About the members Round 7 : Varda

Enmos...Enmos...when Varda said, "Tell me what did you mean by your question", there was a deeper more noir behind-the-curtain thinking there...
I'll have you know that 100% of surveys taken in [enc]East Korea[/enc] reveal that:

"GeoffP is the kindest, bravest, warmest most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."

So there.

Should it not be noted that East Korea is under the impression that you are the greatest human being to walk the earth. Well not walk, er, to ride an armoured vehicle.
Just coming to do my periodic check on my homies. What's up with YOU?

Hey Varda! Good to hear from you. I thought one of those venomous spiders or other insect might have bitten you and done you in. How's married life up in the states doing? Are you still interested in those insects and other critters that you once were?

Hey Varda! Good to hear from you. I thought one of those venomous spiders or other insect might have bitten you and done you in. How's married life up in the states doing? Are you still interested in those insects and other critters that you once were?

Hi cosmic. Life is good... busy. I don't have the time to photograph them and blog so much anymore, but I still bring them up close for a good look whenever I see them. My garden has turned into quite a refuge for interesting hover flies, spiders and hornets in town. I get lots of pollinators.

Hi cosmic. Life is good... busy. I don't have the time to photograph them and blog so much anymore, but I still bring them up close for a good look whenever I see them. My garden has turned into quite a refuge for interesting hover flies, spiders and hornets in town. I get lots of pollinators.

Good to hear that lifes going well for you. Hope you stay awhile here and post a few things about what's up.
She was bitten by a venomous spider which put her into a coma for all these years and now has finally awoken and is posting where she left off!:p:D
Hey Varda! Good to hear from you. I thought one of those venomous spiders or other insect might have bitten you and done you in. How's married life up in the states doing? Are you still interested in those insects and other critters that you once were?

Is it me, or does this one look like it's begging to be an archery target?

My arm is twitching to hold a bow just watching it
Hi cosmic. Life is good... busy. I don't have the time to photograph them and blog so much anymore, but I still bring them up close for a good look whenever I see them. My garden has turned into quite a refuge for interesting hover flies, spiders and hornets in town. I get lots of pollinators.
Great to hear that you're doing well.

I actually think about you often. My youngest son is somewhat like you. Really really into bugs. Every book he asks us to buy, anything he wants, usually has something to do with insects. He spends half his time in the yard trying to make a new discovery.

It's like having a miniature male and live version of Varda in my house.

Only with shorter hair.
Beautiful woman, Varda.

Also recognising that in terms of content, she would have been forgotten quite easily if not for that.
Sorry, Varda. It is what it is.
And I am what I am.
Great to hear that you're doing well.

I actually think about you often. My youngest son is somewhat like you. Really really into bugs. Every book he asks us to buy, anything he wants, usually has something to do with insects. He spends half his time in the yard trying to make a new discovery.

It's like having a miniature male and live version of Varda in my house.

Only with shorter hair.

That's awesome. Lucky for you. Curious kids are great.
I don't even know if my blog is running too well, but you can show him my pics if you find that it's loading for you.
I need to fix the cache on that thing.

I hope he has a cheap little snap and shoot to record his findings. If not, good Christmas gift suggestion :)