Wondering if there's a way to increase my weight


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Registered Senior Member
My BMI is just slightly above 14. It doesn't seem healthy at all. I eat very much still don't help the problem.
BMI? What's that? I only have 6% body fat, and compare that to my height, I'm vastly underweight. But recently I have been gaining some.

Here's what I have been doing. I hope this helps.

I'm aiming to get fit for something (RAF) so I am cutting out all motorized transportation, I am walking everywhere. I mean everywhere. Even if it's 30 miles away! I am eating whatever I feel like at the time, be it healthy or unhealthy. I've heard that pasta helps raise your body weight to it's adequate level.

So basically, exercise lots and eat lots. It's working for me. I'm now 10.5 stone. Three months ago I was only 9.5 stone. And I'm 6ft 2!! :eek:

Just go for it, you know you wanna!
Body Mass Index. How can u count your body fat %?
If only I have such a long path to walk. I am going to eat everthing in front of my eyes!
I have these cool scales that does it all for you. You have to exercise as well as eat!
Cardio exercises like walking, jogging, stairclimbing etc. aren't going to add much mass unless you are seriously undermuscled and inactive. Instead, lift weights.

Eat more. What you consider "very much" food might not be that much, so keep careful track of how many calories you are taking in during a day. If you aren't gaining weight, up the intake.
Wow, I´ve got a BMI of 17.2 and I am pretty thin. (Just about 2.02 meter and have got about 70 kilos) Anyway, I have been gaining weight with training, like lifting weights and so on. I do not put on weight very fast, but at least it stays.
If only I have such a long path to walk. I am going to eat everthing in front of my eyes!
*places Shiniqua's dried up vagina in front of your eyes*

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an>roid.v2 said:
Na - I don't recommend "eating everything in sight" 'cuz eventually it'll catch up to you, and the food'll start accumulating as back-up, if you get my drift, and you'll develop a nice ugly disproportionate bulge. What I do, alongside my training, is to include a protein supplement: lots of good-quality, low-fat, easily assimilating stuff that I take before and after training. The results are amazing. Hence my appetite remains in check 'cuz my body doesn't require huge amounts of bulk to supplement the need for building muscle. Oh, and along with protein supplements, I also include good-quality vitamins and minerals (not the lab-produced junk that the body will barely absorb).

Good advice :)

all you guys here quite tall. I had never see any 2m man on the street.
Eat alot and lift weights. That's the key! The best thing is you don't have to worry about the amount of fat in what you eat, the important thing is that you eat as much as you can, specially after you've worked out. Good luck.
CarrotCake said:
Oh, and a 14% BMI is perfectly healthy too.

You really don't need to raise it anymore.

This is not entirely true. A low BMI may be desirable if you're an athlete, but it lowers your immunity to desease.
Low BMI also equals low stamina. You need some fat reserves.

Walking will lower the amount of muscle you carry, as your body will adapt to do what you want it to do, with minimum energy use, so carrying muscle it doesn't need is pointless. To gain weight, you have to lift weights, eat lots of protein, and keep an eye an fats and carbs. You need both if you are going to be exercising.
I need to gain fat, in a healthy way and in a healthy amount. Any advice? I eat plenty, I devour such huge plates with such juicy content people don't know where it all goes, but my metabolism is fast and I work out regularly. Is there any healthy food that is also full of fat?
whitewolf said:
I need to gain fat, in a healthy way and in a healthy amount. Any advice? I eat plenty, I devour such huge plates with such juicy content people don't know where it all goes, but my metabolism is fast and I work out regularly. Is there any healthy food that is also full of fat?

What kind of work out? If you are already lifting weights, eat more. Check out weightgainers, it works. If you're doing cardio, try combining it with a few days / week of pumping iron as well. GL!
whitewolf, it sounds like you might have a hyperthyroid. you should probably see an endo.
healthy foods with fat: nuts, seeds, avocados, olives. eat them with carbs to keep from burning away.