About the Members Round 17: MacGyver1968


Through permission from the ___Siddhartha Gautama____ on this sub__ideology, I have taken the initiative to re-start this thread. MacGyver1968 is now to be questioned dry.

What color is white if you cannot see colors?
If you had a dream and it would come true, what dream would you have than?
After how many years do you realize that life has been fair/unfair?
What color of sky do you prefer?
What tan of a girl skin do you prefer?
If you found one dollar would one dollar find you?

If one day you woke up in a room were it was dark and silent and equally warm as equally cold and you could not see anything at all or smell anything at all...and only felt ground underneath you which seemed to be neither smooth or rough... what would you feel?

If I had one girl and you had two girls and you lost one girl which became my girl, yet I lost two girls, would you still be naive towards all this dramatical turn of events?

What car drives you?

:p that is all for now

About the Members Round 16: Draqon

About the Members Round 15: Yorda

About the Members Round 14: Snakelord

About the Members Round 13: Lori

About the Members Round 12: Tablariddim

About the Members Round 11: S.A.M.

About the Members Round 10: Challenger78

About the Members Round 9: Captain Kremmen

About the members round 8: Spud Emperor.

About the members Round 7 : Varda

About the Members Round 6: cosmictraveler

About the Members Round 5: inzomnia

About the Members Round 4: Avatar

About the Member Round 3: BentheMan

About the Member Round 2: Orleander !!

About the Member Round 1: Enmos
Through permission from the ___Siddhartha Gautama____ on this sub__ideology, I have taken the initiative to re-start this thread. MacGyver1968 is now to be questioned dry.

What color is white if you cannot see colors?
If you had a dream and it would come true, what dream would you have than?
After how many years do you realize that life has been fair/unfair?
What color of sky do you prefer?
What tan of a girl skin do you prefer?
If you found one dollar would one dollar find you?

If one day you woke up in a room were it was dark and silent and equally warm as equally cold and you could not see anything at all or smell anything at all...and only felt ground underneath you which seemed to be neither smooth or rough... what would you feel?

If I had one girl and you had two girls and you lost one girl which became my girl, yet I lost two girls, would you still be naive towards all this dramatical turn of events?

What car drives you?

:p that is all for now

Well...thanks a lot Draqon. Of course you ask me questions with no answer...but I'll try my best.

What color is white if you cannot see colors?

Ummm...I don't know...black?

If you had a dream and it would come true, what dream would you have than?

It would have to be having a nymphomaniac, lingerie model girlfriend, who owns a Ferrari dealership, and likes giving blowjobs.

After how many years do you realize that life has been fair/unfair?

After my fifth birthday...when BigBird didn't show up for my birthday party...I knew life was a jip ever since.

What color of sky do you prefer?


What tan of a girl skin do you prefer?

Whatever skintone come standard with that particular model of girl. It's all pink on the inside.:) j/k

If you found one dollar would one dollar find you?

Vot? no...I think.

If one day you woke up in a room were it was dark and silent and equally warm as equally cold and you could not see anything at all or smell anything at all...and only felt ground underneath you which seemed to be neither smooth or rough... what would you feel?

I would feel glad that I'm not living in a tent. :) j/k

If I had one girl and you had two girls and you lost one girl which became my girl, yet I lost two girls, would you still be naive towards all this dramatical turn of events?

The only thing I heard there was "If you had two girls....What would you do?"

I'd make wait in line.

What car drives you?

Dallas Area Rapid Transit.

Any other questions?
no...like in Big Bird from "Sesame Street"

no...like in Big Bird from "Sesame Street"

oh my...:eek: Anyways at your age, I was working on fields digging out potatoes from the cold ground and nitpicking bugs from the plantations...not expecting someone to come and entertain me. But of course those are two different worlds.

So...hmmm :cool:

If I had developed an antigravity device, would you come to Mars with me? And if you did than what would you do there?

Also...you are in a diving suit highly pressurized under 200 meters of Antarctic water above you...exploring the walls of the iceberg, when suddenly you see a naked nymph down 100 meters from you, do you swim down risking collapse of the suit or do you go up for air?
Well...Draqon...since you asked me about my dad...let me tell you a few things about him:

I was adopted when I was 3 days old...and I got the luck of the draw. 'Cause my dad makes Ward Cleaver look like a chump. My father is the most moral, most righteous man I know. He's the real deal...WWII generation, tell it like it is kinda man.

Many years ago I lost my college ring, and recently my father gave me his 1949 University of Texas ring...it fits perfect...and it's a daily reminder to me of where I came from, and the standard that I am held to.

and that's old mac being serious.
Mom is from Tupelo Mississippi, and her bothers went to school with Elvis. She is hands down, the most caring individual placed on this earth. Any compassion in my heart comes from listening to her counsel countless people on the phone. I am truly blessed for the parents I received.
what the worst and best thing you've ever been through?

if there was one famous person you could have dinner with, who would it be?

do you ever wear converse shoes? if you do, what colour are they?
13 questions for you!

1. What is your favorite beer?
2. If you were a duck, what would you do?
3. What is your favorite color?
4. What is your favorite combination of 2 colors?
5. Do you really fix things that aren't broken?
6. Do you know any samurais?
7. What is the longest you have ever stayed up for without sleeping?
8. What is your favorite smilie?
9. What is the best time you've ever had in your life?
10. Have you ever seen anything that could not be explained?
11. Have you ever had a fight?
12. What do you think of the Mind Portal?
13. Do you think I am crazy?


All the Best,
what the worst and best thing you've ever been through?

if there was one famous person you could have dinner with, who would it be?

do you ever wear converse shoes? if you do, what colour are they?

My DWI and car accident in '99.

Scarlett Johanson.

I haven't worn "Chucks" since high school...and they were always black.
13 questions for you!

1. What is your favorite beer?
2. If you were a duck, what would you do?
3. What is your favorite color?
4. What is your favorite combination of 2 colors?
5. Do you really fix things that aren't broken?
6. Do you know any samurais?
7. What is the longest you have ever stayed up for without sleeping?
8. What is your favorite smilie?
9. What is the best time you've ever had in your life?
10. Have you ever seen anything that could not be explained?
11. Have you ever had a fight?
12. What do you think of the Mind Portal?
13. Do you think I am crazy?


All the Best,

1. Stella Artois...them Belgians don't fuck around.

2. Fuck another duck.

3. Blue

4. Blue and Gray..(Dallas Cowboys colors :) )

5. Yes I fix things that aren't broken...making them better.

6. Well..since I don't live in 18th Century Japan....no.

7. 3 days..but I had "artificial" help. (that means he did drugs..hehe)

8. Ummm....the pot leaf?

9. At a lake house with 20 of my best friends....all simultaneously on mushrooms.

10. Yes. I saw lights in the sky while camping that I could not explain.

11. Yes, I've been in many fights...probably lost more than I won, I haven't really fought in 15 years...except that time my boss and I got drunk, and I ended up punching him in the nose.

12. I think it's great. I use it everyday to travel to "Mitch's Thought World" while I spend 3 hours on a bus.

13. You should be on medication....heavy, hardcore medication. :)
1. how do you like your coffee?

2. Favourate music?

3. least favourate person on this forum?

4. where would you like to go on your holiday this year?

5. have you ever heard of the band Mindless self indulgance> if so what do you think of them?

6. least favourate swear word?

7. favourate book?

8. if there was any disease you would like to cure, what would it be?

9. why are you always so fair?

10. any piercings?

11. any tattoos?
1. how do you like your coffee?

2. Favourate music?

3. least favourate person on this forum?

4. where would you like to go on your holiday this year?

5. have you ever heard of the band Mindless self indulgance> if so what do you think of them?

6. least favourate swear word?

7. favourate book?

8. if there was any disease you would like to cure, what would it be?

9. why are you always so fair?

10. any piercings?

11. any tattoos?

1. how do you like your coffee?

I like my coffee like I like my women...black and bitter. :) j/k I take it with cream, thank you.

2. Favourate music?
Rock and Alt. Rock from the 70's-80's.

3. least favourate person on this forum?
That one person that complains about everythin' and nothin' all at once...you know the one.

4. where would you like to go on your holiday this year?
I'd love to go the UK...I've never been across the pond. You wanna put me up for a few nights?

5. have you ever heard of the band Mindless self indulgance> if so what do you think of them?

6. least favourate swear word?
"nigger" or "nigga"

7. favourate book?
I really haven't read as much as I should...It probably had a centerfold.

8. if there was any disease you would like to cure, what would it be?
AIDS...it's seriously fucking up Africa.

9. why are you always so fair?
See my answer about my mom and dad.

10. any piercings?
One, my left earlobe...a left-over from the 80's. I never wear an earring in it.

11. any tattoos?
None...don't like 'em.
how many time this year have you had sex?
would you like kids one day?
whats the best thing about life?
whats the worst thing about living in USA?
if you could choose just one thing to be on a desert island with what would it be?
when was the last time you hit someone? and why?
how tall are you (in feet)?
how many time this year have you had sex?
would you like kids one day?
whats the best thing about life?
whats the worst thing about living in USA?
if you could choose just one thing to be on a desert island with what would it be?
when was the last time you hit someone? and why?
how tall are you (in feet)?

how many time this year have you had sex?
3 times...don't have a permanent girlfriend right now...just a fuck buddy.

would you like kids one day?
Sure, but I'll be more likely end up with step-kids..which is ok, too.

whats the best thing about life?

whats the worst thing about living in USA?
Pot is illegal.

if you could choose just one thing to be on a desert island with what would it be?
A liqueur store....with a hot chick as a clerk, that can cook the hell outta some coconuts.

when was the last time you hit someone? and why?
The last person I hit was about 2 years ago. I got drunk with the owner of the bar I worked at...he was what we call "a switch-hitter" and decided to grab my crotch...so I punched him square in the nose. We're still friends.

how tall are you (in feet)?
5' 5" /160 lbs.
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