4th dimension is extension of 3rd dimension. A world within worlds

There is nothing " anti-science " in my Thinking !!
You see the problem with your "thinking" is that your thinking is not supported by evidence, observational or experimental.
I'm thinking I have a pink unicorn in my backyard...see how it goes river?
And according to the online evidence here, your thinking appears to automatically go diagonally opposite to mainstream...just for the sake of it...am I right river?
You see the problem with your "thinking" is that your thinking is not supported by evidence, observational or experimental.
I'm thinking I have a pink unicorn in my backyard...see how it goes river?
And according to the online evidence here, your thinking appears to automatically go diagonally opposite to mainstream...just for the sake of it...am I right river?


I suggest you to My Cosmology , third page , in the pseudoscience threads . There you get a better understanding of my thinking .

I suggest you to My Cosmology , third page , in the pseudoscience threads . There you get a better understanding of my thinking .
Yes, your "so called" thinking in the pseudoscience sections!!!:D
C'mon river, pull the other one, it whistles! :p

[talk about psychotic delusional syndrome] :rolleyes:
river said:

I suggest you to My Cosmology , third page , in the pseudoscience threads . There you get a better understanding of my thinking .

Yes, your "so called" thinking in the pseudoscience sections!!!:D
C'mon river, pull the other one, it whistles! :p

[talk about psychotic delusional syndrome] :rolleyes:

Well you would get a better understanding of my Thinking , pad :D.
Well you would get a better understanding of my Thinking , pad :D.
Thanks, but no thanks....I've observed your thinking here for many years as others have...perhaps it may have more influence in the fairy tale section of a public library.
river said:

I suggest you to My Cosmology , third page , in the pseudoscience threads . There you get a better understanding of my thinking .

Thanks, but no thanks....I've observed your thinking here for many years as others have...perhaps it may have more influence in the fairy tale section of a public library.

Reading and understanding rather than observing is the ultimate approach to my thinking , pad .
Reading and understanding rather than observing is the ultimate approach to my thinking , pad .
Bullshit is all you read, as opposed to science, to fuel and support your nonsensical anti science paranoia.
Understanding science has been shown to be well beyond your capabilities and desires.
Observations is one of the prime requisites of the scientific method and your ignorance and ignoring of such observational evidence, explains your complete lack of logical thinking.
river said:
Reading and understanding rather than just observing is the ultimate approach to my thinking , pad .

Bullshit is all you read, as opposed to science, to fuel and support your nonsensical anti science paranoia.
Understanding science has been shown to be well beyond your capabilities and desires.
Observations is one of the prime requisites of the scientific method and your ignorance and ignoring of such observational evidence, explains your complete lack of logical thinking.

Knowledge ......
Bullshit is all you read, as opposed to science, to fuel and support your nonsensical anti science paranoia.
Understanding science has been shown to be well beyond your capabilities and desires.
Observations is one of the prime requisites of the scientific method and your ignorance and ignoring of such observational evidence, explains your complete lack of logical thinking.

My observations of you pad , is that you lack observational logic .
An object has a length, width, and, height.

What is the 4th dimension?

The object itself.

The 4th dimension is the actual, tangible, complete, whole, and realized object.

Not just its linear measurements but the actual complete unit.

The 4th dimension is reality.

An object has length , breadth , and depth . In three dimensions . And space .
An object has length , breadth , and depth . In three dimensions . And space .
Bullshit. An object does not have space, as in spacetime...it exists in space. And space exists because of time since the BB. So you have the three spatial dimensions, and one of time. That's science, that's what is supported by evidence, that is what is dictated by relativity.
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My observations of you pad , is that you lack observational logic .
Awww, c'mon river, don't spit the dummy!:D
I simply repeat the same observational data and logic like the four pillars of cosmology that has lead to the acceptance of the BB model, over lesser models like "Steady State", and "Öscillating"

ps: Your nonsense is unknown and confined to the forum's fringes to eventually be lost forever and ever amen, in cyber space...Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! :D