I still do not know.
We need the list.
And thanks for starting a check on those guys I did not get past number one.
What did you think of their site?
You are accusing the above scientists of being liars...yes?
There is no need to suggest an answer but if you must please go with a multiple choice...yes no and uncertain.
I really think it best if you look at the video as that is what stirred me up in the first place, looking at other stuff helped..but certainly we can work backwards to a degree. The list if not available would not be good whichever way you look at it. We have 11000 scientists who offer a warning etc...lets me see the list...mmm sorry I have misplaced it...that won't wash with me.
I will hunt for the list but if it's not now available I think that only adds to my concern. If there are 11000 scientists what are their names and qualifications...is that unreasonable or do you rate that as nit picking.
The funny thing about the fire that did the damage I spoke of..it took over a week to cover the same distance as the 2002 fire that took many houses. I lost all my stuff because it was stored in a shed the house was saved but only just..everything ...
We looked at that fire about 12pm it was about eight klms away and it was as nothing I should have put it out but it was down a steep gully and I didn't want to get stuck..we went home and three hours later were running for our lives...I was at the rear of the group fleeing and my truck broke down I thought the game was over but happily some tourist came by and got me out...I would not have outrun it for sure.. even on the way out we could see spot fires starting ahead of us...very scarry.
But it will be flooding soon ..things come and go...but my point is the fire of 2002 was much much worse..more houses lost and it was so fast...it did in an afternoon what this last one did in a week but less homes lost in the recent one...and this last one the Westerlies were really blowing so you would think the fire would have travelled real fast..it didn't...I can't work it out.
The trouble is now these firefighters from wherever (Tony Abbot land) won't back burn when needed and the water bombers attack the worst spots..there is no point in attacking the worst spots... you nibble away at the weak spots let the wild stuff burn out.