What about Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus.
EPIMETHEUS was the Titan god of afterthought, the father of excuses. He and his brother Prometheus were given the task of populating the earth with animals and men. However, Epimetheus quickly exhausted the supply of gifts allotted for the task in the equipment of animals, leaving Prometheus' masterpiece, mankind, completely helpless. As a result the Titan brother was forced to steal fire from heaven to arm them. Zeus was angered by this theft and ordered the creation of Pandora, the first woman, as a means to deliver evil into the house of man. Despite the warnings of his brother, Epimetheus happily received her as his bride, but as soon as she arrived she lifted the lid of a jar entrusted her by the gods, releasing a plague of harmful daimones (spirits) to trouble mankind. Only Hope (Elpis) remained behind to succor the unfortunate race.
Oops! That's what we should have done!The god of afterthought?
I'm surprised there isn't a shrine, here.
Sisyphus.Go on, thou dogs: make thyselves of use!
I'm looking for a figure from mythology with a narrow outlook: as the title, myopic, simple or single-minded. I've considered the Cyclopes, but it doesn't quite fit. Anyone? Bueller?
Ah.... yes.
But then, Pontius Pilate wasn't actually mythical... as much as his historical motives might have been.
What about Phaethon? All he wanted was to know his father and gain fathers approval. Once he met his father up in the heavens, all he wanted was so show his father he could drive the chariot and he died as a result.