Woke Capitalism

river said:
There are alot of companies that are not on the stock exchange .

Hence no Public share holders .

Right. What does that have to do with anything? Sole proprietorships can be just as greedy - they just tend to be smaller.

Sure they can be , but many aren't . These companies are not influenced nor responsible to public investor dividends or the like . Nor share price .
We do not teach the Capitalist philosophy in grade schools . Accounting is not so important as the philosophy behind Capitalist philosophy .

Is accounting a philosophy? NET Domestic Product was not mentioned in my college economics course. It was years later that I noticed the equation is wrong. How much have American consumers lost on the annual Depreciation of automobiles since Sputnik?

Sure they can be , but many aren't . These companies are not influenced nor responsible to public investor dividends or the like . Nor share price .
No disagreement there. But again I am not saying that all companies are greedy, whether public or private. I am saying that capitalism rewards the greediest people and companies in society, and companies that use their money for humanity rather than their own advancement are penalized.
river said:
Sure they can be , but many aren't . These companies are not influenced nor responsible to public investor dividends or the like . Nor share price .

No disagreement there. But again I am not saying that all companies are greedy, whether public or private. I am saying that capitalism rewards the greediest people and companies in society, and companies that use their money for humanity rather than their own advancement are penalized.


To make a profit keeps employees , employed . And some share the profits they make with their employees . End of year bonus to their employees .

And hard work , long hours , risk , responsibility to their private lives , wives , children etc. , rarely at home with their families ; profit , that betters their lives is the reward .

What companies for example . What companies are penalized for using their profits to benefit Humanity ?
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To make a profit keeps employees , employed . And some share the profits they make with their employees . End of year bonus to their employees .
Some do, some don't. And the ones that do are doing so to try to retain talent, make themselves more competitive and thus make more money. The goal isn't enriching employees - it's enriching shareholders.
What companies for example . What companies are penalized for using their profits to benefit Humanity ?
If a company contributes a lot of money to (for example) CAMFED, and that money is not used to grow the company, other companies out-compete it - and the company fails.

To make a profit keeps employees , employed . And some share the profits they make with their employees . End of year bonus to their employees .

Some do, some don't. And the ones that do are doing so to try to retain talent, make themselves more competitive and thus make more money. The goal isn't enriching employees - it's enriching shareholders.

Not privately held companies .
What companies for example . What companies are penalized for using their profits to benefit Humanity ?

If a company contributes a lot of money to (for example) CAMFED, and that money is not used to grow the company, other companies out-compete it - and the company fails.

Please , please , everybody when using an acronym , explain what it stands for .
Capitalism as a philosophy of living needs to be revised .

As Mark Cuban stated , capitalism should work from the bottom up rather than from the top down .

The more money people have to spend , the more they drive the economy .
The current ways of some Capitalist in the now have put a black eye , on what some Capitalist are and can be .

Good people trying to do good things . For their employees and customers .
A board member or executive of a publicly traded corporation who sacrifices shareholder profit to do good for nonshareholders would often be in violation of the law.

They have a fiduciary responsibility to not do that. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/042915/what-are-some-examples-fiduciary-duty.asp
Capitalism is like brewing beer.

The yeast eat all the sugar until there's no more and then they die.
Capitalism is like brewing beer.
The yeast eat all the sugar until there's no more and then they die.

These particular yeast have figured out a way to make more imaginary sugar, though. Which works as long as all the little yeasties believe in the imaginary sugar.
river said:
The current ways of some Capitalist in the now have put a black eye , on what some Capitalist are and can be .

Good people trying to do good things . For their employees and customers .

A board member or executive of a publicly traded corporation who sacrifices shareholder profit to do good for nonshareholders would often be in violation of the law.

They have a fiduciary responsibility to not do that. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/042915/what-are-some-examples-fiduciary-duty.asp

I know guy I know . But private corps. Don't have that responsibility .