About the Members Round 11: SAM


Valued Senior Member
Are you egotistical, attention seeking, narcissitic ?

Our previous members have been:

About the Members Round 10: Challenger78

About the Members Round 9: Captain Kremmen

About the members round 8: Spud Emperor.

About the members Round 7 : Varda

About the Members Round 6: cosmictraveler

About the Members Round 5: inzomnia

About the Members Round 4: Avatar

About the Member Round 3: BentheMan

About the Member Round 2: Orleander !!

About the Member Round 1: Enmos

Time for a new round. I was lucky enough to be 10th.

Our next victim..err person, Is SAM.

Few questions..

Do you think India is a good place to live ?
Are you competitive ?

What language do you think or talk to yourself in ?
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Are you egotistical, attention seeking, narcissitic ?

Time for a new round. I was lucky enough to be 10th.

Our next victim..err person, Is SAM.

Few questions..

And so it begins.:D

Do you think India is a good place to live ?

India is a great place to live. :cool:

Are you competitive ?

Not really, just argumentative. I make a great sounding board and I frequently use myself as such to clarify my opinions.
I rarely feel a sense of ownership, about people or ideas, more a curiosity in what it is and whether my instincts were right.

What language do you think or talk to yourself in ?

Someone asked me this just last week and I said Urdu.

Then I realised, I don't actually hear myself think. I don't "see" or "hear" words, its more like a fluid conceptual churning. I just "know" what it is I am thinking.
If you had to sit next to one person, on a 16 hour flight. Who would it be ?
Who would it not be?

And tell us of this obsession Draq has for you....
If you had to sit next to one person, on a 16 hour flight. Who would it be ?
Who would it not be?

16 hour flight? That would depend on my mood, but I'd want someone who

-did not hog the seat
-did not come on to me
-did not talk all the time
-did not read over my shoulder
-allowed me the armrest
-is good humored
-does not wake me up

the best companion I had was on a Mumbai-Frankfurt flight. An Indian guy going home to Germany. He is the ruler by which I have measured all future flight companions.

And tell us of this obsession Draq has for you....

Its not an obsession, just loneliness.
I don't always agree with your positions that you take but respect your stand fastness about subejcts.

Doesn't that also prevent you from ever changing your mind about anything that could change in the future?

Does only seeing things the way you want to see them make them right?
I should have rephrased the question, If you had to sit next to a sciforums member, who would it be ?

Someone who was fun without being a pain in the butt. redarmy11

As to who I would not sit next to, it would have to be shorty_37.

That would be a nightmare, I think.

I don't always agree with your positions that you take but respect your stand fastness about subejcts.

Doesn't that also prevent you from ever changing your mind about anything that could change in the future?

Does only seeing things the way you want to see them make them right?

I am slow to make up my mind about anything or anyone, and slow to change it. You'd have to convince me either way.
Hi, Sam :)

  • Have you ever met Shah Rukh Khan in person? :D
  • What is the best moment of your life?
  • What is the worst moment of your life?
  • Who is the most important person in your life?
  • Who influence you the most (e.g. in point of view, career choices, etc, if any)?
  • What is your favorite flower?
  • Have you ever been in love?
  • What do you like the best about him?

Thank you, Sam :)


[*]Have you ever met Shah Rukh Khan in person?

Yup, it was most unexpected, he was a guest at a wedding I attended.

[*]What is the best moment of your life?

Making peace with myself

[*]What is the worst moment of your life?

The phone call about my mom's death.

[*]Who is the most important person in your life?


[*]Who influence you the most (e.g. in point of view, career choices, etc, if any)?

My mother

[*]What is your favorite flower?

Don't have one. But I like flowers that are "happy" like daisies or fragrant, like tuberoses.

[*]Have you ever been in love?

Very much

[*]What do you like the best about him?

His smile.

Thank you, Sam

You're welcome.:)
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[*]Have you ever met Shah Rukh Khan in person?

Yup, it was most unexpected, he was a guest at a wedding I attended.

Awwww..... :bawl: ----> jealous...!!!
How was it? I am sure he has a lot of bodyguards, anyway, did you have any
chance to talk to him? Was he as lovely as in the movie?

[*]What is the worst moment of your life?

The phone call about my mom's death.

I am sorry :(

[*]Have you ever been in love?

Very much

[*]What do you like the best about him?

His smile.

Ow Sam, that doesnt reveal much :poke:

Anyway, some more questions for you:

  • Do you have any 'unforgettable thread' here in sciforums?
  • What is the most difficult argumentation have you ever experiencing here? (about what topic)
  • Do you have any news reading routine? (like reading newspaper or magazine?)
  • If yes, what is it that you read?
  • What is your typical breakfast?
  • What is the most interesting place you have ever visited?
  • I think once you said you life in Middle East (Saudi Arabia?) for few years. For what purpose?
  • Strangest thing happened there?

Thx for taking time to answer.
Awwww..... :bawl: ----> jealous...!!!
How was it? I am sure he has a lot of bodyguards, anyway, did you have any
chance to talk to him? Was he as lovely as in the movie?

It was, as I said, unexpected. We attended the wedding of a relative, who also produces films so we were expecting to see movie stars. I was drooling over the gorgeous Jackie Shroff, when I suddenly saw this HUGE group of people running towards me. Famous as I am in the family, I am not that famous :eek:, so I looked left and right to see what the fuss was about. Imagine my SHOCK when I saw I was rubbing shoulders with the oh so ummm short? Shahrukh Khan!

He looked terribly beseiged poor chap, so I abstained from grabbing his collar and planting him one. But yes, he does look as delicious, though considerably more harassed. Must say, he must have tons of patience. And no, there were no bodyguards.

I am sorry

Me too.
Ow Sam, that doesnt reveal much

It was a long time ago. I was a different person then.

[*]Do you have any 'unforgettable thread' here in sciforums?

Hmm thats tough. It would have to be the one where I made friends with most of the people here. And the one where sock drew my famous cartoon. But I've met a lot of really good people here, with the kind of thinking that gets me going, so its hard to choose.

[*]What is the most difficult argumentation have you ever experiencing here? (about what topic)

Physics. Just cannot wrap my head around some of the stuff.

[*]Do you have any news reading routine? (like reading newspaper or magazine?)

No routine, its my habit to read a newspaper every morning with my tea. I listen to the news channels on the radio more often than I listen to music. I read any news, regardless of source, to absorb as many points of view.

[*]If yes, what is it that you read?

The local paper, an Indian newspaper, the BBC website. I like reading Outlook, India Today; infrequently I pick up the Herald, the NY Times, the Economist.

[*]What is your typical breakfast?

A glass or a cup of milk, tea or coffee, something hot or cold.

[*]What is the most interesting place you have ever visited?

I'd have to say Saudi Arabia

[*]I think once you said you life in Middle East (Saudi Arabia?) for few years. For what purpose?


[*]Strangest thing happened there?

An ambulance came with the bodies (and heads) of some drug traffickers, one head fell down and rolled off.:eek:

Thx for taking time to answer.

No problem.
what color is your toothbrush?
where is the oddest place you have ever had sex?
what is your favorite flower?
What musical instruments do you play?
What is the worst tasting food you have ever eaten?
Where is the worst place you have ever had to sleep?
What was the name of the guy you first had sex with?

what color is your toothbrush?

Damned if I remember. :eek:
Is that good or bad?

where is the oddest place you have ever had sex?

In a closet.

what is your favorite flower?

Oh well if you insist, it would have to be tuberoses.

What musical instruments do you play?

The triangle.

What is the worst tasting food you have ever eaten?

A poached fish at a Dutch embassy dinner. It was the first time I tasted fish without any spice. Fortunately they also had these little spicy meatballs so I could rescue my palate.

Where is the worst place you have ever had to sleep?

At a Greyhound bus station in Chicago.

What was the name of the guy you first had sex with?

Uh-oh no names.
We attended the wedding of a relative, who also produces films so we were expecting to see movie stars.

You have a relative that produce films? :eek:
Have you been involved in any of the film (e.g. in scenario writing, film making,
acting (who knows :shrug:), etc.), or do you have any interest in it?

I suddenly feel one step getting closer to Shah Rukh Khan :eek: j/k