would a multiparty system in the us be a good thing?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pjdude1219, May 29, 2007.

  1. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    i just want to know if anyelse think moving to a multiparty system would improve us politics. if you respond to the give your opinion and why you feel that way and please don't mock anyone nomatter how stupid you think there stance is they have the right to it
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  3. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    I'm assuming you're talking about the USA, right? If so, we already have a multi-party system ...it's just that two of 'em are bigger than the others, that's all.

    Baron Max
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  5. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    when i say a multiparty system i mean along the lines of like in the uk were more than 2 parties canidates have a chance at winning the election for the highest offices. the us is typicall refered to as a 2 party system
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  7. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    See? Now you're not talking about the system, you're talking about the power and money involved. If the "Green Party" had gazillions and gazillions of dollars, they'd have a good chance at winning. See?

    We do have a multi-party system, but you're talkin' about something else entirely.

    Baron Max
  8. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    thr rules for being put on the ballot are diffrent for the republican and demcratic parties than for the others and it gives a major advandage to the 2 of them. the 2 major parties candidte is always on the ballot where other have to go through a long process. its the unfair advanage to those 2 parties is what makes the us a 2 party system because they are given an adavantage by the government
  9. globenstein Registered Senior Member

    I think it would be a good thing if the the US somehow "promoted" voting for other than the 2 major political parties.

    I'm not a resident of the US but I wouldn't want to always choose between the lesser of two evils. It's just not really democratic when you only have the choice to vote for two similar ideals. Sure there are other parties, but we might just as well say they don't exist since we never hear of them.

    I live in Quebec, Canada and there had been only two major parties for a long time: Liberal and Independantist. During the last elections, because one party had been doing nothing and the other wants to cause a recession, a third party actually gained more seats (its a parliamentary system) than the Independantists and is now forcing the Liberal government to change its old ways. Maybe when both Democrats and Republicans screw up bad, a third party will emerge in the US.
  10. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    we can hope
  11. Balerion Banned Banned

    The system is messed up, but it is what it is. Unfortunately, because there's no cap on how much a candidate can spend, the ones with the most money get the most press--and therefore get the most exposure...and therefore get the most votes.

    It's not that American's disagree with the platforms that the smaller-party candidates are running on, it's that we don't know what they're running on.

    It's no different than a TV show. The Democrats and Republicans have more money, so they are the stars and supporting actors. The small-party candidates play bit-parts, because they are almost never on TV.

    As an average citizen, who would you be more comfortable voting for? The guy you know nothing about, or one of the guys who you know everything about?

    I agree that it sucks, but I'm not sure there's anything we can do about it. Limit campaign spending, I guess.
  12. Exploradora Registered Senior Member

    it is near impossible, in my opinion, for the U.S. to break out of the two party set-up anytime in the near future. In the past we have had more than 2 parties, however that resulted in going back to a 2 party system.

    I'm sorry- but the Green party and it's like don't have any hope... voting for them is like throwing your vote away.
  13. superstring01 Moderator

    pjdude-- the UK, IS a two party system. So is Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Sure, they have a "substantial" liberal independent party (mostly, the UK does)... but when was the last NON Torry or Labor prime minister in the UK? How about a non "conservative" or "liberal" pm in Canada or Australia?

    The thing is, in most of the anglo-saxon world, it comes down to just that, right and left.

  14. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    yes but in those countries altouth a few parties have there people on top there parties have to work with others to gain the power to get them in office so its still a multiparty system at least they way i veiw it
  15. globenstein Registered Senior Member


    Exactly, at least we have that: a choice between right and left. In the U.S., you have the choice between right...and a little more right.
  16. superstring01 Moderator

    That's a matter of perspective. Americans are, by their nature, more conservative individuals. Therefore, the entire system will be skewed to the right, just as in France they are more liberal, the entire system is skewed to the left.

    The same criticism you lob could be also thrown at the poor French who have only two choices between "left" and "further left".

  17. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    americans tend to hold liberal views our politions tend to the conservative most polls show americans favor thing generally thought as liberal. though some of these i believe shouldn't be given a political attachment and insteead be seen as decent
  18. BlueMoose Guest

    Same time when one says that the two main partys is just alike they go and
    vote the lesser evil one even if they dont like that one either.
    Sure there is information avaible of other parties and their candidates,
    just choose the one you like no matter how little party the candidate
    is from, thats the only way to get things changed.
    Even if the candidate doesnt go through so what if the two main parties
    are just alike, and they are, just rhetoric bullshit is different, in the end
    they will both carry on just like before.
  19. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    It would be pretty simple to accomplish.
    All we need is real camapign finance reform and runoff voting.
    The difficult part would be to convince people to get behind the idea, because politicians, of course, will not.
  20. Zephyr Humans are ONE Registered Senior Member

    The myth of the wasted vote

    Fraggle Rocker also mentioned awhile back in that one state, the Green Party got a sizable portion of votes (still tiny compared to reps and dems, but much larger than usual) and that inspired the reps and dems to raise the importance of environmentalism on their agenda. So even if a party doesn't actually get into power, voting for it can put its ideas into power.

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