About The Members Round 16: Draqon

anyways redarmy11 this thread is about me and not about Solzhenitsin or Russia or whatever...
Indisputably - and that's what I'm interested in. draqon: a Russian boy in America.

What are your views on the 1917 Revolution - was it a glorious moment, do you think, or did the skies forever darken? Did its successors keep the spirit alive, or did it all go horribly wrong? What do you think about Stalin? Do you think its possible to practice 'socialism in one country'? What do you say to those who say that the Soviet Union was never Communist at all, but was state capitalist, or a degenerated workers state?

Do you ever think about these things or would you rather pretend that none of it happened, and that none of it matters?

Show us the real you.
Indisputably - and that's what I'm interested in. draqon: a Russian boy in America.

What are your views on the 1917 Revolution - was it a glorious moment, do you think, or did the skies forever darken? Did its successors keep the spirit alive, or did it all go horribly wrong? What do you think about Stalin? Do you think its possible to practice 'socialism in one country'? What do you say to those who say that the Soviet Union was never Communist at all, but was state capitalist, or a degenerated workers state?

Do you ever think about these things or would you rather pretend that none of it happened, and that none of it matters?

Show us the real you.

this is the real me, buddy.

The 1917 revolution was a control of an attempt of a foreign government (Germany) to control Russia without war...however this has failed as Russia is too huge to be controlled by any party. The successors however of the revolution were good minded as they have changed the evil czar rule in Russia. Basically I favor the revolution. Stalin was needed at war, as he allowed Russia to stay intact during times of a new political integration of Communism and war brought upon by Germany. Stalin was needed at times of war and did everything correct during those days...however when the war was over he has over-abused his power (even though it was all done correct for the sake of the country unity). Stalin's mistake was that he did not control everyone he thought he controlled and he did not invest enough into self image propaganda like Churchill and others...

Well yes Soviet Union was Socialist truly...but that all is gone :bawl:

I do think of these things and it does matter...but it is all in the past, and now we have to think of the future and the nuclear ICBMS in Poland targeted at Russia as well as Czech radar bases targeted at locating Russian planes.
Thankyou for your frank reply.

What do you miss most about Russia?
What do you miss least?
What do you like most about America?
What do you like least?
Thankyou for your frank reply.

What do you miss most about Russia?
What do you miss least?
What do you like most about America?
What do you like least?

I gave you what you wanted to see

I miss its ground, the smell of rain water, I miss my city streets, the long wide alleys, the hip hop music, I miss my cousins, I miss my grandmother...I miss my Russia

I miss the least...nothing really, well Moscow I guess, never did like the city

America? its good at creating illusions and selling everything

immorality of American people
I gave you what you wanted to see

I miss its ground, the smell of rain water, I miss my city streets, the long wide alleys, the hip hop music, I miss my cousins, I miss my grandmother...I miss my Russia

I miss the least...nothing really, well Moscow I guess, never did like the city

America? its good at creating illusions and selling everything

immorality of American people

Do you find that America lacks the culture that you would see in a place like Russia?

What do you find immoral about American people
Who said I'm like-minded? I'm not. Neither Washington nor Moscow am I.

I am interested though.

skaught asked you a couple of questions.
look...this will grow into another cold war...:eek:...don't patronize redarmy11...

I wont be hurt by anything you would say. I think Americans are terribly uncultured and highly immoral!!!

But I can see how other members may blow a discussion like this out of proportion...
So how did we get here? Is this evidenced by the "face on Mars"?

Oh, and why do you think we came here?

we fled Mars, we came here because Mars had an asteroid impact. Just look at Martian topograpy and it will become evident:


I have no idea how we got here...
we fled Mars, we came here because Mars had an asteroid impact. Just look at Martian topograpy and it will become evident:


I am an idiot and confused by this pic. Can you explain it to me?
I am an idiot and confused by this pic. Can you explain it to me?

this is a topography of Mars and shows the elevation of the Martian surface...the elevation is shown by colors...blue represents very low below "sea level" elevation and white represents very high elevation. Notice the extreme blue spot on the bottom left of the map, this is an impact crater...that HUGE.
That is very interesting! So the blue areas would be the oceans, the red areas are continents, and the white spots are mountains. and that huge fucking hole was a GD death comet!
That is very interesting! So the blue areas would be the oceans, the red areas are continents, and the white spots are mountains. and that huge fucking hole was a GD death comet!

in essence...but this thread is about me and not Mars.