Why is sciforums traffic so low now?

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Woah. I didn't call you stupid. You freely admitted you didn't understand what I said, despite the fact that I quoted your posts directly. That's on you mate.

I said I didn't know what you were talking about, not that I didn't understand what you said. See it has nothing to do with anything going over my head and everything to do with your vague references. Move along now troll..or matey, or whatever...yawn...
I shall try to be patient, but in your persistent refusal to actually note what I am saying you are looking very much like MR.

We all have personal little meanings for words, some common, some not so common. In many cases we think these meanings are generally held by the population at large. There is no intended deceit in this - it is just an aspect of language usage. It would have been helpful if he had been quicker to acknowledge the meaning he was applying in this case. It would have been helpful if one of us had asked for a definition of terms at an earlier stage.
He is doing it even in this thread.

He is changing the meaning of words and the meaning of his very argument on any given occasion for his own personal gain in the matter..

For example, he is now arguing that he used to believe they were aliens and now he believes they are "interdimensional being".. His words, in this very thread:

I used to think maybe aliens. We can't exactly rule it out. But more likely they are some form of interdimensional/transhuman intelligence that is engineering human consciousness into a new phase of evolution. So much to learn. So much to discover! Live long and prosper.

He is saying we cannot rule out aliens, but he believes they are more likely to be "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence" - notice the play and adding on new meanings in that alone..

This is his new argument when it comes to UFO's, all those unknown lights in the sky.. He is now positing that they are "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence". So can you please explain to me why, when Paddoboy states that he has seen no evidence that those lights in the sky, ie, UFO's, are aliens:

The reality is that we have no hard evidence for Earth being visited by Aliens....
We have plenty of extraordinary evidence that UFO sightings have been seen and reported, but no evidence that they are anything other than illusions of an overactive mind, atmospheric phenomena, or some other possible Earthly explanation.

As in aliens being the traditional meaning of the term.. ET.. Little green men.. That MR, who has demanded he is not talking about "aliens", but really about "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence", then comes back with:

Like that morphing multicolored starfish-shaped craft viewed by the airport tower and pursued by the pilots of the Iraqui airforce in 1976? That one? Which you dismissed as ball lightning? lol! Or how about the triangular craft witnessed by thousands over Belgium in 1989? That one? Or perhaps you're referring to the saucer that was witnessed by airport workers, tower personel, and pilots hovering near Chicago O' Hare in 2008 that shot up thru the clouds leaving a hole in them? That one? Or maybe you're referring to the egg-shaped craft that landed in Zimbwe and had a person in a silver suit come out of the hatch that 64 children saw at recess in a nearby field and which then took off? That one? Need I go on?

In response to Paddoboy's comment.

Those very Iraqi airforce incident in 1976, the triangular craft witnessed by thousands over Belgium in 1989, or the flying saucer witnesses by airport workers, etc, that he is now arguing are "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence".. And yet, here he is, moving the goal post again and arguing that they are proof they are "aliens" in its traditional meaning.

If we were to take MR's argument at face value that they are "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence", then paddoboy would be correct. That there is absolutely no evidence that Earth is being visited by "aliens". So which is he arguing now? Is he arguing for "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence" or little green spacemen that we commonly refer to as "aliens" that he is now arguing are visiting Earth in their flying saucers?

The very suggestion that we can change meanings of words to suit our argument when we feel like it is ridiculous. Clearly you disagree. The point of contention here is that MR is changing meanings of words in any given post. In one post, he is arguing that he didn't mean "aliens" and he means "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence" and a few posts later, he is arguing that the very lights and events he claims were from "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence", are actually proof that aliens exist.

Of course he should have done so, however failure to do so is not proof that he is intellectually dishonest, just rather poor at presenting a logical argument.
I disagree.

The only way we could argue that his chopping and changing meanings of words, each time he is asked to prove something exists when he claims they are fact, is not intellectual dishonesty, would be if he suffered from multiple personality disorder or was mentally retarded and had the thought processes of a 3 year old who has no grasp or understanding of commonly used words when migrating to a new country with a different language.

Of which I can safely assume, MR is neither.

I'm disappointed that you are unable to approach the matter objectively. You are convinced he is lying. I suspect he is just a muddled thinker. My hypothesis is better supported by the evidence of his many threads than yours.
I am convinced he is lying because he is actually lying.

Hounding him? Yes. All you needed to do was to make something akin to your last statement once, then act on it. Instead you have made lengthy post after post. Simples.

This has, I think included, throwing in the occasional bit of moderation. That's highly questionable moderator practice - moderating a thread you are involved in. No wonder the poor dear feels persecuted.
And if I had actually moderated him in this thread, you might have a point.. To wit, I haven't issued him with a warning or infraction in this thread. I told him that he would be expected to back up his claims with evidence and I told him that he had to critically analyse what he was posting to make sure that what he was posting here as "fact" was not in fact fake and failure to do so would result in moderation. That is a standard that applies to everyone.

It's late. I'm tired. If still relevant I shall try to respond in more detail tomorrow, but here is the Executive Summary.

Several of you are requiring of MR a standard of logic and critical thinking he is not capable of. You are then judging the consequent mish-mash of his posts to reveal dishonesty. He's not dishonest, he's just not very bright.
Sorry to break this to you, Ophiolite, but even not very bight people lie sometimes.

And arguing that people should be allowed to change meanings of words (and he is doing it to avoid providing evidence of what he claims are fact and to not lose an argument) is, in my opinion, pretty poor form. To wit, you are trying to provide him with an excuse to break this site's rules in regards to extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence and the very notion of employing the scientific method, because you are saying he should be able to change meaning of words to bypass posting in good faith, not to mention you pretty much just stated that we should be treating him differently or applying different standards to him because he is is not that bright. Sorry, we don't have different sets of rules for stupid people. And I do not believe that MR is "not very bright", nor do I believe he is stupid. I happen to believe that MR is very bright and intelligent.
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If we were to take MR's argument at face value that they are "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence", then paddoboy would be correct. That there is absolutely no evidence that Earth is being visited by "aliens". So which is he arguing now? Is he arguing for "interdimensional/transhuman intelligence" or little green spacemen that we commonly refer to as "aliens" that he is now arguing are visiting Earth in their flying saucers?

Wow. You just don't give up do you? Here's paddoboy's claim again:

The reality is that we have no hard evidence for Earth being visited by Aliens....
We have plenty of extraordinary evidence that UFO sightings have been seen and reported, but no evidence that they are anything other than illusions of an overactive mind, atmospheric phenomena, or some other possible Earthly explanation.

What I was really and truly responding to, which btw you can ask me at anytime so as to spare you this tedious task of second-guessing and drawing erroneous conclusions, is the last statement of that paragraph: his claim that ufos are nothing more than illusions, atmospheric phenomena, or other earthly explanations. I took issue with that, which is why I then cited 4 well documented cases showing them to NOT be those things. Did I change the meaning of any words here? No..Was I claiming something I secretly didn't believe? No..Am I claiming ufos are piloted by aliens again? No..I didn't even mention that. So spare us the obsessive dissection of my statements in order to trap me into some rules violation. I'm not violating shit. You otoh are an embarrassment to this board. Get a grip Bells.
What I was really and truly responding to, which btw you can ask me at anytime so as to spare you this tedious task of second-guessing and drawing erroneous conclusions, is the last statement of that paragraph: his claim that ufos are nothing more than illusions, atmopheric phenomena, or other earthly explanations. I took issue with that, which is why I then cited 4 well documented cases showing them to NOT be those things. Did I change the meaning of any words here? No..Was I claiming something I secretly didn't believe. No..Am I claiming ufos are piloted by aliens again. No..I didn't event mention that. So spare us the OCD dissection of my statements in order to trap me into some rules violation. I'm not violating shit. You otoh are an embarrassment to this board. Get a grip Bells.
I have to ask, do you actually read what you post?

So when you said:

Or maybe you're referring to the egg-shaped craft that landed in Zimbwe and had a person in a silver suit come out of the hatch that 64 children saw at recess in a nearby field and which then took off? That one? Need I go on?

In response to a post where paddoboy stated that there is no hard evidence that Earth is being visited by aliens.. What, exactly, did you mean?

When you first introduced the story of the 62 children in Zimbabwe on this site, you posted a video and claimed that it was:

62 school children in Zimbabwe Africa see oval craft land and aliens come out of it:

"62 school children in Zimbabwe Africa see oval craft land and aliens come out of it".. You referred back to this story several times when posting about UFO's and aliens, and in one post, even posted another video and images the children drew.

This is what I mean by intellectual dishonesty. Now you are saying that you were responding to his claims that UFO's can be explained by illusions and atmospheric phenomena and other earthly explanation and that there is no hard evidence that Earth is being visited by "aliens", by including a story you once voraciously argued was proof that aliens had visited Earth and was even so kind to provide a definition of what you meant by "aliens" in a later thread where you had brought the story of those 62 children in Zimbabwe up again:

[eyl-yuh n, ey-lee-uh n]
Spell Syllables
a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquiredcitizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen ).
a foreigner.
a person who has been estranged or excluded.
a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.


And then went on to say this in the same thread:

So 62 schoolchildren on a playground in Zimbabwe all see a saucer craft land in the field nearby and see two blackeyed alien-looking beings come out and stare at them. They are all terrified and run screaming into the school. What's the mundane explanation here?

And just so that people were not confused, you later gave an even deeper explanation:

The reason I can be more certain a particular ufo is an alien craft is because I take all the evidence together. I don't start from scratch with every sighting, assuming the ufos don't exist. I assume they do exist, and hence for me the prospect of a silver disc in the sky being one, or of 62 kids seeing aliens come out of a flying saucer, is much more plausible to me than to a skeptic. If we live in a reality where ufos are real, then the next unexplained sighting that comes along can be much more certain to be a ufo than to a skeptic who continues to live in a reality where ufos don't exist and never can exist. Why is such certainty offputting to you folks? What I fail to understand is the certainty of the skeptic, who just knows for a fact the sighting isn't an alien craft and is instead mundane in origin. There's no way anyone could know that in advance. So we look thru the whole field, weigh the accounts, and judge the evidence based on the conclusions we make. That's real objective science. Not this status quo habit of denying a phenomena in advance of actually looking into it.

*Emphasis mine*

And just to be clear, you have referred back to this story many times in your arguments about UFO's and aliens visiting Earth on this site..

So when you referred back to that story of the 62 school children in Zimbabwe that you have argued had seen an alien descend from a UFO that landed near their school, are you now suggesting that you weren't talking about aliens in your response to paddoboy? You weren't talking about aliens piloting UFO's when you referred back to a story you have repeatedly used to prove your belief that aliens piloted a UFO and landed in front of a bunch of school kids in Zimbabwe?

Just so we are clear?
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except you still have not answered the question of " according to whom?"
" You appear to be getting as desperate "-- you appear to be attempting your usual manipulation attempts. :) (shrugs)
According to any critical thinker and logician, who understands that strange sightings due to many many atmospheric disturbances, and such, need not be automatically put down to Alien
cease your pathetic mouth and leave MR alone and i will--it is that simple.
:rolleyes: More evidence of desperation stakes!
So when you referred back to that story of the 62 school children in Zimbabwe that you have argued had seen an alien descend from a UFO that landed near their school, are you now suggesting that you weren't talking about aliens in your response to paddoboy? You weren't talking about aliens piloting UFO's when you referred back to a story you have repeatedly used to prove your belief that aliens piloted a UFO and landed in front of a bunch of school kids in Zimbabwe?

You really are pathetic. I already told you what I responded to. The last sentence of the paragraph. Now you go back a year earlier, when I still believed in aliens, and suggested as much, to use my own statements against me after my view has changed a year later to interdimensionals? What is so confusing here? Back then I supposed them to be aliens. Now I suspect they are interdimensionals. Got it?

Seriously, what is wrong with you? Are you this hard up for being right about something? You continually make a buffoon of yourself here over and over again Bells. I'm tired of defending myself against your bizarre campaign of demonization and word twisting. Other posters are starting to see it too. I suggest laying off and using your time more constructively. Because you're not going to prove your made up lies about me being somehow dishonest. Even though you seem to thrive now on regularly posting that slur over and over again. I shouldn't even give you the time of day anymore. You don't deserve it. I've got better things to do with my life. You do too. Is that clear enough for you?
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August 18, 2015


"But I still fail to see why, as someone who values science, you feel the need to delve into the non-scientific sub-forums that are completely separate to what sub-forums interest you on this site, to complain about non-scientific content being posted in the non-scientific sub-forums. No one is forcing you to read those threads or discussions, let alone participate in them.

The behaviour of some on both sides of this argument is tantamount to a form of religious fundamentalism and the demand that all conform to your way of thinking or belief or face continued abuse and insults and harassment. How, exactly, is that acceptable? For all the way in which people say it isn't the content that is the issue, it is clear that for many, it is the very subject matter in those sub-forums.

You don't like the pseudoscience sub-forums? Or the religion sub-forum? Don't read them. There is a reason why they are so distinctly separate and clearly labeled. It allows members to post where they wish and to post in the areas that interest them."
Other posters are starting to see it too.
What other posters? You shift the goal posts whenever you are cornered...just as krash now seems to be doing....You grossly misinterpret and take statements out of context to support your fanaticism.
Your beliefs are your beliefs: They are generally not supported by science, the scientific method and peer review, which explains why you also post anti science threads now and then.
Really, who are you trying to convince with your totally false indignation and maniacal laugh every now and then?
Thousands and thousands of UFO's are reported: Most are explained away by other Earthly means etc: a small percentage remain unexplained: They remain UFO's...no evidence to conclude they are of Alien origin....no evidence to support time travellers...no evidence to support interdimensional beings.
They are UFO's got it?
And your's and river's and krash's claims they are supernatural, paranormal or Alien, is just unsupported speculation.
You really are pathetic. I already told you what I responded to. The last sentence of the paragraph. Now you go back a year earlier, when I still believed in aliens, and suggested as much, to use my own statements against me after my view has changed a year later to interdimensionals? What is so confusing here? Back then I supposed them to be aliens. Now I suspect they are interdimensionals. Got it?

Seriously, what is wrong with you? Are you this hard up for being right about something? You continually make a buffoon of yourself here over and over again Bells. I'm tired of defending myself against your bizarre campaign of demonization and word twisting. Other posters are starting to see it too. I suggest laying off and using your time more constructively. Because you're not going to prove your made up lies about me being somehow dishonest. Even though you seem to thrive now on regularly posting that slur over and over again. I shouldn't even give you the time of day anymore. You don't deserve it. I've got better things to do with my life. You do too. Is that clear enough for you?
Way to avoid the actual point, MR.

I am not the one to brought it up first, nor am I the one who went back a year earlier when you still believed in aliens, first. Remember, you are the one who brought up that little tale in response to paddoboy stating that there is no evidence to prove that aliens were visiting Earth. You brought it up. Not paddoboy, not me, not anyone else. You.

In response to his post about lack of evidence of aliens visiting Earth and commenting that the lights in the sky could be better explained by natural more Earthly phenomenons, you respond and scoff about lights merging, etc being proof (of something you apparently don't even believe in anymore), and then bring up a story that directly goes back to aliens piloting a UFO and visiting Earth.

You then declare that you were not talking about aliens piloting a UFO to visit Earth in your response to paddoboy, but you were instead addressing the lights in the sky... Except for the fact that you were talking about aliens piloting UFO's and visiting Earth in bringing up a story about that exact thing.. That story with those kids in Zimbabwe had absolutely nothing to do with lights in the sky phenomenon. It had everything to do with aliens piloting a UFO and landing it near a school and apparently walking out of said UFO and scaring a bunch of kids. In other words, it had everything to do with his comment about lack of evidence of aliens visiting Earth.

So why would you bring up that story about a bunch of kids being afraid of an alien that piloted a UFO and landed it near their school, in response to a post that stated there was no evidence of aliens visiting Earth and posited that flashing lights in the sky could be explained by more mundane things, when your alleged intention was not to address aliens visiting Earth, but to really address the flashing lights in the sky? Aliens landing a UFO near a school and scaring a bunch of school children has nothing to do with the atmospheric phenomena.. Why bring up a story of aliens piloting a UFO and visiting Earth if your intent was to ignore his comment about lack of evidence of aliens visiting Earth and instead focus on flashing lights in the sky?

Perhaps Ophiolite is correct and we should not expect you to post in good faith and use logic and critical thinking because you are "not very bright". Or perhaps you are intellectually dishonest and you chop and change meanings of words and your posts when it is convenient for you to do so.

August 18, 2015


"But I still fail to see why, as someone who values science, you feel the need to delve into the non-scientific sub-forums that are completely separate to what sub-forums interest you on this site, to complain about non-scientific content being posted in the non-scientific sub-forums. No one is forcing you to read those threads or discussions, let alone participate in them.

The behaviour of some on both sides of this argument is tantamount to a form of religious fundamentalism and the demand that all conform to your way of thinking or belief or face continued abuse and insults and harassment. How, exactly, is that acceptable? For all the way in which people say it isn't the content that is the issue, it is clear that for many, it is the very subject matter in those sub-forums.

You don't like the pseudoscience sub-forums? Or the religion sub-forum? Don't read them. There is a reason why they are so distinctly separate and clearly labeled. It allows members to post where they wish and to post in the areas that interest them."
Yes. And? What does that have to do with you having to support your claims with evidence and adhering to this site's rules? Do you think that that meant you could treat it like your personal blog and not provide evidence to support your claims of fact? Did you think that it meant you could post fake images and videos and claim them to be real?
Getting back to the title of the thread, and away from the fanatical stupid Alien/time travellers/interdimensional beings nonsense, I answered in post 3 thus....
We can all surmise......
I do remember Grumpy saying he had had enough of what was let pass as science......AqId is another that has grown tired of what is let pass for science.
We also at this present time have three threads started with "supposed" questions, with absolutely no intention of the questioner accepting any answers: The object obviously in all three is to try to deride accepted standard cosmology and push some other imagined unsupported scenario.
Since then we have brucep disappearing, and the newbie shneibster, vacating and who could forget Professor Bennett Link, who also decided he had had enough of the anti science rage that a few anti science cranks seek to flood the forum with?
Perhaps we need to do away with the speudoscience, religious and ghost and goblins thread? People come here expecting scientific discussion, not religiously driven anti science rants, and crank anti science nonsense re Alien visitations, Bigfoots and ghosts.
I move they be wiped from the board!
It had everything to do with aliens piloting a UFO and landing it near a school and apparently walking out of said UFO and scaring a bunch of kids. In other words, it had everything to do with his comment about lack of evidence of aliens visiting Earth.

It has everything with refuting paddoboy's claim that they were hallucinations. 64 kids don't hallucinate the same thing. It also refutes his claim they are atmospheric phenomena too. Remember, I was responding to the last sentence only. Sinking in yet?

Aliens landing a UFO near a school and scaring a bunch of school children has nothing to do with the atmospheric phenomena.. Why bring up a story of aliens piloting a UFO and visiting Earth if your intent was to ignore his comment about lack of evidence of aliens visiting Earth and instead focus on flashing lights in the sky?

See above...

Perhaps Ophiolite is correct and we should not expect you to post in good faith and use logic and critical thinking because you are "not very bright". Or perhaps you are intellectually dishonest and you chop and change meanings of words and your posts when it is convenient for you to do so.

Blah blah blah..Or perhaps you are not very bright enough to support your own claim of me being intellectually dishonest? Or perhaps the only display of intellectual dishonesty here is you chopping and changing the meanings of my words in old posts when I believed something totally different?

Yes. And? What does that have to do with you having to support your claims with evidence and adhering to this site's rules? Do you think that that meant you could treat it like your personal blog and not provide evidence to support your claims of fact? Did you think that it meant you could post fake images and videos and claim them to be real?

You said it yourself. The bitching about me and flaming me is all about my content. So take your own advice. If reading nonscientific material in a nonscientific forum flips you out, maybe you should stay away from that forum. Just say'n...

BTW I'm PMing James R on this. Not that he'll do anything. But at least there will be a record for the higher ups of this senseless abuse and targeting of me with lies.
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Perhaps we need to do away with the speudoscience, religious and ghost and goblins thread? People come here expecting scientific discussion, not religiously driven anti science rants, and crank anti science nonsense re Alien visitations, Bigfoots and ghosts.
I move they be wiped from the board!

Woudnt that solve a lot of prollems... so why wont administration do away wit that kind of stuff.???
BTW I'm PMing James R on this. Not that he'll do anything. But at least there will be a record for the higher ups of this senseless abuse and targeting of me with lies.
:rolleyes: Such indignation! Such feelings of persecution! Such bullshit!
You are all others have claimed and more: It's all there in black and white!
Maybe we should have a poll?
Good idea... an so far its me an you who voats to get rid of the "speudoscience, religious and ghost and goblins thread" an "religiously driven anti science rants, and crank anti science nonsense re Alien visitations, Bigfoots and ghosts."
Woudnt that solve a lot of prollems... so why wont administration do away wit that kind of stuff.???

That might protect the sheep for awhile. Lord knows they just can't handle unscientific beliefs and possibilities. It's just too much for their tender minds I guess. I wonder if the philosophy section should go too. Nobody likes their worldview questioned there either. Oh and politics too. That's not exactly amenable to the scientific method. Then religion, free thoughts, art, sci fi, ethics. Get rid of all that nonscientific shit. That will surely increase the site traffic here!
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It has everything with refuting paddoboy's claim that they were hallucinations. 64 kids don't hallucinate the same thing.
Well, they must have hallucinated and believed that it was aliens because it wasn't aliens, remember..? Paddoboy was talking about "aliens visiting Earth". You don't believe it is even aliens (remember how many times you have said you don't believe it is aliens or in aliens anymore?), so why are you rebuking someone for saying that there is no evidence of "aliens" visiting Earth, when you don't even believe in aliens?

And why would say you were responding to atmospheric phenomenon, but now claim that you were refuting paddoboy's claims that they must have been hallucinations and responding directly and used an example of your argument of aliens landing.. When you distinctly said that you had not said anything about aliens visiting Earth or aliens piloting UFO's.. Remember this, MR?

What I was really and truly responding to, which btw you can ask me at anytime so as to spare you this tedious task of second-guessing and drawing erroneous conclusions, is the last statement of that paragraph: his claim that ufos are nothing more than illusions, atmospheric phenomena, or other earthly explanations. I took issue with that, which is why I then cited 4 well documented cases showing them to NOT be those things. Did I change the meaning of any words here? No..Was I claiming something I secretly didn't believe? No..Am I claiming ufos are piloted by aliens again? No..I didn't even mention that.

And yet, here you are saying that you were actually refuting paddoboy's claims that it was hallucinations, by referencing a story of aliens piloting a UFO and landing it near a school and scaring a bunch of school kids, which you brought up on your very own without prompting from anyone, let alone paddoboy.. Are you now walking that back and saying that you were addressing all of his comment and not just the last statement of 'that paragraph'? Or was it just the last statement and you decided to throw in a story about an alien piloting a UFO and scaring a bunch of kids when it allegedly landed on Earth?

Which is it? How many more times are you going to move that goalpost?

Or perhaps you are not very bright enough to support your own claim of me being intellectually dishonest? Or perhaps the only display of intellectual dishonesty here is you chopping and changing the meanings of my words in old posts when I believed something totally different?
You are providing plenty of examples at the moment..

You have twisted yourself into a pretzel.

I am quoting you directly and asking you questions about what you actually mean and why you are using stories that have nothing about what you profess you were actually arguing against, only for you to then turn around and say that you were actually refuting someone's claim about that in particular and going back on what you had actually said..

You said it yourself. The bitching about me and flaming me is all about my content. So take your own advice. If reading nonscientific material in a nonscientific forum flips you out, maybe you should stay away from that forum. Just say'n...

BTW I'm PMing James R on this. Not that he'll do anything. But at least there will be a record for the higher ups of this senseless abuse and targeting of me with lies.
Well the issue is your content and how you are presenting it.

And please do PM James about this. Please, I beg you.
Well, they must have hallucinated and believed that it was aliens because it wasn't aliens, remember..? Paddoboy was talking about "aliens visiting Earth". You don't believe it is even aliens (remember how many times you have said you don't believe it is aliens or in aliens anymore?), so why are you rebuking someone for saying that there is no evidence of "aliens" visiting Earth, when you don't even believe in aliens?

LOL! This is getting easier and easier. I believe now they were interdimensionals. And I wasn't responding to the alien part of paddoboy's claim. For the 3rd time I was responding only to the last sentence. You seem to have a hard time comprehending that.

And why would say you were responding to atmospheric phenomenon, but now claim that you were refuting paddoboy's claims that they must have been hallucinations and responding directly and used an example of your argument of aliens landing.. When you distinctly said that you had not said anything about aliens visiting Earth or aliens piloting UFO's.. Remember this, MR?

The example given was a refutation of paddoboy's claim that ufos were nothing more than hallucinations, atmospheric phenomena, and earth causes. Remember that? When I said I was responding only to that sentence? lol!

And yet, here you are saying that you were actually refuting paddoboy's claims that it was hallucinations, by referencing a story of aliens piloting a UFO and landing it near a school and scaring a bunch of school kids, which you brought up on your very own without prompting from anyone, let alone paddoboy.. Are you now walking that back and saying that you were addressing all of his comment and not just the last statement of 'that paragraph'? Or was it just the last statement and you decided to throw in a story about an alien piloting a UFO and scaring a bunch of kids when it allegedly landed on Earth?

Just refuting the last statement as I told you. Remember what it said?

We have plenty of extraordinary evidence that UFO sightings have been seen and reported, but no evidence that they are anything other than illusions of an overactive mind, atmospheric phenomena, or some other possible Earthly explanation.

I refuted that entire statement with the four cases I mentioned. Remember when I told you that?

You are providing plenty of examples at the moment..

You have twisted yourself into a pretzel.

I am quoting you directly and asking you questions about what you actually mean and why you are using stories that have nothing about what you profess you were actually arguing against, only for you to then turn around and say that you were actually refuting someone's claim about that in particular and going back on what you had actually said..

LOL! You actually have no clue do you ? How I've refuted you at every point and showed you to be the petty word-twisting liar you are. You are totally blinded by rage. Pity...:(

And please do PM James about this. Please, I beg you

Already done. Just awaiting his reply.
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LOL! And for the 4th and last time, I responded only to paddoboy's last sentence. Go back and read the last sentence again if you are confused. All 4 cases refuted his claim that ufos were nothing but hallucinations, atmospheric phenomena, and earthy explanations. To be honest I don't think you even have the ability to see when I've refuted you. Me a pretzel? That's how you imagine it? The only pretzel here is your own mind twisting and lying about what I've said and posted. It's a desperate attempt at destroying me that is only exposing you as a petty vindictive person who has lost all objective sense of how you look. I pity you. I really do. I hope you sleep well tonight. Cuz all this hatred and abuse you heap on me will only come back to bite you. It always does.
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