I agree that people should be responsible beforehand, but being a moron should not be punishable by forcing someone to have a baby.
Being a moron (Driving while drunk) results in a MUCH more severe punishment that getting to have a child...:|
I agree that people should be responsible beforehand, but being a moron should not be punishable by forcing someone to have a baby.
Being a moron (Driving while drunk) results in a MUCH more severe punishment that getting to have a child...:|
No, I don't think he has any right to force her to either gestate or abort.
Haven't quite formed an opinion re: state healthcare, but I'd lean towards yes.
I agree that people should be responsible beforehand, but being a moron should not be punishable by forcing someone to have a baby.
IT IS.Getting to have a child? You make it sound like it's a reward.
Children don't have the right to not be harmed, got it.And driving while drunk can harm someone else who had the right not to be harmed. Abortion doesn't.
IT IS.![]()
Children don't have the right to not be harmed, got it.
Being forced against your will to have a baby isn't a reward. And not being allowed to use someone's body against their will isn't a harm, any more than not giving someone your kidney is 'harming' them.
I agree with you and no doubt the child deserves a better mother than the one who feels it is just a maggot invading her body, but until there is some viable option that protects the life of the child, in regards to the father who wants to keep it, without forcing the woman to lease out her womb, there are certain concessions we as human beings must make. Perhaps the father who wants to keep the child can offer some financial compensation for the nine months she had to suffer, but I can see where a woman who is greedy and selfish may then use her body as a means to rape men emotionally and financially. Lure them into sex thinking they are in love, get pregnant, then extort the father out of cash in threat of killing his child. So you can see there is no real good solution. Sometimes we simply need to make sacrifices for the greater good. What is 9 months out of your life compared to an entire lifetime of memories and joy the father may have had if you would have allowed him to keep his child. Do you have no sense of charity?
The complication here, that you repeatedly ignore- is the second body involved.
Similar to how you grant 100% of rights to the mother and 0% to the father. You're so intent on protecting the Female opinion, you must ignore a great deal and discount every other contributing member.
I disagree. Appealing to some vague notion of 'kindness' or 'charity' doesn't make something right any more than it justifies strapping someone down and forcing them to donate an organ. A renal patient could also make the argument that one surgery is nothing compared to the lifetime they could have, but that doesn't justify forcibly cutting someone open.
It's his wants versus a woman's health, body integrity, and physical safety. He can have a 'lifetime of joy' with someone else who wants a child. She shouldn't have to sacrifice her body simply because he wants something. I want a lot of things, but I don't have the right to violate someone else to make that happen.
sure you want a childless life, and so you(not you personally) are forcing that desire on a man by killing his child that he wants. sorry, I don't see how your rights to be childless are more important than his right to his child that exists, something that exists because you willfully engaged in sexual intercourse knowing the risks and should accept the possible consequences of that choice. Unless you sit down with a man and agree that if a child is produced through the act he waives his right to claim that child as his own, I don't see how you can claim to have more right over the fetus than he does. It is after all 50% his property.
I haven't ignored anything. I've actually addressed it. A fetus has a body, yes. That body does not get to violate anyone else any more than the body of a born person does. Or can I steal someone's kidney if mine get injured and fail?
VI you know I see a lot of similarities between your posts here and Michaels opinion on taxes. He argues that your access to UHC is a violation of HIS rights too because why should he give up the sweat from his body, the injuries to his body from work etc to pay for YOUR access to health care or whatever other goverment service.
A kidney is not a sentient being, an unborn child is. At least once it has reached a certain level of development anyway.
The endocrine system is not getting messed up, it is operating within normal parameters. It may be something that does not appeal to you, but that does not mean it is messed up or is a malfunction. And under normal circumstances an abdominal wall is not split open. If your specific medical condition is unique in that it causes these things then you have a specialize situation and the actions required in your circumstances should not be thrust upon everyone else. In every case and every law there are exceptions to account for special circumstances. I think it is safe to say that given YOUR particular lifestyle and possible medical peculiarities, no one would ever consider it proper to force you to give birth to a child. So why you are so upset and seeming to assume we are demanding that you go and make babies is a mystery to me.He is not the one who has to carry it to term. He is not the one getting his endocrine system messed up. He is not the one whose abdominal wall gets split open. He can have the child all he wants just not within my body.
Having a baby isn't remotely analogous to paying taxes. Do you honestly believe just handing over some money is akin to going through a pregnancy? Really?
I'm sorry, people's bodies are their own. Women have the right to abortion for the same reason a man or a non-pregnant woman has the right not to donate a kidney.
I'm sorry but my life is more at risk through my job statistically than yours is through pregancy. It's a garenty my back will be fucked and that's just best case. That doesn't even take into account risk of driving to an from work
People's money is their own, why should they be forced to part with it?
The endocrine system is not getting messed up, it is operating within normal parameters. It may be something that does not appeal to you, but that does not mean it is messed up or is a malfunction. And under normal circumstances an abdominal wall is not split open. If your specific medical condition is unique in that it causes these things then you have a specialize situation and the actions required in your circumstances should not be thrust upon everyone else. In every case and every law there are exceptions to account for special circumstances. I think it is safe to say that given YOUR particular lifestyle and possible medical peculiarities, no one would ever consider it proper to force you to give birth to a child. So why you are so upset and seeming to assume we are demanding that you go and make babies is a mystery to me.
I also don't see how your particular case negates the rights of a father.