Addictions substance & behaviours

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Valued Senior Member
i watched a guy the other day
& i think he is addicted to steroids

i think he is emotionally addicted to the behaviour cycle
where he has got a physical effect
now his emotional internal issues which go unsolved
play out as the desire for the drug effects
but because he needs to remove himself he is seeking detachment inside attachment
normalization of socialization outside cognitive perception of abuse

but he has normalised that as his social circle
& appears to be drawing in drama when it was supposed to be free of drama
now he appears to be stuck inside his social circle that he was supposed to be removing himself from drama with, to be addicted to steroids and not controlling the amount of drama that he engages with..
all the while probably living in the closet
[people can be soo complicated i feel for the guy(not sexually he doesn't spin my wheels)]

im around 70% sure i watched him engaging in a drug hand off but i didnt stop to watch any actual activity.
i decided i didnt care because its none of my business
im interested in the psychology of addiction

he appeared to be addicted to the paradigm of the power associations while needing to detach
possibly underlying un treated depression with gay possibly a bit bi living partially in the closet

to my main point
steroid addiction

your thoughts ?
have you been addicted to steroids ?

side line question : does it create massive fluid retention ?

your honest non deliberately abusive thoughts & comments on the subject appreciated
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i watched a guy the other day
& i think he is addicted to steroids
Based on looks?

i think he is emotionally addicted to the behaviour cycle
where he has got a physical effect
now his emotional internal issues which go unsolved
play out as the desire for the drug effects
but because he needs to remove himself he is seeking detachment inside attachment
normalization of socialization outside cognitive perception of abuse
Is this guy somebody you know well, or a stranger?

You seem to have somehow delved into his complex emotional life very deeply. How many long conversations did you have with the guy, to allow you to reach all these conclusions about him?

Are you a psychologist?
but he has normalised that as his social circle
Normalised what as his social circle?

... & appears to be drawing in drama when it was supposed to be free of drama
When what was supposed to be free of drama?

now he appears to be stuck inside his social circle that he was supposed to be removing himself from drama with, to be addicted to steroids and not controlling the amount of drama that he engages with..
So you know this guy personally? And he has swapped one social group for a different one? Is that what you're telling us?

all the while probably living in the closet
Probably? What makes you think that?

im around 70% sure i watched him engaging in a drug hand off but i didnt stop to watch any actual activity.
What makes you 70% sure, since you didn't watch any "actual activity"?

What did you watch, that wasn't "actual activity", that made you think he was engaging in a drug?
i decided i didnt care because its none of my business
But here you are, posting all about it on an internet forum. Why?

im interested in the psychology of addiction
So you care about it as example of the psychology of addiction?

he appeared to be addicted to the paradigm of the power associations while needing to detach
possibly underlying un treated depression with gay possibly a bit bi living partially in the closet
Hour many hours of analysis did it take you to uncover these psychological issues with him?

to my main point
steroid addiction

your thoughts ?
Are they addictive? I didn't know.

have you been addicted to steroids ?

side line question : does it create massive fluid retention ?
Probably depends on the steroid, I'd imagine. I'm no expert.

your honest non deliberately abusive thoughts & comments on the subject appreciated
No problem.
You seem to have somehow delved into his complex emotional life very deeply. How many long conversations did you have with the guy, to allow you to reach all these conclusions about him?

you are stating that the only way to learn & comprehend these aspects is by long conversations with the specific person ?
are you a psychiatrist ?

Are they addictive? I didn't know.

HIGHLY addictive
steroids are equally addictive as anxiety medication combined with opioids
because they effect hormones & directly effect not only emotions but physical chemical body function.
steroid addiction also undermines the bodys natural immunological response & long term use can result in the thyroid shutting down.
basic medical use of steroids for life saving treatment as a general rule creates massive fluid retention
though this is not addiction use
this is medical use to save someones life
there is a certain amount of fluid retention that happens with steroids

my question is specific to people addicted to steroids who use them for muscle building originally & then become addicted.

an occupational psychologist would read this fact like a bright neon light inside my original post as a probable model of cause & effect.

steroid addiction is not seen as an issue the same as opioids because it does not have such a high immediacy of fatal outcome

that south African para sprinter who shot his girlfriend
i think he was addicted to pain killers & steroids & was in a drug induced level of normalized day to day psychosis while on top of massive anger management issues and various un treated issues.
he was probably living on steroids, pain killers & sleeping pills
with some massive deep psychological problems underneath
but i would easily attribute the victims death to be a symptomatic effect of steroid addiction & combined psychosis.
that is my personal opinion to use a real world example for someone like yourself who has no real ground work reading on that subject
(which is quite a large subject with many in-depth concepts attached)

my area of interest & debate is around the addiction of steroids by ordinary people as an emotional self medication in combined CBT like environment variables, specifically related to the behavioral physical interactive process and how that relates to the addiction process in humans emotional minds & social behavior processes & emotional coping & mentality in general as an emotional personality model/frame work.

noting your question style (to my casual reading perception)lends to a mode of overtly implied compliant force
however i am putting that down to cultural style & personal style
observers perception of implied power dynamics quite often dictates common interaction levels.
in theory it should not detract from intellectuals discussing the issue.
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Are you a psychologist?

your question has a forgone conclusion
you already have decided the answer
and the answer
regardless of what it is
has no baring on the intent of your question

so the intention of your question is the question
not the answer
because you already think you know what the answer is
and what value of substance you place on that
that south African para sprinter who shot his girlfriend
i think he was addicted to pain killers & steroids & was in a drug induced level of normalized day to day psychosis while on top of massive anger management issues and various un treated issues.
You're talking about Oscar Pistorius. If what you say is true, then why didn't the defence team in his murder trial lead any evidence of that?

he was probably living on steroids, pain killers & sleeping pills
Where do you get this stuff? Do you just make it up?

with some massive deep psychological problems underneath
but i would easily attribute the victims death to be a symptomatic effect of steroid addiction & combined psychosis.
That's not what the court found.
then why didn't the defence team in his murder trial lead any evidence of that?

thats a good question
has this subject already been discussed in the boards ?

what your doing is asking me a question of my opinion about something that is an opinion of a process
the process being the legal defense & quality of lawyer he had & his mental state & ability to control his own counsel

thats quite in-depth to deliver a concise simple answer to something that appears to be delivered in a little bit of a hyper-bowl manner.

forgon conclusion
That's not what the court found.

what courts define as some type of observer interpretation is a perceptive concept around how the outcome has been delivered by the judge
what the facts are or are not is not the same as the outcome
many judges seek to deliver something that is possible

im not sure what level of modern scientific ability of the court he was in to deliver outcomes

keeping in mind its his behaviors that i was referring to
not the court verdict

court verdicts do not define the psychological situation or any of the process, cause or relationships.
so effectively the court verdict is irrelevant to the psychological study of the situation

loops inside loops
feeding what ?

have you done any reading on steroid since ?

throwing this in for anyone mildly interested
ADVERSE EFFECTSPSYCHIATRIC DISTURBANCESLong-discounted mid 20th-century studies by Rome andBraceland5 and Garner and Falk6 suggested that the occurrence of corticosteroid-induced psychiatric reactions de-pended on the patient’s premorbid personality organizations.Brody7 also suggested that these reactions reflected an extreme version of a patient’s usual stress reaction.

More constellation of major symptoms consistent with a diagnos-able affective syndrome, psychotic disorder, delirium, or another psychiatric condition. The most commonly re-ported corticosteroid-induced psychiatric disturbances are affective, including mania, depression, or mixed states.Most often, patients receiving short-term corticosteroid therapy present with euphoria or hypomania, whereas long-term therapy tends to engender depressive symptoms.9 Al-though mood disorders occur in the vast majority of cases,either delirium or frank psychosis, typified by hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thought, is the presenting syndrome in a sixth of patients.10-12 Severe episodes of depression, mania, or psychosis frequently include suicidal ideation.

Mayo Clin Proc. • October 2006;81(10):1361-1367

probably time the govt donated a few million to a new study
(i call it a donation for American readers, when in reality its an investment in harm reduction & public health outcomes long term)
specially given the wide spread use of anti anxiety meds & herbal steroids in dietary consumer products
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Oscar Pistorius did not have his lawyers argue in court that he had diminished responsibility due to an addiction to steroids, or due to "combined psychosis". He did not argue that he was not guilty on account of any kind of insanity.

Nor did the prosecutors allege that he was addicted to steroids, pain killers or sleeping pills, or that he was insane.

Admit it: you just made all that stuff up.

Oscar Pistorius did not have his lawyers argue in court that he had diminished responsibility due to an addiction to steroids, or due to "combined psychosis". He did not argue that he was not guilty on account of any kind of insanity.

Nor did the prosecutors allege that he was addicted to steroids, pain killers or sleeping pills, or that he was insane.

Admit it: you just made all that stuff up.

your banging your tambourine & asking everyone else to sing a different song because they sound off

oscar pistorius trial details are not the centre of the thread subject
or his in court defense strategy & style
or what he did or did not say in court.

your narrowing the margin of the conversation into a pre determined outcome you think is already established to service your need to assert control to be right
as an act of superiority
thus you are turning the discussion into a one line-er situation where everyone must simply agree or throw out a virtue signal statement by using unrelated concepts of fact to suppress the nature of the opinion for the behaviors.

you think just framing the word "no" in different aspects and yelling it louder & louder with different subject headings & nouns on it make it comprehensive.
it doesn't.

your consciously & subconsciously driving the thread into death.

passive aggressive bullying because your seeking some type of punitive injury to service something

thats quite obvious.
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your banging your tambourine & asking everyone else to sing a different song because they sound off
If you "sound off" with untruths, or guesswork that is contradicted by actual records, then I'm allowed to bang my tambourine to correct your falsehoods.

Rather than getting all irate at me when I point out that what you posted about the Pistorius case is rubbish, you'd do better to admit that you didn't previously know what you were talking about. You could thank me for providing the correct information.

oscar pistorius trial details are not the centre of the thread subject
Remember, it was you who first mentioned his case in this thread, not me.

If you're willing to admit you didn't know what you were talking about, I'm happy to leave it and move on.

You shouldn't go around making unfounded accusations about people being addicted to steroids, or having a "combined psychosis", when there's no evidence for either of those conclusions.

Your narrowing the margin of the conversation into a pre determined outcome you think is already established to service your need to assert control to be right
I simply corrected your errors of fact, and your false assumptions.

If you want to call that "asserting control", go right ahead. I'm not sure why you believe people shouldn't be allowed to refute nonsense that you post.
as an act of superiority
Facts are superior to made-up fantasies. I'm sorry if that offends you.

you think just framing the word "no" in different aspects and yelling it louder & louder with different subject headings & nouns on it make it comprehensive.
it doesn't.
Thanks for telling me what I think, RainbowSingularity. Your feedback is noted.

your consciously & subconsciously driving the thread into death.
Mostly, you seem to be trying to run some conspiracy theories up a flagpole.

If your thread dies, it won't be my fault.

passive aggressive bullying because your seeking some type of punitive injury to service something
Er... what?

Are you trying to do some amateur psychoanalysis on me, now, as well?
Rather than getting all irate at me when I point out that what you posted about the Pistorius case is rubbish, you'd do better to admit that you didn't previously know what you were talking about. You could thank me for providing the correct information.

Er... what?
your recent power struggle with bells in the trial thread & being called out by another member as a bit of a bully
im not taking sides
im just calling it as you post it in here

and the subject is behaviours

behaviors do not get defined by court rulings
or published legal strategy
thats all bullshit when you break everything down to the pure behaviors

i appreciate your diligence in posting(& asking questions), its very good :)

i could wax on various aspects to suggest why you might have bias towards the pistorius case to seek to try & validate some type of re-factualisation of its legal court rulings
you may have missed my key point
i was stating my opinion of the psychology
not the court ruling

its like manslaughter or 2nd degree homicide when the person attacking the other person
in reality
did not care for the health & safety of the person they are attacking

the court ruling defines they are not held as accountable if the person suffers injury or death
more than had they intended to kill them
meanwhile they had no care for the persons welfare before or during the attack
which renders the crime of abandonment of the care to duty(having flash backs to a recent debate i had with a manager about duty of care of staff & after i had time to have a think to myself i think the manager does not know the legislation[such is life, they are my senior & hold at their pleasure my employment so im not going to get into any real debate with them]) for necessities of life
to the person they have chosen to attack

court rulings & laws etc

what is a fact ?
the behaviour ?
the motivation ?
or the outcome of the attack/incident/accident ?

does one single act over rule the nature of the factual grounds of the other events ?
you may need to read the above sentence slowly to process it slowly, to comprehend the dynamics of the complex variables.
these aspects of realism can be quite inception movie like
that is a lot of the nature of complex human emotional realities in all their functions & dysfunctions

[some readers doubt my sincerity but i am not interested in pursuing that avenue of their own bias, they can start a thread on that subject]
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If you're willing to admit you didn't know what you were talking about, I'm happy to leave it and move on.

side note if your reading in that direction
Oscar Pistorius traumatised and may be suicide risk, psychologist finds. ... The Paralympian, who is standing trial for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, has post-traumatic stress disorder and a major depressive disorder, the clinical psychologist Jonathan Scholtz's report concludes.2/07/2014

Oscar Pistorius is a "broken" man and should not be sent to jail, a psychologist has said at the South African athlete's sentencing hearing.

Defence witness Dr Jonathan Scholtz said Pistorius was suffering from "major depression".

Pistorius was convicted at the end of last year of the 2013 murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

The judge ordered the review after defense witness Dr. Merryll Vorster, a forensic psychiatrist, testified that legless sprinter suffers from generalized anxiety disorder, which may have had an impact on his actions when he shot Steenkamp early on Valentine's Day 2013.

my personal opinion is he suffered from some type of psychiatric disorder
on top of that behavioural disorders
& on top of that drug induced behaviour
combined effect was rage attacks in the process of paranoia & probable hallucinations

regardless of what the court ruling was
i would suppose that he intended to kill his girlfriend
but may have not been aware who she was
and/or been in a state where his mental faculty was soo impaired that any other type of delusion would be possible.

does that detract from any sentence he should get ?
thats a completely different debate
the court ruling is a fact
but it does not define the mental condition or behaviors of the people involved

running down that rabbit hole
one must be capable of clearly defining the difference between anger management
mother complexes
sexual developmental disorders
& various other things

my thread subject is behaviours
not court rulings & legal specifics of laws & court systems

winding this in a bit
my interest area is sitting inside the aspect of
because it is the behaviours of the effects of steroids as a specific current topic(not limiting the thread discussion but outlining my point) i was wanting to discuss
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Just quickly, because I don't have time to respond in full right now...

Oscar Pistorius was, in his original trial, in 2014, found guilty of "culpable homicide", defined as "the unlawful negligent killing of a human being".

The Supreme Court of Appeal upheld an appear in 2015, upgrading the conviction to murder, finding that the lower court did not correctly apply the rule of dolus eventualis, and also that Pistorius was not justified in claiming that he thought his own life was in danger.

Pistorius applied in 2016 to appeal to the Constitutional Court. His application was refused. He is further appealing rulings regarding his sentence.
behaviors . . .
personality frame work's
habituated functionality's (templates[associations])
etc . . . (not criminal court cases)

question(rephrased to illustrate the area i was intending to open for discussion)

does steroid addiction have a clearly identifiable emotional frame work that drives a set of potential known variables to deliver functional similarities in set situations & events as a driving force to signify the addictive process inside the persons generally specific psychological 'issue' ?
i watched a guy the other day
& i think he is addicted to steroids........
........your honest non deliberately abusive thoughts & comments on the subject appreciated

I watched a guy consecutive posting like nuts on ''The Post Whatever Thread'' and wondered WTF is he on.
The bulk (not all, I give him that) of the posts seem as if a child has found an outlet for their ramblings ?
Any ideas for that kind of manic consecutive posting behaviour?
I watched a guy consecutive posting like nuts on ''The Post Whatever Thread'' and wondered WTF is he on.
The bulk (not all, I give him that) of the posts seem as if a child has found an outlet for their ramblings ?
Any ideas for that kind of manic consecutive posting behaviour?

your funny
i decided yesterday to ignore your obvious attempted trolling of my posts.
but here you are today
doubling down seeking my attention
and all loaded on your Ego
in the desire to assert your form of control over something you don't understand and so fear
and so must seek to smash into compliance.

that desire of yours to play with people as you hurt them, while you claim they are hurting themselves & you are just pointing out what they are doing...

you think you can control others by being emotionally shallow as you play with their feelings
thats sadistic
its quite an obvious streak in your personality
quite dominant.

when is the last time someone gave you a hug who was not being paid to do so or in fear of their life job or abuse from you ?

sad & pathetic

you thought you could use colours to mock me in some symbolic gesture of homophobic references
but then you lost control of your own game & realized you could not keep up
very sad
now you have followed me into this thread to try and have another go
like a narcissist bent on revenge for not being able to inflict their sadistic will on something

very sad and very pathetic
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Sorry. I had to go off and do other things earlier, so I'm just catching up now.

my personal opinion is he suffered from some type of psychiatric disorder
Possibly. There's the "generalised anxiety" thing you mentioned. The depression only started after the shooting, after he was arrested and charged with murder.

on top of that behavioural disorders
& on top of that drug induced behaviour
combined effect was rage attacks in the process of paranoia & probable hallucinations
No evidence was led of "behavioural disorders", if you don't count some evidence that was led about Pistorius's coercive control over girlfriends (evidence that was not found to be significant by the court).

You keep alleging "drug induced behaviour" and even steroid use. What is the evidence you are relying on for that? No such evidence was led in the trial, to my knowledge.

Then you allege a "combined effect". To my knowledge, no expert evidence was led in the trial about any "combined effect" of "behavioural disorders and drug induced behaviour". What are you relying on? Your own guesswork, it sounds like.

There was some evidence of paranoia, described as "generalised anxiety".

I am not aware of any evidence of hallucinations being led. What are you relying on? Or are you just making it up, again?

regardless of what the court ruling was
i would suppose that he intended to kill his girlfriend
All the courts disagreed with your supposition - most particularly in the initial trial, which was most concerned with the facts of the case.

but may have not been aware who she was
He wasn't aware of who his girlfriend was?

Surely you don't mean that. What do you mean?

and/or been in a state where his mental faculty was soo impaired that any other type of delusion would be possible.
You think he "may have been" in an "impaired" mental state. Why? What evidence are you basing that on?

does that detract from any sentence he should get ?
thats a completely different debate
Yes. There have been multiple appeals on the matter of sentencing. It seems those are ongoing.

the court ruling is a fact
I have posted the relevant court rulings above.

but it does not define the mental condition or behaviors of the people involved
The initial trial judge stated clearly what she believed his mental condition and behaviours were, in her final judgment.

running down that rabbit hole
one must be capable of clearly defining the difference between anger management
mother complexes
sexual developmental disorders
& various other things
I'm not sure what you're talking about, there.

my thread subject is behaviours
not court rulings & legal specifics of laws & court systems
Okay, but you brought up the Pistorius case and then made a whole lot of assumptions about that, which appear to be based on nothing other than your own imagination.

winding this in a bit
my interest area is sitting inside the aspect of
because it is the behaviours of the effects of steroids as a specific current topic(not limiting the thread discussion but outlining my point) i was wanting to discuss
You started off badly, by making a whole lot assumptions about some guy you saw from a distance. Then you made a whole lot of assumptions about Oscar Pistorius.

If you're interested in having an evidence-based discussion of the effects of steroids on behaviour, that might be more useful.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, there.

this is one of your most common sentences
inside a thread about psychology
yet you dont know anything about steroid addiction or that it is an issue

its hard to not align your posts as being deliberately trolling

did you do any reading on steroid addiction & addictive behaviors ?

is foghorn your alt ?
your funny
i decided yesterday to ignore your obvious attempted trolling of my posts.
but here you are today
doubling down seeking my attention
and all loaded on your Ego
Lol, you kill me.

I never even knew you were gay, the rest of that post is just you wrapped up in your own head. Get out more.

is foghorn your alt ?
I'm Wallace, he's Gromit.
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