in the 1970s (?), lots of engineers lost their job and theyve never quite gotten them back.

All of the people ive talked to were recuited in sophomore year and sometimes freshmen year for these oil companies, and they pay amazing money. literally, these companies pay these people 20,000 dollars a year, and they dont even work! so long as when they finish the course they go into the company paying them, thats all you have to do. 20k a year!, and thats just for starters. And you dont even have to do any work just study and graduate for the money.

And the benefits are through the roof.
-Electronics & Communication

Those are top choices I would think. But what do you like better of those? You really must enjoy whatever it is you decide to do more than just looking at how much money can be made because they all pay very well. :)
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I have a degree in electrical engineering. I never worked in the field and have just about forgotten everything I've learned.

My opinion is to study something you have interest in, get a job where you feel you have autonomy and respect and find an interest to make up for free time.

The only important person in the world is yourself. Well, until you have kids...
Civil engineering will always be in demand I imagine.
-Electronics & Communication

Those are top choices I would think. But what do you like better of those? You really must enjoy whatever it is you decide to do more than just looking at how much money can be made because they all pay very well. :)

Isn't there any need for Environmental engineers?
I want to be one because I want to work towards environmental cause, devise things to undo all the pollution and degradation , build up economically sustainable societies and in a way provide employment to the unemployed and poor and make them self-dependant . Whew , Yeah, I like talking BIG but I do like talking BIG .

Well, I don't really know what I would like to do .
I'd like to do something which requires creativity and which has spontaneity . It shouldn't be something which requires me to be monotonus . Plus I think I have a bit of ADHD . So I can't sit anywhere, my energy keeps bouncing and so do I . I am a restless creature and I have a lot of energy . So being made to sit somewhere in front of a computer and fixing stupid program codes would be a hell boring for me and I would keep having the urge to get off my chair for one reason or the other .

Edit: Civil would be okay too because I like building things . I remember spending a lot of my childhood years building houses, fighter jets, naval ships with LEGO blocks . But I guess the job of a civil engineer is not to design but to build . And I really don't have a choice to go into Arch or something because I didn't give exams for it .
Isn't there any need for Environmental engineers?
You asked which were the BEST to go into. I suggested the ones I thoight were the BEST of the ones you selected. That did not mean any of the rest were not good, it just would seem that the ones I pointed out were the best. ;)