Why Should I Give a Flying Fuck?

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by TruthSeeker, Jun 24, 2007.


Should I Care About the Rest of the World? Should I Try Making the World Better?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Wow. Tons of good and interesting responses...

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    True. But many people obviously don't care. Furthermore, many people simply can't make their own situation any better. For instance, poor people in africa, or people in a war-torn country. Those people need external help. And they make up over half of the world population. So, altough what you say is true, it is not the whole picture.

    Yes. One should start with home...

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    However, there is one more thing. I believe that parents should give their children a good future, would you agree? I believe it is a parent's duty to take good care of their child, so that their child can make a positive contribution to the world. But, I also believe that if that child lives in a world that is torn by war and that is a menace to the child, that it becomes irrelevant to take care of the child. Therefore, I believe that part of teh duty of being a parent is to make the world better so that your child can have a better future then you did.

    Yes, indeed....
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  3. shorty_37 Go! Canada Go! Registered Senior Member

    short vacation dark!!:bugeye:
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  5. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Why would you care? It's not like you are into him, isn't?

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  7. shorty_37 Go! Canada Go! Registered Senior Member

    dark is a character...I think he is full of it and playing this mating purposes thing...I think its all a joke....
  8. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    That would be impressive....
  9. shorty_37 Go! Canada Go! Registered Senior Member

    well its sure an attention grabber isn't it?
  10. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member


    Anwyas... back to the thread... why should we give a flying fuck about his sexual life? LOL!

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  11. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Maybe. But until your own little world is as you want it, trying to help someone a gazillion miles away is ....close to stupid, if not worse.

    Well, sure! Just think ...if you can't even help your close neighbors, what good does it do to try to help someone a gazillion miles away ...who you've never met and won't ever see?

    It's like having a gallon of water and being surrounded by thirsty friends and neighbors, but instead of help them, people you know, you send the gallon of water to Afri-fuckin'-ca! Does that make any sense to you?

    You have a "world view", yet you can't even see or help the needy people that live in your own city/town/area/neighborhood. In other words, you're one of the biggest fuckin' hypocrites that the world has ever seen or heard of.

    Baron Max
  12. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    We have been through this before. Or you forgot that I've done tons around here to help? I guess you forgot that....

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    Besides, why should I only concentrate here, where everyone has TONS of help? Like... if anyone, ANYONE here has a problem, all they need to do is go to the government. That is all. There is tons of help here.

    I guess you forgot I live in the best country on earth....

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  13. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    TS, when you can point to your little corner of the world, and show us all that it's as close to perfect as it can get, then you're perfectly welcome to move out a couple of miles and start all over again. Then when you get THAT part of the world cleaned up, ............

    Otherwise, TS, you're just being a major-pain-in-the-ass hippo-fuckin'-critter! And worse, you try to justify being a major-pain-in-the-ass hippo-fuckin'-critter!

    Baron Max
  14. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    You're senile!

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  15. lucifers angel same shit, differant day!! Registered Senior Member

    i think you can do somthing to help anyone, if someone is on the net saying they are going to kill themselves, you try and talk them out of it, if you see a child fall in the street (i would hope) you help them up again, if an old person has a stroke you call the ambulance, all these little things go a long way to helping people and to giving a fuck!
  16. Jeff 152 Registered Senior Member

    You should not give a flying fuck, because doing so removes responsibility on their part and makes them even more helpless. The more you help someone, the weaker you make them.

    Of course there are exceptions, and I am an extremely helpful and benevolent person in my peer group. I do favors without asking anything in return, I always try to compromise and peacemake, and I make sacrifices so that others may be happy. But this is completely different than going around trying to solve the worlds problems. If Darfur is not a threat to us, dont bother trying to fix it. Thats the only reason I think we need to be in Iraq, cuz without us there I see it easier for terrorists to coalesce and launch an attack on our turf. We should intervene in places like North Korea. But starving people and civil war, not my problem. If we had a civil war or a famine we wouldn't get any help, so why should we give any.

    Personally, I find Rand's objectivism a good way to live my life.
  17. lucifers angel same shit, differant day!! Registered Senior Member

    showing you care is just being human!

    and some people are unable to help themselves!!

    all the children in care, whould we not help them because it makes them weaker?
  18. Jeff 152 Registered Senior Member

    People who are unable to help themselves will not benefit from outside help either. They will squander it.

    And like I said, I care about people. If I saw a child fall in the street I would help. If I see a stranger with a heavy box i will help. I do little things that help others.

    maybe its just becasue I don't see it, but I care about people around me and I help people around me, but I really just dont care about problems in other countries.
  19. lixluke Refined Reinvention Valued Senior Member

    Who gives a crap? Why bother helping people in your own area when people in Africa need help? Why should anybody really care about the losers in their own area when Africa needs help?
  20. Jeff 152 Registered Senior Member

    sorry I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not lixluke?
  21. ntgr Registered Senior Member

    Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy
  22. lixluke Refined Reinvention Valued Senior Member

    There is a reason nobody changes themself, and that reason is oppression. As long as your face is being held into the ground by a giant boot, you are not free.

    Any idiot thinking that people can change their circumstances is probably not aware what the circumstance is. The fact is that those with more power take advantage of those with less power. That is what this primitive civilization is based on. It is never up to those with less power to change. It is up to those with more power to change, and stop taking advantage of those with less power. To take responsibility for them.
  23. Jeff 152 Registered Senior Member

    That is false, America was dominated by the exploitation and oppression of the British Empire. The British did not stop taking advantage of us, we took a stand to sieze what we deserved.

    Thousands of people start out being very poor but work their way up and now live great lives. Almost all of the rich Americans today started out as poor immigrants who came to America, worked hard to make it to the top of the chain, and are now enjoying the benefits. My grandfather was a poor polish immigrant without a dollar to his name, but he came here and found a way to build himslef and his family a life, and my father continuedthat trend, and I am continuing the trend.

    It happens all around you open your fucking eyes lixluke just because you can't improve your situation doesn't mean it isn't possible, it means you are incompetent. Where there's a will there's a way, stop fucking complaining people like you make me sick.

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