Good try but no cigar!
Check out the sciences!!
I have .
Good try but no cigar!
Check out the sciences!!
All you need to do is learn some cosmology, study hard, and come up with some evidence to invalidate them....Then we'll see you at the Nobel prizes river!! best of luck!!!I'm sure that these " pillars " are irrelevent , in the end .
All you need to do is learn some cosmology, study hard, and come up with some evidence to invalidate them....Then we'll see you at the Nobel prizes river!! best of luck!!!
I have .
What are these " four pillars " pad .?
Theses pillars pad are.....
If you are unable to read, river, or if English is your second language river, or if you are simply ignorant, I'll help further....Theses pillars pad are.....
If you are unable to read, river, or if English is your second language river, or if you are simply ignorant, I'll help further....
Sadly though you are a troll.
It's in the BB/Inflationary model of universal evolution river.....the OP, numbered 1,2,3,4Help me further pad . About these " pillars " , explain , better .
It's in the BB/Inflationary model of universal evolution river.....the OP, numbered 1,2,3,4
I'm not discussing and debating accepted science with a troll in the fool's forum/section.
You may, I don't.Well we have a problem .
Not at all. My contributions to science, as small and insignificant as they are, simply being on a remote science forum, are well evidenced by professionals and experts.But you should .
Not at all. My contributions to science, as small and insignificant as they are, simply being on a remote science forum, are well evidenced by professionals and experts.
Yours? less said the better, hey river?
Not my fault you are unable to respond. Why not ask James?pad likes to hide where I can't respond , is that not right , pad .
Not my fault you are unable to respond. Why not ask James?
And of course any response from you, is guareented nonsense and is why you are banned from the sciences.
So you see river, as that old saying goes, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive"
Now if you were honest for once, and admitted you did not have a clue and were ignorant of cosmology, people may have more respect for you. Instead, you choose to wallow in the cesspit.
Why do you think I'm stressed river? I validate all I say. Perhaps you are looking into a mirror?It would make your thinking less stressed out .
Yep, looking into a mirror again...quite the narcissist you are river.pad your not thinking , clearly
It is used principally as a unit of mass. Unlike weight, mass does not vary with gravity.↑
But the ton metric or imperial . Is subjective . Gravity , the basis of weight , changes constantly .
From what I have seen, your trolling.Agreed
Now what started this tangent ?
From what I have seen, your trolling.