Why is sciforums traffic so low now?

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But thanks anyway for confirming that you have never examined or researched directly any evidence for Alien visitations, except that which is available to all of us...The net.

Evidence can't be examined on the net now? I thought you examined scientific evidence on the net all the time? You certainly talk about doing so alot.
So you just know this because that's what you've been told by a bunch of other guys who get their funding from corporations and the govt. You believe everything these guys say?

How famous must someone be before you just accept everything they say to be true?
I believe myself B-)
Evidence can't be examined on the net now? I thought you examined scientific evidence on the net all the time? You certainly talk about doing so alot.
I read accounts of discoveries, experiments and other science activities, on reputable sites and learning institutions, supported by the scientific method and peer review, and they have shown that your supernatural claims to be invalid.
I read accounts of discoveries, experiments and other science activities, on reputable sites and learning institutions, supported by the scientific method and peer review, and they have shown that your supernatural claims to be invalid.

So you CAN examine evidence on the net. Good to know. Oh..so when have ufos been shown to be invalid? I thought you believed in ufos. Are they invalid now?
You accept what people say without evidence. That's called faith.
Now isn't this a turning of the tables!

How many times you have said you will take people at their word unless you have reason to doubt them.

You've posted video after video of people simply retelling stories of what happened to them. Many stories had no corroborating evidence, so it was a story alone was interpreted by you as "evidence".

Here's a compelling account of paranormal activity complete with sightings of full body apparitions. Note the hallmarks of a haunting: multiple witnesses, the restriction of the activity to one building, sights AND sounds, and even material evidence*** like doors opening, electrical glitches, and footprints.
*** the "material evidence" mentioned by MR is ... the guy in the video telling us things

You have no compelling reason to doubt people talking about their firsthand experiences. To do so is mentally ill and paranoid. It requires a suspicious paranoia on the level of a conspiracy theorist to think everyone who has a paranormal experience is just lying about it...

You have just defined accepting what people say without evidence is called "faith".

I've been thinking of applying that to you, but it's so much more satisfying having you do it to yourself.

Boom goes the dynamite.
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unsubstantiated claims re Aliens, ghosts, goblins, and anything and everything paranormal and/or supernatural.
i am going to tell you exactly what i tell everyone whom says such things--and that is-- well then you may not understand the quantum world nor what the greats of the quantum world have shown one, like you may presume then.
So you CAN examine evidence on the net. Good to know. Oh..so when have ufos been shown to be invalid? I thought you believed in ufos.
A shame you are so dishonest though, as others have been inferring.

pad, you piss-ant mentality is insignificant :) (shrugs)

Desperation tactics often leads to nonsensical remarks...
Let me again re-enforce the fact that at this time, there exists no conclusive or extraordinary evidence, that support any visitations by Aliens, time travellers, and/or interdimensional beings.
That is the situation at present despite your preoccupation with piss ants.
How many times you have said you will take people at their word unless you have reason to doubt them.

Exactly. I have a basic good faith that people aren't lying or making things up. But I know that is faith. When evidence is available, that's even better.

Fizzle goes the dynamite...
As I just informed your friend krash, you believe what you like.
as i have access to it and you simply do not,correct?
You claiming otherwise,[..]and emotional unconfirmed reports from gullible people will not change that fact.
explain how this is not a hypocrisy?--in other words:
  • It would be sheer hypocrisy for them to turn around and do what they criticize in others.

Do you believe there is a vast conspiracy of people out there making up evidence and accounts of ufos on websites and in youtube videos? How is that not a conspiracy theory? Better yet, how do you know they're lying? Just because the evidence is FOR ufos? That seems like confirmation bias to me. You dismiss all the evidence for ufos as fake, because you don't believe in ufos! And you don't believe in ufos, because you dismiss all evidence as fake!
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I don't need to fabricate conspiracies to support any position as you are known to do.
my god-- how pathetic--is that it pad?--when you are feeling cornered ,you resort to the conspiracy nonsense?--how typical :) (shakes head)
Exactly. I have a basic good faith that people aren't lying or making things up. But I know that is faith. When evidence is available, that's even better.

A large portion of the sightings of paranormal things that you're posted are real for you because you have faith they are.

That's really all we wanted to hear.

Saying simply "I merely believe this to be so" would have spared about a thousand posts. You argued to convince us of that which you knew was only your belief. That is not arguing in good faith.
A large portion of the sightings of paranormal things that you're posted are real for you because you have faith they are.

Right..I take people at their word unless I have cause to doubt them. That's called not being a paranoid conspiracy theorist. And I also have evidence that backs it up like videos and audio and photographs. It's a combination of both.
Do you believe there is a vast conspiracy of people out there making up evidence and accounts of ufos on websites and in youtube videos? How is that not a conspiracy theory?
No, that does not fit the definition of conspiracy.
For one, conspiracy, by definition, means people are colluding together.

And yes, it is a non-zero possibility that all the evidence is perfectly real.

It is also a non-zero possibility that the Earth really is flat and perched on the back of a turtle.
And, likewise, if you were to try to convince other people of that on a forum (let alone a science forum), you would rightly be the laughing stock.
So yeah, keep telling everyone that ghosts and non-alien aliens from other dimension are real. And everyone will do their part too.
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