About the Members Round 11: SAM

Be himself. Believe me, its not worth it being someone else's idea, in the long run.
S.A.M. you are in a following situation: you are on a sinking ship and are responsible for safety of the passengers of the ship by ensuring that the lifeboat is operational outside the ship and that only you remain there safeguarding the passage of the lifeboat...however the lifeboat can only take X number of weight and not all can fit in. Your parents are on the boat as well, small children are there as well...your choice is either your parents or small children. What is your choice?

S.A.M. you are in a following situation: you are on a sinking ship and are responsible for safety of the passengers of the ship by ensuring that the lifeboat is operational outside the ship and that only you remain there safeguarding the passage of the lifeboat...however the lifeboat can only take X number of weight and not all can fit in. Your parents are on the boat as well, small children are there as well...your choice is either your parents or small children. What is your choice?

My mother is no more. But I'm pretty sure she and I would give up our spots. My father, on the other hand. Hmm we may have to tie him up. :D
allright than...S.A.M. one day you decide to go outside during a warm summer night and look up to the stars, when you suddenly notice that there are so many stars out there...but also there are many shooting stars there as well. But thing is, you are making tea in your home and the tea pot gives the sign of a whistle that the water has boiled. So do you continue watching this one-of-a-time event of so many shooting stars at once or do you go and make some tea before all the water boils off?
if money was absolutely no problem for you, what proffesion would you chose?
allright than...S.A.M. one day you decide to go outside during a warm summer night and look up to the stars, when you suddenly notice that there are so many stars out there...but also there are many shooting stars there as well. But thing is, you are making tea in your home and the tea pot gives the sign of a whistle that the water has boiled. So do you continue watching this one-of-a-time event of so many shooting stars at once or do you go and make some tea before all the water boils off?

This has actually happened to me and I asked someone else to make the tea.

if money was absolutely no problem for you, what proffesion would you chose?

What I do now. :)

what do the initials stand for?


Do you ever get tired of guys proposing to you on here?

PS...Sorry for not reading prev. pages if these were already asked. I am physicsing.

what do the initials stand for?


Do you ever get tired of guys proposing to you on here?

PS...Sorry for not reading prev. pages if these were already asked. I am physicsing.

Simulated Articulate Machine.

I don't take them seriously. :)
I don't take them seriously.

What has this world come to when a man cannot express his heartfelt desires to spend the rest of his life with some woman he's never met in a different country and be taken seriously?

Why did you change your name from samcdkey?
What has this world come to when a man cannot express his heartfelt desires to spend the rest of his life with some woman he's never met in a different country and be taken seriously?

Why did you change your name from samcdkey?

I thought S.A.M. was more apt.