So for practical purposes you have a theory
More than a theory! Demonstrable fact that amino acids can be produced in a lab, in circumstances that mimic primordial earth.
If you read Ophiolites post concerning "Severin, Lee, Kennan, and Ghadiri A synthetic peptide ligase", it only takes 32 of these Amino acids to link up to start replicating. Just 32! So we have proof Amino acids can be created from primordial soup, and proof that they can self replicate. All we need now is the bit in between. So a theory with supporting evidence, is what we have. What have you got? Not even a good theory!
Assuming that the universe unfolded in the standard way that people think, with the big bang and so.
There is evidence for this, the expansion of the Universe as shown by red shift, the cosmic microwave background, and more importantly, it's anisotropy. The spectra form 1st and 2nd generation stars, observing supernovae spreading the material back into space from those stars. All proven.
There were many chemicals around that, some of which were the same as those that appear in living systems today, while some weren't the same.
Again, you show your lack of understanding of chemistry. No new chemicals have appeared on Earth since it's formation. ALL the elements now present in the Earth were created when a 1st generation star went supernova, and the heavier elements were created then, dispersed into space, and then coallesced into another star and it's surrounding planets. Elements are created in stars nuclear reactions, and the only path of change is nuclear decay.
Somehow the first cell had to appear.
You start with cells, but that's not where were should start thinking about the origin of life. Start with a prion, or self replicationg protein, then think about it getting more complex over time. Understand that mitochondria in cells might have got their due to a symbiotic relationship. Cells didn't just appear, cells are the culmination of other areas of development.
Some of the chemicals would have been around, some wouldn't have been around. How it got to the first living cell is so utterly unknown.
Not true, and not true. Your education is severely lacking here. The elements that comprise the Earth were born in a supernova, and coallesced into the Earth, and the Sun, and other planets. Nothing has arrived that wasn't already here. Why these elements are present in life is very simple, Carbon, Oxygen, and Iron are very abundant in the Earths crust, partly because they are radioactively stable elements. Iron forms helpful ligands, your blood relies on this, haemoglobin uses a ligand exchange mechanism to loosely bind oxygen. But that's not to say that other elements wouldn't work; some shellfish have copper based blood, and that works just fine too!
Anybody is free to speculate about what would have happened. One should recognize that one's ideas are speculations. At least they are not justified by physical evidence at this point.
There is tonnes of evidence, but it seems your education in it, or understanding of it is severely lacking.
And some people forget that their ideas are speculations because they assume that physical processes unaided by anything were innvolved
This is where you are really showing desperation, and a complete lack of understanding of science! We have equations for physical events that predict things incredibly accurately. We know which chemical reactions are viable, and which are not, and can predict what conditions we need, what yield to expect. There is no significant error margin for 'God' to play with the numbers. NONE.
Actually it indicates that we are stuck in the loop, not god
No it shows that you can't form a coherent argument, and seem to forget what you said already; that God and time existed for eternity, I asked you if you understood that ramafications of this, and clearly you didn't, because you then changed your mind and said time is a loop, but god isn't in that loop, we are. You talk RUBBISH. From our point of view, time and space were created 14Bn years ago, and time moves in a straight line. You invented the loop crap because you could not comprehend an infinite past amount of time, and did not have an answer for why god waited for eternity before creating the Universe, because an inifinite past is not logical!
Make your mind up, at least try to come up a theory, because at this point in time, you don't even have one. Science does, and has evidence to back it up.