A DVR That Watches You

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Valued Senior Member
Verizon has filed a patent for a DVR that actually watches the viewers. The idea behind it, they say, is to show you commercials that better suit you as individuals. One example given is that if cuddling in noted, you might be hit for ads about flowers or contraceptives. ( I almost shudder to think what might happen as a result of SOME things it might see.) :D


How well do you think this is going to accepted in homes?
I'm betting this is a more likely use:

"We're sorry, but the number of viewers present in the room is greater than authorized. If you would like the show to continue, please press OK to pay an additional $1 for each person present..."

or maybe

"We have detected that no one was present during the commercial break, so we paused the commercials. Please press OK to resume commercial break and remain in the room until the commercials have completed."

to be followed shortly by "We have detected that your eyes were not looking at the screen during the commercial break..."
I'm betting this is a more likely use:

"We're sorry, but the number of viewers present in the room is greater than authorized. If you would like the show to continue, please press OK to pay an additional $1 for each person present..."

or maybe

"We have detected that no one was present during the commercial break, so we paused the commercials. Please press OK to resume commercial break and remain in the room until the commercials have completed."

to be followed shortly by "We have detected that your eyes were not looking at the screen during the commercial break..."

Ha-ha! Yep, sounds reasonable to expect to me. ;)

Personally, I'm betting that VERY few people - if they know what these things are - would ever get one.
by Nasor
I'm betting this is a more likely use:

"We're sorry, but the number of viewers present in the room is greater than authorized. If you would like the show to continue, please press OK to pay an additional $1 for each person present..."

or maybe

"We have detected that no one was present during the commercial break, so we paused the commercials. Please press OK to resume commercial break and remain in the room until the commercials have completed."

to be followed shortly by "We have detected that your eyes were not looking at the screen during the commercial break..."


I had envisioned several things similar to this technology. Within 50 years I imagine robotics might be advanced enough to have artificial pets. "Why have a dirty germ filled real cat when you can have a Acme cat?" the ad might say. These pets could film us and coordinate things for us. Let childrens pets tell parents pets where they are and that they will be home for dinner that will be cooked by chef pet.

I also envisioned personal cameras that records everything we see and sends it via cellphone signal to a secure location accessible only by the user or with court order if you are injured by crime.

If a man meets a girl and grabs her to do her harm she can simply say, "Umm, Dude! You do know I am wearing the Acme safety Camera?". The attacker then knows that he not only has been filmed since he met her, but that the film is in a secure location. Perhaps this phone auto-sends compressed video data every ten minutes or when someone says send. If someone is in a high risk situation such as a high crime location or place with loud music, or the person just indicates there might be danger then the camera starts a live feed.

I have envisioned such devices, but in my imagination they might also have personalities and talk with you, or even impersonate you on the phone. If you are in bed the voice might inquire if you are going to sleep the same way a real person might ask.
by Nasor


I had envisioned several things similar to this technology. Within 50 years I imagine robotics might be advanced enough to have artificial pets. "Why have a dirty germ filled real cat when you can have a Acme cat?" the ad might say. These pets could film us and coordinate things for us. Let children's pets tell parents pets where they are and that they will be home for dinner that will be cooked by chef pet.

Why have dirty germ ridden children?
Have clones of yourself made, who will never disagree with you.
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