Windows XP

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§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
When I installed win xp pro, I was impressed by how easy it was to set up. Setting it up on my home network was also quick and easy. It carried over my old files nicely when I went from FAT32 on win98 to the NTFS. Heck, at first it was VERY stable, at least compared to my old win98.


With each passing week it grew slower and more prone to crashing. The networking ability on this machine totally died. Tonight I decided to try the microsoft online update thing, maybe fix it up a little. So I get on the microsoft website with MS Internet Explorer. And guess what? The process crashed IE during the MS software upgrade!

Personally, I think that says all that needs to be said about microsoft. As soon as I get my network up again so I can move all my files over, I'm putting Solaris or Suse or something on this machine.
I abuse my XP box pretty much everyday. I play games, browse web, download, and install/uninstall lots of crap. I didn't notice any slow down or crash.
There are a few possibilities why that could occur:

1: BAD RAM -
Yes the dreaded Bad RAM, dreaded because someone always blames the RAM, you say it's fine... and you feel stupid later when you find out it is the RAM. What do I mean....

When I had bad RAM in my 500, I tried installing windows, but because the RAM management wasn't correct the installation kept trying to access a SYSTEMS file in C:\WINFOWS\SYSTEM (Yes for some reason the D in windows became an F)

I found once I replaced the RAM, the very installation disks that I thought were faulty... Worked fine.

2: Hidden LOG's -
Your system could have been configured to logging, eventually logs take up loads of room.

3: The more applications you install, the more STARTUP's run -
This means it's a good idea to try and turn off some of those start-up processes, as they use memory while they are running and slow your start-up time down.
This is probably the reason for Browser crashes during updates
Whats your RAM size Ad,mine 512 MB DDR.Win XP Pro,its working pretty nicely...

About The Upgrade Process

yes,this has been a problem.but did you wait after freezing of the download centerscreen?if you wait for a while,then it starts again...

My main computer is an AMD K6 200, 96 ram, 6.4 gig hard drive. Was running win98, now win XP pro, which started out no slower than win98. The only application on automatic start-up is my firewall.
Actually, 64 MB is minimum,128 MB is u must really get it done.i would suggest that,since i have a 512 MB DDR-RAM computer upgraded from 64MB and i can feel the difference...

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I think yer wrong dude

There must be something messin with your hardware! Have you tried a little dusting? Try reinstalling it(reformat)and make sure after you install each driver/large proggie you restart and make sure everything is running fine...

I am the myst that blunts your flame of life. With ever breeze of my fury you grow weak. With every look into my eye your soul churns like the devil itself has laid hands around your neck. And when I touch you heaven itself has come before...
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