About the members Round 10, Challenger78

Spud Emperor

solanaceous common tater
Registered Senior Member
O.K Challenger

What is the rite of passage to manhood for a young Australian male?

What are the hurdles in having an Asian face in a "Whitebread culture"?

Are you a virgin?
Challenger...if you were given a chance to travel to planet Mars but were told the trip is one way, would you go?
O.K Challenger

What is the rite of passage to manhood for a young Australian male?

What are the hurdles in having an Asian face in a "Whitebread culture"?

Are you a virgin?

Damn. What an honor. Perhaps i can stop feeling insignificant now..yay.

thanks spud,

The rite of passage, nowadays is probably trying to get laid. however, other variants include: trying to get a job and move away from parents. Before it was either getting wasted or getting laid. IMO. Since I'm in a selective school, we don't really get into either. (damn single sex schools!)

Hurdles in having an asian face:

Going on camps as the only brown skin (nothing happens, but makes you feel odd)
Random misconceptions about religion and race surfacing. One guy did a tea dance with me, because he thought I was an indian.
Feeling sympathetic for those that have never had satay.
Trying not to seem like a nerd, in the face of non asian friends.
Expected not to know what pavlova is.
All people want to talk about is cricket and that seems to be the only thing they can find in common with me (at first glance)

And yes. Of course. I'm still young and have time. No need to rush it.
Hell, yeah . New world, New Start. Hope I don't screw up as badly as i could have here.

so you would...even knowing it is a one way trip?:bugeye: Do I understand that correctly? Because of all the 8 people before you in this round challenges, all declined.
so you would...even knowing it is a one way trip?:bugeye: Do I understand that correctly? Because of all the 8 people before you in this round challenges, all declined.

Yes. I know I would miss my parents, friends and my planet. But It is a new world and new country. Unless i'm going alone, I would see no reason to decline.
What are your phobias if any?

ARACHNOPHOBIA. I cannot understand Varda's facination with spiders. They totally freak me out.

Claustrophobia i can deal with. Because It's basically a loss of control. I can take solace in the fact that I still control my mind.
How long have you lived in Aus?

Are you naturalised?

Do you identify as Australian?

Been here a total of 8-9 years,

Yes. Even with the accent.

It really depends. I love the country, the weather and the laid back sense that most aussies have. However, I am multicultural. I lived in singapore and I love it as much as I do here, I might have to live in malaysia and I don't find that a bad choice. I can (barely) sing the national anthem, but I can guarantee that as soon as I go to another country, I'd have forgotten it.
For the most part, I do identify as Australian ,but I don't go trumpeting (which some think disqualifies me from being Australian).
Do you wear cologne? If so what kind.

Do you prefer boxers or briefs?

What is your favourite article of clothing you own?

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Do you wear cologne? If so what kind.

Do you prefer boxers or briefs?

What is your favourite article of clothing you own?

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Nope, Not even started using aftershave yet.


My current favourite is a pair of pants that I haven't outgrown in three years, despite being regularly used and washed. - I also have a shirt saying "HSBC, highly suspicious banking corporation-The world's loco bank" which will be my next fave.

5 pairs, not including my one set of boots.
Would you ever move out of Australia?

Where would you move?

Have your classes ever been cancelled on account of weather in Australia?

Would you become a citizen of Russia to have the chance to fly into space on continuous missions?
Do you have a girlfriend?

Do you know what you want to do career wise?

Do you drive? If so what

What is your favourite band or artist?
Would you ever move out of Australia?

Where would you move?

Have your classes ever been cancelled on account of weather in Australia?

Would you become a citizen of Russia to have the chance to fly into space on continuous missions?

Yes. If I had to

Malaysia, where I have family


Yes. Of course, my eyesite probably prevents me from flying.
Do you have a girlfriend?

Do you know what you want to do career wise?

Do you drive? If so what

What is your favourite band or artist?

Working on that.

Yes, I'm hoping to become a global analyst or an International Lawyer, but I'll probably end up somewhere lower.

Working on that too, I'll probably be driving a honda Jazz, my mother's old car.

Current Favourites are the foo fighters, Although I'm currently listening to older songs.
Will you join Bells and myself in a sci Australiana takeover than join us in world domination?

What position would you like in the organisation?
Do you smoke pot? or have you ever?

What is your most valued possession?

Have you ever stolen anything?