Why is sciforums traffic so low now?

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The reality is that we have no hard evidence for Earth being visited by Aliens....
We have plenty of extraordinary evidence that UFO sightings have been seen and reported, but no evidence that they are anything other than illusions of an overactive mind, atmospheric phenomena, or some other possible Earthly explanation.

Like that morphing multicolored starfish-shaped craft viewed by the airport tower and pursued by the pilots of the Iraqui airforce in 1976? That one? Which you dismissed as ball lightning? lol! Or how about the triangular craft witnessed by thousands over Belgium in 1989? That one? Or perhaps you're referring to the saucer that was witnessed by airport workers, tower personel, and pilots hovering near Chicago O' Hare in 2008 that shot up thru the clouds leaving a hole in them? That one? Or maybe you're referring to the egg-shaped craft that landed in Zimbwe and had a person in a silver suit come out of the hatch that 64 children saw at recess in a nearby field and which then took off? That one? Need I go on?
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Talk is cheap.
which is exactly all you do and nothing more, the funny thing is about this, it is all google university education and nothing more.--comical.
Do you also believe in the conspiracies involving 9/11 and faked Moon landings? :rolleyes:
i simply believe of what is shown to me or what i have to work on and the briefing of what i have to work on-- it is referred to as experience, pad--but please continue with your pathetic remarks.
Why should we believe you? How much of the evidence have you examined? All of it? None of it? When? What websites?
What you believe is your business.
And of course I have not examined any of the evidence and more to the point, neither have you or MR...;)
And you should realise that checking out web sites etc, isn't really examing the evidence yourself.
Now explain to me why these Aliens, do not officially announce themselves over the course of thousands of visitations.
Why do they just flitter in and flitter out again?
What are they trying to achieve?

Good luck in your beliefs, and I hope you can one day present some irrefutable evidence showing me and the world that we have been visited. :)
That would be great! ;)
What you believe is your business.
And of course I have not examined any of the evidence and more to the point, neither have you or MR...;)
And you should realise that checking out web sites etc, isn't really examing the evidence yourself.
Now explain to me why these Aliens, do not officially announce themselves over the course of thousands of visitations.
Why do they just flitter in and flitter out again?
What are they trying to achieve?

Good luck in your beliefs, and I hope you can one day present some irrefutable evidence showing me and the world that we have been visited. :)
That would be great! ;)
why does not the rabbit "announce " itself as it is in ones garden eating all the lettuce?
To be critical of MR, I'd like reading stuff more referenced by the SETI institute.
why does not the rabbit "announce " itself as it is in ones garden eating all the lettuce?
Were you saying something about being comical? :rolleyes:
Believe what you will. The facts are that so far we have no convincing evidence of the Earth ever being visited by Aliens, time travellers and/or interdimensional beings.
That's the way it stands at present despite your rather childish banter to the contrary.
How can you make absolute claims about evidence you've never examined? Are you psychic?
Being dishonest again MR and taking things out of context? Just showing that what others are on about is correct re yourself...
what I said......
And of course I have not examined any of the evidence and more to the point, neither have you or MR...;)
And you should realise that checking out web sites etc, isn't really examing the evidence yourself.
Were you saying something about being comical? :rolleyes:
Believe what you will. The facts are that so far we have no convincing evidence of the Earth ever being visited by Aliens, time travellers and/or interdimensional beings.
That's the way it stands at present despite your rather childish banter to the contrary.
your hypocritical shenanigans is amusing for me. :) (shakes head) and also what a nice sidestep from answering the question.
The facts are that so far we have no convincing evidence of the Earth ever being visited by Aliens
for the umpteenth time now-- whose facts pad?
The facts are that so far we have no convincing evidence of the Earth ever being visited by Aliens, time travellers and/or interdimensional beings.

There's no evidence, yet you say you've never looked at the evidence? What's wrong with this picture folks?
Being dishonest again MR and taking things out of context? Just showing that what others are on about is correct re yourself...
what I said......

I've never looked at the evidence? How can you know that? Are you psychic? And how is reading websites not looking at the evidence?
Being dishonest again MR and taking things out of context? Just showing that what others are on about is correct re yourself...
what I said......
explain how MR is being dishonest, simply because that comment you are quoting of his is massively accurate. weird.
Seth Shostak one of its senior astronomers and Director of SETI also has agreed that we as yet have no firm evidence of any Earthly visitations by Aliens.

Why should we take his word for it? Is he the pope of all ET evidence? Has he even examined the evidence himself?
Seth Shostak one of its senior astronomers and Director of SETI also has agreed that we as yet have no firm evidence of any Earthly visitations by Aliens.
comical--and seti is???--ahh, that is correct, seti is simply, only, a public entity.
how do you know of if seti is under any gag orders?
There's no evidence, yet you say you've never looked at the evidence? What's wrong with this picture folks?
Like you, I've read plenty and taken notice of what I see as reputable sites and comments by scientists.
Unlike you, I do not get my questionable evidence from questionable crank sites that make unsubstantiated claims re Aliens, ghosts, goblins, Bigfoot, and anything and everything paranormal and/or supernatural.
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