About The Members Round 16: Draqon

I don't. I stay away from gay people.
And how do you "justify" your bigotry?

Black people are ok, they usually are too aggressive, like I said they move first and think later.
How do you "justify" your bigotry and generalisations?

Do you have to put any effort into it, or does it come without thinking at all?
Draqon, lets say you fell madly in love with a beautiful woman. Great personality, has a lot in common with you, and you get married. On the wedding night, you go to consumate your union and you find that your lover is actually a man who looks just like woman. What would you do?
And how do you "justify" your bigotry?

How do you "justify" your bigotry and generalisations?

Do you have to put any effort into it, or does it come without thinking at all?

It is not a bigotry. It is a preference. Avoidance of stain, unpure, harm.

I dont have to justify my preferences, my simple avoidance is not an action against them nor an action for them, either.

Cease your inadequate attacks on me, or else appropriate measures will be taken by me against you.
Draqon, lets say you fell madly in love with a beautiful woman. Great personality, has a lot in common with you, and you get married. On the wedding night, you go to consumate your union and you find that your lover is actually a man who looks just like woman. What would you do?

Immediate divorce. Immedeate clean-up of body for possible STD contamination. Immedeate detoxification. Seizure of all belongings from "it".
And change address of my living as well as all my phone numbers, contacts, etc.
It is not a bigotry.
I believe you.
My apologies.

Oh, wait a minute
Avoidance of stain, unpure, harm.
so what is this "impurity, stain and harm" then?

Immedeate clean-up of body for possible STD contamination. Immedeate detoxification. Seizure of all belongings from "it".
And you claim "no bigotry"?

How do you justify your hypocrisy (along with your bigotry?)

Cease your inadequate attacks on me, or else appropriate measures will be taken by me against you.
Appropriate measure?
Have you ever seen how amusing it is when a chihuahua barks at a tiger?
I believe you.
My apologies.

Oh, wait a minute

so what is this "impurity, stain and harm" then?

And you claim "no bigotry"?

How do you justify your hypocrisy (along with your bigotry?)

Appropriate measure?
Have you ever seen how amusing it is when a chihuahua barks at a tiger?

It is indeed amusing to see chihuahua bark a tiger, but an attempt of chihuahua against the tiger shows kin and power of will, and ability to go beyond the line of safety to challenge the new and unexplored.

For power alone cannot define us.

My appropriate measures I was talking of are: ignoring you completely.

I wish no harm to no one.
I know it was not directed at me. But you directly threatened Oli. You know that is against forum rules, don't you ?

I should clarify that my "appropriate measures against Oli" only and only meant completely ignoring of him.

I wish no one harm.
It is indeed amusing to see chihuahua bark a tiger, but an attempt of chihuahua against the tiger shows kin and power of will, and ability to go beyond the line of safety to challenge the new and unexplored.

No, it's shows ignorance of the situation.
I should clarify that my "appropriate measures against Oli" only and only meant completely ignoring of him.

I wish no one harm.

Why didn't you say that then ?
Perhaps because it wasn't enough of a threat ?