11000 scientists warn re climate change

the media is privately owned business leaders controlling the content and directing the media

why does the good media get painted with the tar brush because of the gutter gossip troll media owners greed ?
thats like sacrificing children to a fertility god as a moral compass
I do not understand your point.sorry.
No doubt there will be thousands of woo media on the net to attempt to destroy credibility...it is the nature of fear ad denial to do so...
Please see my post #30 before you do and I apologize if I was being a tad passionate...
I am doing this on the run and no need to apologise I am angry with the fools as I see them, and still trying to sheet hope the blame and somewhat frustrated no one gets it.
I will sort thru and try and pull it all together. I suggest you watch the video above ...can't remember if he exact title but look for 11000 scientists and fake.
That video is a perfect example of my concern...what we do need to do is review the list and see who is lieing...and when they are identified we tear them to pieces after a fair trial of course.
Again I have to come back to all this later...or in little bits as I get the chance.
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Well perhaps you can show they aren't scientists by providing evidence to support it.
The lists you refer to are not available last I looked...
I know the video is not authority but it's a start...and look at the site and the folk running it...we need the list to determine if the list is a lie.
I know the video is not authority but it's a start...and look at the site and the folk running it...we need the list to determine if the list is a lie.
Look I know you are upset and I am sorry for that.
I'll leave you to it then. Busy day out there in there sticks of NSW ... or so the radio reports are saying...
Best of luck
So who is the liar...?
I still do not know.
We need the list.
And thanks for starting a check on those guys I did not get past number one.
What did you think of their site?
You are accusing the above scientists of being liars...yes?
There is no need to suggest an answer but if you must please go with a multiple choice...yes no and uncertain.

I really think it best if you look at the video as that is what stirred me up in the first place, looking at other stuff helped..but certainly we can work backwards to a degree. The list if not available would not be good whichever way you look at it. We have 11000 scientists who offer a warning etc...lets me see the list...mmm sorry I have misplaced it...that won't wash with me.
I will hunt for the list but if it's not now available I think that only adds to my concern. If there are 11000 scientists what are their names and qualifications...is that unreasonable or do you rate that as nit picking.

The funny thing about the fire that did the damage I spoke of..it took over a week to cover the same distance as the 2002 fire that took many houses. I lost all my stuff because it was stored in a shed the house was saved but only just..everything ...
We looked at that fire about 12pm it was about eight klms away and it was as nothing I should have put it out but it was down a steep gully and I didn't want to get stuck..we went home and three hours later were running for our lives...I was at the rear of the group fleeing and my truck broke down I thought the game was over but happily some tourist came by and got me out...I would not have outrun it for sure.. even on the way out we could see spot fires starting ahead of us...very scarry.

But it will be flooding soon ..things come and go...but my point is the fire of 2002 was much much worse..more houses lost and it was so fast...it did in an afternoon what this last one did in a week but less homes lost in the recent one...and this last one the Westerlies were really blowing so you would think the fire would have travelled real fast..it didn't...I can't work it out.

The trouble is now these firefighters from wherever (Tony Abbot land) won't back burn when needed and the water bombers attack the worst spots..there is no point in attacking the worst spots... you nibble away at the weak spots let the wild stuff burn out.

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Look I know you are upset and I am sorry for that.
I'll leave you to it then. Busy day out there in there sticks of NSW ... or so the radio reports are saying...
Best of luck
Thank you for your kindness ..unfortunately I am in Sydney and that tends to wind you up knowing you should be someplace else.
You see I do my bit, I won't cut my trees, I use solar, wind power, drive a small car so it pisses me right off to see firstly energy waste and folk on my side , as it seems lieing,...Check the video and I think maybe then you will understand my concern.

Keep hunting for the list.
Thank you for your kindness ..unfortunately I am in Sydney and that tends to wind you up knowing you should be someplace else.
You see I do my bit, I won't cut my trees, I use solar, wind power, drive a small car so it pisses me right off to see firstly energy waste and folk on my side , as it seems lieing,...Check the video and I think maybe then you will understand my concern.

Keep hunting for the list.
Sydney would wind any one from the sticks up. Winds me up and I live in Melbourne... ;)
Sydney would wind any one from the sticks up. Winds me up and I live in Melbourne... ;)
I am fortunate in so far as I am in a nice leafy suburb and have to strain to see any neighbours but I really don't like being here particularly with an observatory to complete not to mention clearing the fuel.

I had one of the wildest weeks of my life in Melbourne.. I could write a book...one story..at a club..two girls ever guy asking them to dance...all rejected..I jerried ...neither wants to leave the other alone so I asked them both for a dance and they happily accepted..after when I went to the bar pushing past those still without a win I had two different guys buy me a beer each saying they had never seen such a slick move...I managed to get the two beers and drinks for the two girls back to the table even with all the pats on the back.

So what do we end up with...certainly enough to perhaps conclude that damage has certainly be done.
But of course our side won't accept there is a problem..our side will say...well even if it's a false story the message is true and perhaps resist any urge to consider that what has occurred has set back the cause greatly...if you want to see it otherwise go ahead...
It seems that the list can not be found and I expect someone is editing the list as I type...otherwise why is this list not available.
The problem this news will go away the damage will not.

Anyways please all members see if you can find and present the list ...mmm now we have to work out if we have the real list if we get a list.

Now what would work if Kim Kardashian presented and said we need to do something to reduce coal burning because her eyes sting.

Anyways please all members see if you can find and present the list ...mmm now we have to work out if we have the real list if we get a list.

Seems they approved to a article in Bioscience. So not sure about the in their words holds (did they actually write part of the article OR is approved the same as in their words?

More than 11,000 scientists are warning that the Earth, in their words, “clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency.”

The scientists represent several fields of study and come from 150 countries around the world. They approved a report that appeared in the publication Bioscience earlier this month


Not found the 11,000 but this is perhaps a track record list of predictions


I kept seeing this warning.
Sounds odd.
I do think it's this type of propagandah that has folk thinking climate change is BS.
Any thoughts.

Well where does propaganda come from ?

The rich people who are building underground bunkers maybe?

Why should the rich care when they will be protected while the rest of us perish ?

The climate will return to normal once we are all gone as we are the causality .
Seems they approved to a article in Bioscience. So not sure about the in their words holds (did they actually write part of the article OR is approved the same as in their words?

More than 11,000 scientists are warning that the Earth, in their words, “clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency.”

The scientists represent several fields of study and come from 150 countries around the world. They approved a report that appeared in the publication Bioscience earlier this month


Thanks. We still need a list.
Hope you are well.
Well where does propaganda come from ?
Generally from someone or a group seeking to manipulate opinion and detectable as such when it is sloppy with the truth...that's my opinion with out reference to any definition as may be found in wiki for example.

And may I take this opportunity to welcome you and to thank you for your input.

The rich people who are building underground bunkers maybe?

Certainly..you can't trust those underground bunker builders.

If you seek my opinion in the case at hand...the folk involved with the site perhaps are not guilty of more than being too casual with their "list" if indeed the claims that it was not a list of 11000 scientists.
Looking at the site it looks rather ordinary. One wonders why so casual.

Why should the rich care when they will be protected while the rest of us perish

Well they do care and will continue to care until they are confident that we can all be replaced with robots.

The climate will return to normal once we are all gone as we are the causality .

All gone? All humans gone? How can things be normal if humans are all gone.
No that will never do I am afraid.
The climate change is not the problem ...the problem is that all humans can't agree on a damn thing and implement a strategy.
So to a large degree we are stuffed as the problem requires an approach where all agree and all support whatever action is required.
Hope you are well
Thanks and hope you are as comfortable as can be

I'm on holiday Bali and playing loose with a few ladies is as well as I can get :) cheers

Still looking for list

Thing here is Indonesian plaster ads over everything

See post on unusual pets the ads stuffed it up and can't get back to edit

See post on unusual pets the ads stuffed it up and can't get back to edit
Yes I saw your little cutie...I have them here I give them mince ...sometimes I put out something that attracts fly so they get to eat their normal food.
I am feeling fantastic..fit as a fiddle.