What a stupid request. The idea of a drill is to make it as realistic as possible. When I was a Medic in the RAAF we held frequent drills for crashed aircraft
Yes, and that's why we know so easily that Sandy Hook was a psyop drill and not a "genuine" drill as it were - they massively underdid it on the realism front with that one. Quite hilarious.
Foghorn has put forward as evidence the Alex Jones trial. Putting forward the trial as evidence is a bit like the argument, "If we'd gone to the moon, we would have gone again." (The one event I recognise as real is the astonishing achievement of the moon landings.) Whatever happens (or doesn't happen) after an event cannot act as evidence against the clear evidence of what happened at the time of the event. The evidence shows astronauts landed on the moon - end of, nobody has to go again to prove it. The evidence also shows that Sandy Hook was a drill - end of. The only explanation I can give for Alex Jones is that he has either been blackmailed or is a "controlled opposition" agent - whatever, the trial is a show trial and cannot disprove the evidence of a drill.
Thousands of people don't swallow Sandy Hook. I mean, really, you think we're all so crazy that we would deny the deaths of 20 innocent little children if the evidence wasn't abundantly clear? From reading comments on the internet I see people who don't strike me as particularly conspiracy-minded but are just parents of young children themselves who see in the way the alleged parents act that they are not behaving - any single one of them (please don't use the lame line that "people show grief in different ways") - like parents of children who've just died. If you insist on using the lame line "people show grief in different ways" that still leaves you with the situation that you don't have any evidence FAVOURING real event over drill. Sure, people can show grief in different ways but obviously not showing grief in any convincing manner means you have nothing to brandish in favour of real event.
9/11 was no training drill
Psyop drills are slightly different from normal drills as obviously with psyop drills they put them forward as being real events, aka "live exercises" but even "live exercise" doesn't quite cover it when it's a psyop drill. Psyop drills have very distinctive characteristics namely that they always give them away with very clear clues such that there is no way that anyone who is propagandised into believing them can actually brandish a piece of evidence that clearly distinguishes the events as real events from drills. So when you claim that 9/11 was no training drill this is just an empty claim as there is simply no evidence inconsistent with a drill that has been presented. Obviously, it wasn't "just" a drill as a simple drill would never involve destroying an entire area of important high rise steel frame buildings. Nevertheless we see typical signs of a drill - images of the alleged dead and injured are perfectly consistent with a drill while the images of the injured are completely inconsistent with the description we hear from the chief surgeon at NYU Downtown Hospital, for example. Empty ambulances and rescue vehicles parading past a trauma centre set up to deal with the injured obviously is totally consistent with a psyop drill and completely inconsistent with our expectations of a real event.
Moreover, as the basic narrative falls over at every step along the way - catastrophic failure of the world's mightiest military and intelligence infrastructure four times in one morning including penetration of Defence HQ by a passenger airliner piloted by an alleged crybaby Top Gun, zero squawking by any of the eight pilots, imagery of planes melting into buildings and on and on and on giving away the fact that obviously rogue elements within the US government and their many, many collaborators were responsible for 9/11 we wouldn't expect them to be killing and injuring people for real in such a situation. They need professionals to demolish the buildings and professionals aren't going to agree to fully evacuate some buildings (4, 5, 6 and 7) but only partially evacuate others (1, 2 and 3) and besides it's a psyop! They didn't WANT to kill and injure people, they only wanted us to believe it in order to instill terror and fear in us in order to better control us. They've been doing it for millennia and why people argue against the clear evidence over and over, how they can be so utterly indoctrinated I do find difficult to understand.
I await with interest any evidence for 9/11 or Sandy Hook that clearly distinguishes real event from drill.