Valued Senior Member
Which is why I lean to pan spermia, with the abiogenesis occuring in GMCs (giant Molecular Clouds).Natural abiogenesis on earth has footing nowhere near as solid.
Which is why I lean to pan spermia, with the abiogenesis occuring in GMCs (giant Molecular Clouds).Natural abiogenesis on earth has footing nowhere near as solid.
By the way, is anyone else annoyed at IAC’s use of the word ‘dogma’ applied to ‘Darwinism’ (most prominently at the beginning of the post but I think I’ve seen it in a few other posts?)
Dogma: a system of principles or tenets.
"A tenet is any opinion, principle, dogma, or doctrine which a person or group believes or maintains" - the wikipediaDogma: a system of principles or tenets
My point is that there are no dogma's of evolutionism, other than that our senses do not generally lie to us (ie. that this reality we perceive is reality, and if you say that that does merit the term dogma or faith, I then say the words are useless as everything would be dogmatic. And if that too be indeed the case, then why use it at all, other than to “poison the well”?)Indeed, my good man. As you say, perhaps the use of the term "dogma" should not be applied to the beliefs of those who religiously place their faith in the dogmas of evolutionism.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to replace "dogma" with "hallucinations."
Good point.
My sarcasm senses are tingling, but if that’s a statement that the theory is ridiculous, then it’s lacking any support. (Just because I believe something to be ridiculous doesn’t mean I don’t have to prove it.)Hey Ophi, "pan spermia and giant molecular clouds," please tell us more, sounds absolutely incredible
why?Young earth creationists believe in evolution, but not Darwinian evolution, which is known to be patently absurd.
Young earth creationists believe in evolution, but not Darwinian evolution, which is known to be patently absurd.
Darwin DEDUCED HIS THEORY from about 40 years of collecting EVIDENCE.Indeed, my good man. As you say, perhaps the use of the term "dogma" should not be applied to the beliefs of those who religiously place their faith in the dogmas of evolutionism....
swamp slime didn't naturally change into humans.That swamp slime naturally changed into humans, ostensibly, is at just about the same level of absurdity as that life came naturally from non-life.