World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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I have to ask - do you think that such hateful ranting makes people think more of your argument? Because it sort of does the opposite. You come across as incoherent and confused. Surely you can do better than that.

I have noted lately that the right wing's one consistent political message is "fuck you." You seem to hew to this message as well.
Selectively quotes the imbecile who seriously believes his own utter bullshit 'math'.
'Proving' collapsing steel frame skyscrapers can generate pools of molten steel under the rubble! That last for weeks in some instances! Laughable and sad at the same time.
I have to ask - do you think that such hateful ranting makes people think more of your argument?
Selectively quotes the imbecile . . . .
Apparently you DO think that hateful rants will improve your argument.

Good luck with that! If you ever tire of fact-free ranting on the Internet, I hear FOX News has some openings.
Apparently you DO think that hateful rants will improve your argument.

Good luck with that! If you ever tire of fact-free ranting on the Internet, I hear FOX News has some openings.
A reminder of just how incompetent billvon is at 'analysis':
What utter insanity. By that same reasoning, a water filled balloon dropped from a great height, will turn to steam upon impact with the ground. Everyone else will instinctively know the water will simply splatter outwards, distributing the generated thermal energy very widely thus only a small increase in temperature. NO local 'hot spots'. Owing to ENTROPY! Read up on it and learn real physics.

Link to a single instance of any physicist, engineer, architect, who would do anything but deride your absurd 'calculations' linked to above.
Actually, let's broaden that to anyone (other than your crazy self).

Further, cite a single instance where even mild (100 degrees C or more) heating of steel girders etc. was noted following controlled demolition of a high-rise building. Exclude only where thermite cutter charges were used!
Of course you will, for sure, come up empty handed in both cases. And you consider yourself smart. What a joke you are.
Mod Note

Selectively quotes the imbecile who seriously believes his own utter bullshit 'math'.

You don't get to pull that line.

You don't get to post bullshit like that, after saying something like this:

fellow Jew financiers/backers mass-murdering agendas.

And this is after numerous infractions and temporary bans for your anti-Semitism.

I'm going to copy and quote what I said in the back room, just for some context:

I don't have a problem with any critique of Israel, or of their expansion into Palestinian territories, or of their destabilising effects in the region due to their nuclear arsenal, their willingness to bomb the living shit out of their neighbours and their questionable actions regarding the acts of Mossad in the last 50 years. Nor do I have a problem with discussing the Israel lobby groups that exist around the world and in the US in particular, to further the interests of Israel in the ME above all else. In fact, a great number of books have been written about how it has shaped US foreign policy in the past.

None of this is anti-Semitic.

Do you know why none of this is anti-Semitic?

It's because I'm not sitting here ranting about Jews, nor am I posting Nazi propaganda tropes.

You, on the other hand, are. Repeatedly.

When you whine that your behaviour has been called out:

What is clear to me is that your bullying and at the same time cowardly-subservient-to-almighty Judaism's repressive leftist dictates, is a piece of crock.
Entirely lacking from yours and oft quarreling 'fellow' SF Leftist-Marxist mods is any semblance of objective fact. 'Antisemitism' is just code for repression of freedom of speech hence anti-freedom of thought. In a truly free society, any and all political/ideological 'truths' aught to be freely criticized.

Poor little Nazi baby!

You're a bigot. A repulsive and abusive bigot. And this is the end of the line as far as I'm concerned.

At first, I think we all thought or hoped that it was a one off. But it wasn't a one off. You posted offensive and bigoted anti-Semitic bullshit over and over again.

So no. You don't get to post like your Nazi self and then try to pretend it didn't happen and strawman people for it. You're done.
Mod Note

You don't get to pull that line.

You don't get to post bullshit like that, after saying something like this:

And this is after numerous infractions and temporary bans for your anti-Semitism.

I'm going to copy and quote what I said in the back room, just for some context:

I don't have a problem with any critique of Israel, or of their expansion into Palestinian territories, or of their destabilising effects in the region due to their nuclear arsenal, their willingness to bomb the living shit out of their neighbours and their questionable actions regarding the acts of Mossad in the last 50 years. Nor do I have a problem with discussing the Israel lobby groups that exist around the world and in the US in particular, to further the interests of Israel in the ME above all else. In fact, a great number of books have been written about how it has shaped US foreign policy in the past.

None of this is anti-Semitic.

Do you know why none of this is anti-Semitic?

It's because I'm not sitting here ranting about Jews, nor am I posting Nazi propaganda tropes.

You, on the other hand, are. Repeatedly.

When you whine that your behaviour has been called out:

Poor little Nazi baby!

You're a bigot. A repulsive and abusive bigot. And this is the end of the line as far as I'm concerned.

At first, I think we all thought or hoped that it was a one off. But it wasn't a one off. You posted offensive and bigoted anti-Semitic bullshit over and over again.

So no. You don't get to post like your Nazi self and then try to pretend it didn't happen and strawman people for it. You're done.
In some ways a shame, as he did know some physics, but in the he left himself (or, rather, the moderation) no option with these rants. Perhaps he is a re-incarnation of Philipp Lenard : :D

Or perhaps just an old man going gradually senile............
Where? His comparison of a lightweight balloon with water compared to millions of tons of building?
In past physics threads. Something I’ve learned is that rational people can have blind spots or idées fixes . He also had a nasty streak.
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I wasn't around to witnesses Q-reeus's drama-queen decision to self-imolate on the altar of anti-semitism. I can only say that I hope he manages to extract himself from the pit of irrational hatred he has obviously been sucked into. Given the depths to which he has sunk, I think he will probably not be able to do it on his own. I hope the people who are close to him can help him to get back to reality.

I should point out that Q-reeus was entirely aware of what he was doing in doubling down on his anti-semitic opinions in his postings. I gave him no fewer that 5 separate warnings since he decided to go all-in with posting anti-semitic bullshit back in August of 2021, although there were some less overt displays of anti-semitism from him prior to that. Unfortunately, he became increasingly belligerent and hostile towards the moderators, and to anybody else who disagreed with him - on just about any topic - and more insistent about posting his far-right propaganda and conspiracist tropes. Nevertheless, in each warning he accumulated, he was told exactly what the long-term outcome of his continued offensive behaviours were likely to be - a permanent ban. So here we are.

It's a pity that yet another moderately intelligent American has become lost down the rabbit hole of far-right internet propaganda.
On a different topic, it seems unlikely that psikeyhackr will ever post any positive thesis about what he thinks happened back in 2001. In that context, what's the general opinion?

Are members still interested in correcting his many errors, or would now be a good time to call "enough!" on this time waster of a thread?
Are members still interested in correcting his many errors, or would now be a good time to call "enough!" on this time waster of a thread?
Considering it has conspiracy in the title I'm surprised it got this far

World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy - time to go sleep

Seems like "more than enough" for me. He is so far down the rabbit hole that there is no reason to waste time reading his posts, they aren't even funny anymore.
On a different topic, it seems unlikely that psikeyhackr will ever post any positive thesis about what he thinks happened back in 2001. In that context, what's the general opinion?

Are members still interested in correcting his many errors, or would now be a good time to call "enough!" on this time waster of a thread?
I would call this whole thread "poorly formed".
It offers no speculation - let alone evidence - of either the "who" or the "how" of an alleged conspiracy.
Better to close it and let it be restarted (if someone were motivated) with a proper proposal.
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