I am saying it doesn't take the topic out of the realm of speculation with the notion that logic alone operates divorced from value/world view etc.
I have stipulated that theoretical science in that area is speculative, however, we can draw logical inferences from what we do know.
"Knowledge, knowledge of what can be real and what cannot reasonably be expected to be real."
The blind acceptance of a supernatural causality without any logical examination of what we do know, is not knowledge and purely personal. By your standards theism must fail from a complete lack of knowledge about supernatural phenomena. It is not even speculative.
IOW the slippery slope of your statement is that we can only talk of what can reasonably expected to be real in accordance with a pre-existing world view.
And that is a slippery slope??? Oh yes, of course, this slippery slope may lead to knowledge of how things really work contrary to a pre existing world view.
And how slippery is the slope of the pre existing world view of an emotionally motivated entity, who by all accounts (even the catholic church admits) did NOT create the universe and the world as "written" in the sacred (untouchable) scriptures, but by evolutionary function.
the problem is that your ideas of cosmogny, science defaulting to a necessarily godless #ie without sentience# universe etc are not accepted as science ... particularly when there is not a consensus whether cosmogyny is even an acceptable science
I never said "without sentience". I have mentioned pseudo-intelligence, such as Universal Constants and Universal laws which are so predictable as to be identified with a pseudo intelligent behavior. If a brainless slime mold can exhibit intelligent behavior, we may call that pseudo intelligence, IMHO. No reason to suspect this is not just another way Nature figures out (by trial and error of evolution)
Should we assign miraculous properties to what makes the slime mold so smart. There is also a debate function within the hive-mind of bees as to which site is most advantageous to the establishment of a new hive. As I mentioned before ants have had extremely successful societies for millions of years, complete with enormous fungus cultivation to feed up to three million individuals, husbandry, nurseries, air ducts to provide ventilation. A cuttlefish is a completely alien life form from our world beliefs of life and its infinite expressions, all natural, functioning perfectly in a natural world, but using the earths resources in a completely different way. Sulphur vent worms living and thriving in poisonous waters.
The list is a s long as there were living organisms, all naturally evolved and over time speciating. But always natural and in accordance with natural laws. There is no evidence for God, but there is evidence for a Potential field from which reality becomes manifest.
Unless you can cite their work to act as leverage for your claims (such as science necessarily defaults to a world view bereft of a sentient god) about the validity of your (scientific?) claims, not even you are capable of remaining obedient to the parameters you insist the topic be discussed.
How do you know the Universe is not bereft of God now?
I have not made claims, I have stated Bohm's claims, which seem to me entirely logically possible.
IOW there is a massive difference between ideas about the ultimate substance of reality and actually delineating it in a manner that necessarily defaults the exclusion of contrary/conflicting world views.
Bohm was qualified in that area also.
The holonomic model of the brain
Bohm also made substantial theoretical contributions to neuropsychology and the development of the holonomic model of the functioning of the brain.[1] In collaboration with Stanford neuroscientist Karl Pribram, Bohm helped establish the foundation for Pribram's theory that the brain operates in a manner similar to a hologram, in accordance with quantum mathematical principles and the characteristics of wave patterns. These wave forms may compose hologram-like organizations, Bohm suggested, basing this concept on his application of Fourier analysis, a mathematical method for decomposing complex waves into component sine waves. The holonomic brain model developed by Pribram and Bohm posits a lens defined world view, much like the textured prismatic effect of sunlight refracted by the churning mists of a rainbows; this view is quite different from the more conventional "objective reality" model. (Pribram held that if psychology means to understand the conditions that produce the world of appearances, it must look to the thinking of physicists like Bohm.)[2]
In fact you can even argue quite effectively that empiricism is philosophically incapable of addressing the topic #since, by definition, empiricism is always punctuated at one end by a limit in the macrocosm and, at the other, the microcosm#
We seem to be getting pretty good at measuring the various behaviors of the Universe, at both sides. But do we need to know both in order to understand the fabric and function of the cosmos? If we examine an atom, an extremely small object, we find it consists mostly of space between mathematical orbits of particles. A photon's (zero rest mass) potentially may have two fundamental expressions in reality. Perhaps when we get deep enough we end up with the information which is applicable to all the universe. A common denominator, such as potential. E = Mc^2 is a universal potential, no?
Naaah, I don't need them.
I am not saying he is not a physicist, or even established in the field.
He was considered one of the great minds in the field (quantum )
I also never said all his ideas find no scope outside of speculation
Yes you did, my quote was a copy/paste from your comment. (post 111?)
I am saying his ideas, as you call upon them to justify your world view, are speculation and as such are only "reasonably real" for as long as we are working with his ideas on reality that are far from axiomatic
It is becoming obvious you have not read Bohm. He proposed that GR and QM are not mutually exclusive. They just show different properties of the Universe. He proposed the merging of these excellent theories into a greater whole that does allow and accounts for both seemingly conflicting results.
Methinks you underestimate Bohm's stature in physics.
I am saying that it is wrong for you to discuss what one can reasonably expect to be real on the basis of a discipline that has serious philosophical issues approaching the ontological problems you are proposing.
IOW you are using #empirical# science to establish what is and isn't theologically possible on a universal level #when technically any sort of universal is unapproachable by empiricism#
Jeez, how many times do I have to say it. I have no quarrel with spiritualism (it is a private experience), UNLESS it interferes with the scientific examination of what makes the universe tick.
Science has never intentionally interfered with religion, as you said it is outside the scope of science, but the opposite is very real and has been practiced for thousands of years, where religion is suppressing scientific inquiries about the "Origins of the Universe". To a theist this is sacred ground not to be violated. Well I'm sorry to offend, but I want to know what lies beyond.
So far your comments about god are all negative and do not add and its poor form to suggest this is a tenable position purely on the strength of theoretical science #since even theoretical science, evidenced by the controversy of even deeming cosmogyny a science, has massive difficulty acting in accordance with other models of theoretical science#.
And therefore God? Which one? Find me a god I can be positive about, one that is the composite (the wholeness). And Natural, please.
IOW to say that god is untenable on the strength of a branch of theoretical science is saying nothing since any branch of theoretical science has enough issues at hand with merely science . Going further abroad into issues of cosmogyny/theology is certainly not required.
Can't tread on Sacred ground! Not even in a speculative way prompted by unusual phenomena (such as tachyons) bleeding into our universe, even if for a single instant.
The fact that you relegate god to last on your list seems to be more evidence the topic is simply an issue of world view values as opposed to reason
Are you telling me that popular views trump science in the establishment of facts? That smacks of conditioning rather than free thought.