Worthwhile Philosophical Disciplines

Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by Nanonetics, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. Nanonetics Registered Senior Member

    Are there any philosophical disciplines that strictly separate human perception and personal preferences from the actual function and structure of the real world as it exists outside of our conscience?

    For instance, there is an apparent orderly structure to the universe. We have consistent physical laws. Atoms have predictable properties. Molecules form to become identifiable elements. There is order.

    Some may say that this indicates a higher, Creator type intellect at work, like ourselves but immortal, perfect, with infinite divinity, omniscient and like a man but superior in every way.

    Others may say that after a multitude of attempts, the universe itself simply settled into stable patterns, from which we have things like order and our own consciousness.

    What philosophical discipline would get us closer to the truth so that such thought, when put into regular practice, keeps us well grounded and difficult to fool with manmade constructs?

    The greater amount of people I have interacted with have a strong tendency to evaluate the world around them from the standpoint of personal preference and trained opinion rather than by how things actually function outside of the human viewer lenses.
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  3. Lerxst I love Natalie Portman Registered Senior Member

    Good questions. I'd like some answers myself.
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  5. marv Just a dumb hillbilly... Registered Senior Member

    Energy and mass are interchangeable. Energy by its nature is chaotic, while mass is organized. I'm not sure that any philosophy espouses this, but it's a thought.
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  7. glaucon tending tangentially Registered Senior Member

    The key here is 'apparent' order. I don't want to go invoking something akin to an ontological anthropic principle here, but you seem to be looking for something beyond the scope of human experience. All experienced order, organization, systematization, etc., is exctly that: perceived . One could very well argue that any experienced order may very well be a result of our experiencing it, and doesn't exclude the possibility that there is, outside our perception, really none. We cannot step outside ourselves. The discipline that gets closest to what you're seeking is pure logic.
  8. Nanonetics Registered Senior Member

    Regarding the Creator analogy above, my contention is that perception and preference has a habit of initiating lasting error on a grand scale. Someone along the way decided that they were going to describe what was not understood in the ancient world at the time and call this God. The illusionary perception was that an underlying conscience made the universe work. Personal preference made this conscience into a super man type being. The vast errors like unnecessary resource waste, taxes, crusades/wars and stifling innovation because it is perceived as heresy - this was lunacy with a negative effect on millions.

    This lunacy continues right now, not simply religious in nature, individual people from common workers to high public officials and the unfluential wealthy cling to highly personalized and marketed product versions of reality, many aspects of which are unreal, grossly inefficient, unsustainable and illogical. This makes them prone to error and easier to manipulate once their personal fantasy is understood or willingly forced on them as a group.

    Immunizing a body of people by encouraging habitual logical thought via an appropriate philosophical discipline may very well cure many of the destructive errors in the modern world, although large corporations would lose profit and religious organizations lose attendees.

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