About the members Round 7 : Varda

Varda...knowing that so many men want you...in direct sense, what does that makes you feel? (I have heard at least 3 talk of their sexual desire for you)
2. What kind of skulls do you prefer?

3. If you...er...had to collect the skull of one SciForums member, whose skull would that be and why? Would you display it on your mantelpiece?

4. How many people are buried in your backyard?
Varda...knowing that so many men want you...in direct sense, what does that makes you feel? (I have heard at least 3 talk of their sexual desire for you)
i dont want her.
i hate these "lets pat eachother on the back" bullshit type threads.

i dont want her.
i hate these "lets pat eachother on the back" bullshit type threads.


somebody is jealous. :D

When was the last time you purposely hurt yourself?
If you ever found a human skull would you keep it or report it to the authorities?
If you had to live in a country you have never been to, where would it be?
Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Do you want children?
If yes, do you already have theri names picked out?
Have you ever spent the night in a hospital? Why?
What color is your toothbrush?
22. Don't you like us?

23. Is it a particular member on the thread?

24. Is it draqon? It's draqon, isn't it? Should we get rid of him? Do you want his head, or should we just toss it in a bucket?
Varda, tell me Varda, my beloved mistress...is GeoffP's avatar a fluffy bear really reflecting his true nature he has displayed in above reply? or is GeoffP hiding behind an insignia of a cute innocent fluffy bear an evil brainiac masterminding on innocent members of this community? Tell me Varda...don't be shy...it's ok...I am here.....

for you, always.
I'll have you know that 100% of surveys taken in [enc]East Korea[/enc] reveal that:

"GeoffP is the kindest, bravest, warmest most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."

So there.
I thought Varda left this place though... :shrug:

1. Are you back ?
2. Please post some of your pictures :) (ok that wasn't a question :p)
Varda do you think that there is a slight possibility, tiny chance, that those East Korean surveys mentioned above....are biased and counterfeited? I mean if members here are pressuring to say otherwise or to lean to their point of view,...I am here for you Varda...so don't be afraid of them, just pm me what you think of this...it's ok Varda, I will be there for you. ok? ...alright...