About The Members Round 16: Draqon

What kind of gun was it?
What are some meaningful phrases you know in russian?

The gun was a pneumatic shotgun :p does that count? :bugeye:

I know many meaningful phrases...but will you understand them? "Через тернии к звездам" means "Per Astera ad astrum" in latin.

"Лучше быть невидимым, чем видимым и понятым" means "It is better to be unseen than seen and understood" ...this is my personal phrase. It helps me everyday in my life.
Why do you despise Solzhenitsyn so? Tell me again. Include facts and reasoning to support your prejudices.

Why do you wish to eliminate meat from your diet?

Why don't you think that gay people should be parents? Obviously I'm referring to some adoptive and/or foster care situation. Then again, apparently there is a pregnant man...

Why do you stay away from black people?

Why are you so fascinated with Mars and inclined to go there?
Also...do you think Americans were the first to walk on the moon, or that it was a fraud?
Will you tell us what is the meaning behind "It is better to be unseen than seen and understood"?
Why do you despise Solzhenitsyn so? Tell me again. Include facts and reasoning to support your prejudices.

he is a traitor.

His so called Gulag sufferings are aimed at destabilizing Russian government and marking dirt on Russia's history.

Why do you wish to eliminate meat from your diet?

Why don't you think that gay people should be parents? Obviously I'm referring to some adoptive and/or foster care situation. Then again, apparently there is a pregnant man...

Why do you stay away from black people?

Why are you so fascinated with Mars and inclined to go there?

meat is cholesterol, also meat is from animals...

Gay people...if I get into this subject another war will start, I don't support any part of gay people, period.

Black people, well most of them are very energetically minded people, I need to reason before I move whereas they act first and think later.

Mars...its my dream.
His so called Gulag sufferings are aimed at destabilizing Russian government and marking dirt on Russia's history.
So you don't think he's simply suffered a bit in Soviet hands and, understandably upset, has told the world about it?

(And what about other former inmates of the gulags - how do you feel about them?)
So you don't think he's simply suffered a bit in Soviet hands and, understandably upset, has told the world about it?

(And what about other former inmates of the gulags - how do you feel about them?)

they are responsible for their own misery, most of them at least. Anyways it wasn't a concentration camp like he writes it. It was however a working camp, Siberia is tough place.
Why are you afraid of gay people?

Where does your stereotype of black people come from?
Do you truly believe that you will go to Mars someday, or is it more of a hope.