What is it with you and anal probing?
Because this seems to be a running theme with you and you keep introducing it into these discussions.
For example, from previous UFO threads:
MR responds to that comment and ignores your anal probe comments:
What do you do?
Keep at it:
And again, despite others trying to discuss the subject while ignoring your continued reference to anal probing, you just kept right at it..
And it wasn't just one thread. Here too:
I click on a random page and there you are:
Not to mention in this thread, when you decided to make an offensive and very homophobic remark.
He isn't making any such about anal probing claims. You are. Repeatedly.
And not just in the Fringe sub-sections. You also tried to pull this offensive stunt in the science forums as well:
There are plenty more. Around 60 returns on google alone, for just this site and in each instance, you are the one that introduces it. So what's the deal?
Why do you think this is appropriate? What part of you believes this is appropriate?
Why does he keep at it?
Simple - because Anal Probing is the longest running gag joke in Alien mythos...
The alien anal probe has become such a cliché that it now stands as synecdoche for the entirety of the alien abduction experience. From the pilot episode of South Park to a second season episode of Supernatural, anal probing as also been the—ahem—butt of many jokes. Even the musical parodist Weird Al Yankovic sang in his 2014 song “Foil” about the need for tinfoil hats “in case an alien’s inclined / to probe your butt or read your mind.”
Why it is that aliens want to probe our butts; or, more specifically, when exactly did people start claiming that aliens gave them anal probes? This may seem to be a silly question, but silly questions often end up revealing hidden layers and secrets. In this case, asking the uncomfortable question of why aliens are so interested in anal orifices reveals a fascinating story about the dark side of the alien abduction media industry and its effects on those who participate in it.
Anal probes are now such an established part of the UFO phenomenon that you’d think there would be a clear answer to when the aliens started probing unwary humans. Many UFO books written after 1992 refer to it, and many of the most recent simply assume that it’s a standard extraterrestrial medical procedure during an abduction, but surprisingly no one has yet created a definitive catalog of anal probing events or a timeline of when they supposedly started. Even the otherwise exhaustive Wikipedia lacks an entry for alien anal probes. In a world where there are two competing online databases of movie defecation scenes, this seems like an unusual omission for so famous an abduction trope. There must be something more to the story.
A common thread runs through almost all accounts of abduction by aliens – the infamous anal probe. Abductees are often seen in tear filled interviews, recounting in halting speech how their bottoms were violated by that most diabolical of alien scientific instruments. The Wicked Scholars decided to do some probing of their own, to find out why the anal probe has become such a high profile fixture of abduction research. Our search took us first to Dr. Arne Hansen, renowned Mammalian Physiologist from Case Western Reserve University. We asked Dr. Hansen about the sort of information aliens would be able to get by sticking a scientific instrument up someone’s ass.
Popular culture[edit]
Due to the taboos surrounding the anus, and the potential for discomfort and embarrassment, the rectal exam is a common comedic device, including in episodes of Saturday Night Live,[4] Futurama, Family Guy and South Park.
Similar activities are attributed to extraterrestrials in video games such as Saints Row IV, Gaia Online and Destroy All Humans!.[5]
Aliens are synonymous with Anal Probing... to the point that even Neil deGrasse Tyson weighed in on it!
The beloved astrophysicist takes on common conspiracy theories.
Neil deGrasse Tyson gets a lot of love these days. It’s amazing where some charm and charisma will take you as an astrophysicist (namely, to frequent TV appearances and a couple of hosting gigs).
He popped up on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore last night to talk conspiracy theories, offering up his brand of calm rationalism as a counterweight to the conspiracy buffs on the other side.
He debunks the notions of a fake moon landing and abductions by aliens with probing fetishes, but not the idea that there are aliens somewhere.
“It would be inexcusably egocentric to suggest that we are alone in the cosmos,” he says, “But that is a separate statement from saying that we have been visited by aliens giving rectal exams.”
and yet, people insist it not only happens, but for good reason!
The beloved astrophysicist takes on common conspiracy theories. Neil deGrasse Tyson gets a lot of love these days. It’s amazing where some charm and charisma will take you as an astrophysicist (namely, to frequent TV appearances and a couple of hosting gigs). He popped up on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore last night to talk conspiracy theories, offering up his brand of calm rationalism as a counterweight to the conspiracy buffs on the other side. He debunks the notions of a fake moon landing and abductions by aliens with probing fetishes, but not the idea that there are aliens somewhere.
Listen to Mr. Mainstream know it all.
Smug and so certain of his “science”
I hope when the aliens finally show up one of the first things they do is grab this guy and give him a good anal probe
“It would be inexcusably egocentric to suggest that we are alone in the cosmos,” he says, “But that is a separate statement from saying that we have been visited by aliens giving rectal exams.”
Isn't that great of him to confess the hypothetical alien reality being that there are more galaxies in the universe than all these smart boys from science can count.
He just doesn’t like the rectal part of the story
I wonder why that bothers him so much?
As for this "rectal probing fetish" as he puts it... I say it may be that the aliens are probing the root Chakra possibly to determine
Why so much fear
The root chakra is the seat of fear and it certainly is activated with some bug eyed grey alien is going in your anus with an iron rod on a space ship in the middle of God know where!
So my theory is the aliens are studying fear when they do this
So, to answer your question - why is this appropriate? Simple - because it has been the "butt" of alien abduction jokes and a mainstay of alien abduction stories for-fucking-ever.
But, do go on... continue to paint MR as the "innocent victim". I wash my hands of this farce - the Alternative Theories forum is officially yours, Bells.