Thats very humble of you. Nobody here is insignificant, and you have a great
personality, Challenger!
Some questions from me:
- Do you have any hobbies, what are they?
- What is your favorite subforum?
- What are you best at?
Hobbies, hmm, I like to go hiking in random locations, bike riding, hanging out at cadets, etc.
Favourite subforum would have to be About the members, It's my retreat when world events becomes too tiresome.
You know, I don't really know. I'm pretty good at debating and public speaking,but there are still people better than me.. (damn them!.
What motivate you to choose that subject in the first place?
What is the best thing you found in it?
These ones I copy from your questions in my thread:
- Are you easily bored ?
- If you had to pick one Sciforumer to sit next too on a 16 hour flight (in economy class) Who'd you pick ?
- Given the chance, would you put your life in science or superstition, If there's equally compelling evidence for both ? (i.e. a 50 % success rate in both cases) etc.
Thank you, Challenger!
Basically, (being young and Idealistic) I want to observe change at the global level. How far we've come in the last century, how we've done, and whats going to happen next. They say you can judge every civilization by the laws that it makes, so law seemed the logical choice.
"Are you easily bored?"
Not really. I can just sit here and think, but not for long. (1-2 hours at most).
If I had to ,and I mean had to, I'd pick you or sandy,sam or spud. So I can nitpick what exactly goes on in their head.....For science. (this is off the top of my head)
But I'd like to sit on a plane full of sciforumers, especially the longest posters, People have a lot to say around here. I wonder if the A380 can have space for all the posters,(although I doubt it).
I would put my life in science's hands, that way, If I die, It can be explained logically and scientifically, without anyone claiming "He was sinning too much" as an excuse.