Accomplished mission: I'm leaving

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Registered Senior Member
Accomplished mission: I'm leaving

I have no alternative that to resign continuing collaborating with this web site. You don't even take into account that I made ​​an effort to translate my ideas into English.

Xenophobia is discrimination too, it's a social prejudice.

Some forum members know little about the origin of surnames. My grandfather was Italian.

I will arrive elsewhere where they respect the human dignity.

This is may last post. Answer whatever you want.
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I did not agree with many of your ideas.

I didn't dislike for you.

As far as the Xenophobia comment - I had no clue what you ethnicity/nationality was - nor was it relevent.

Human dignity was never at issue it was simply science.

Hope your next forum experience is to your liking.

I have no idea what you're talking about regarding your grandfather and discrimination against you.

It would seem strange to leave due to the actions of one member, especially when you haven't reported that member's behaviour to the moderators.

Anyway, if you want to leave, that's up to you, of course. Good luck.
Why can't you find out why others that you think are discriminating against you doing so? If someone were to treat me wrongly I'd be asking them to explain why they are doing so. If every time you feel that you are being treated unfairly you just run away , you will never learn the truth about why those people are doing that to you. I'd be interested as to why others want to ridicule me and to try and change their minds about me if I had your problems with others. Or I'd report them to the moderators at any forums I visit if I felt that I was being "picked on".

Since you can't seem to defend yourself I would agree that youshould just leave here for life is to short to be with others that youthink are not treating you fairly. Ever think it may just be you who has a problem and not others?
Sometimes I use google translate to correspond with people.
I always apologise in the first instance for the many mistakes.
Poor translation can make you look a fool even if you aren't.
Accomplished mission: I'm leaving

I have no alternative that to resign continuing collaborating with this web site. You don't even take into account that I made ​​an effort to translate my ideas into English.
Of course we did. Which was why so many clearly and repeatedly sought clarification from you about what it was you were saying.

Xenophobia is discrimination too, it's a social prejudice.
No one actually cares where you came from...

Some forum members know little about the origin of surnames. My grandfather was Italian.
Ermm what does your Grandfather and your surname have to do with anything?

I will arrive elsewhere where they respect the human dignity.
A few notes on respecting your fellow humans and human dignity.

The homophobic comments you made about homosexuals was not respecting their human dignity. Nor were you respecting the dignity of a fellow member when you searched out her blog site, and posted her photo here without her consent. And not only that, you then went on to comment on her physical appearance. Respect is a two way street Sibilia. You have to earn it as well as you give it.

This is may last post. Answer whatever you want.
I hope you find a forum that suits your needs better.
Sibilia, I have no idea what you're talking about regarding . . . . . discrimination against you.
This is the creep who equated homosexuality with bestiality. And he thinks he has been the object of discrimination?

It would seem strange to leave due to the actions of one member, especially when you haven't reported that member's behaviour to the moderators.
It was not one member. He pissed off at least three of us with that Stone Age remark. And at that point I'm not sure any of our LGBT members had even seen it yet.

Anyway, if you want to leave, that's up to you, of course. Good luck.
He would have been thrown out soon enough.

Ermm what does your Grandfather and your surname have to do with anything?
Apparently he knows enough about Westerners to know that we regard racial or ethnic discrimination as reprehensible. So he figured that to accuse us of it would make us feel ashamed of ourselves. Apparently he didn't learn that these days, at least in my country, discrimination against a person because of gender or gender preference is even more reprehensible.

A few notes on respecting your fellow humans and human dignity. The homophobic comments you made about homosexuals was not respecting their human dignity. Nor were you respecting the dignity of a fellow member when you searched out her blog site, and posted her photo here without her consent.
Wow, I didn't know about that! Was she posting here under her real name, or does she use the same screen name on her blogsite, or did he have to do some sleuthing to track her down? The latter clearly constitutes stalking and the first two arguably do also.

I hope you find a forum that suits your needs better.
I'm saddened to think that there probably are a bunch of them out there where he'll feel right at home.
I'll just post my standard reply to "goodbye" threads.

Accomplished mission: I'm leaving

I have no alternative that to resign continuing collaborating with this web site. You don't even take into account that I made ​​an effort to translate my ideas into English.

Xenophobia is discrimination too, it's a social prejudice.

Some forum members know little about the origin of surnames. My grandfather was Italian.

I will arrive elsewhere where they respect the human dignity.

This is may last post. Answer whatever you want.

Sibilia : Here is an approach I take to these ar*** Hole Anglo be it American British, Canadian or Australian B**** F*** them all, I am Slavic,I don't run away they will have to eject me ,
Wow, I didn't know about that! Was she posting here under her real name, or does she use the same screen name on her blogsite, or did he have to do some sleuthing to track her down? The latter clearly constitutes stalking and the first two arguably do also.

It was my photo that was posted. In the past I have always been able to list my homepage on my profile if it were an environment of intellectuals without any problems. And so I had my homepage on my profile here. I don't advertise my blog otherwise, it is mostly just displaying some of my original art and poetry. But I removed the blog from my profile now. and the blog is locked down.
Sibilia : Here is an approach I take to these ar*** Hole Anglo be it American British, Canadian or Australian B**** F*** them all, I am Slavic,I don't run away they will have to eject me ,

Arauca, you should be careful not to make alliances with people who's history and character you aren't familiar with. Of course, if you read his thread and support his homophobic views and feel it is ok to post pics of members without permission, then ally away. I have never really interacted with you before so I don't know your nature. But it has been my observation, that people who don't want to take responsibility for their behavior quite often want to find a way to convince themselves that they are a victim.

The sad thing is that this guy claims to be a psychologist, but clearly has no understanding of denial.

I even forgave his homophobia and defended his right to be one at one point. He thanked me by violating the boundaries of respect with me, by stalking my blog and gleaning a photo of me to post on the thread and commenting on my appearance after that. When all I did was ask him to explain what the goal of his thread was so that I would know what I was supposed to learn from it.

He has the right to hold whatever religious bias he chooses as long as he does not falsely present those biases as field supported concepts. I am still curious where he intended to take the thread before his bias was sniffed out. If he can disallow that bias to affect true professional concepts he posts here, there is still potential to learn something.

Sibilia, you are a manipulative coward. You may or may not have an Italian grandfather. And you may or may not be staging a hoax, playing the victim, dripping with homophobia, and playing the xenophobe card.

In case you haven't noticed, this site hosts a global discussion, and it was YOU who opened with the topic on humanism. You turned the thread into absurdity, insulting your best possible contributors, all the while bickering and whining.

Is this your dramatic exit? Are now not Cybele, but Hamlet, come for the dramatic soliloquy before the bitter end?

To be tolerant, or not to be, that is the question.

Yeah, if you can't figure that one out, you sure can't preach humanism.

You seriously need counseling, counselor.
Okay, enough is enough. There are limits to insults being allowed to be flung at someone and we went past it a while ago.

Thread closed.
Arauca, you should be careful not to make alliances with people who's history and character you aren't familiar with. Of course, if you read his thread and support his homophobic views and feel it is ok to post pics of members without permission, then ally away. I have never really interacted with you before so I don't know your nature. But it has been my observation, that people who don't want to take responsibility for their behavior quite often want to find a way to convince themselves that they are a victim.


I am not nor I attempt to make alliance. I have experience in my life how people are treated by anglo, even one experience was in a court case . If you speak a broken English the anglo sh** on you. the same I feel to them
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