Why don't an atom's electrons fall into the nucleus and stick to the protons?


Registered Senior Member
My theory is the space is charged fluid. All things are within it.

Positive charged nucleus attract the negative charged fluid to form atoms. The density of the fluid is Df=1/r^3. Electrons also attracted by positive charged nucleus and stable at atom radius where the attracting force is equal to the repel force. A demo

The electrons around the atom is like bond by a spring, need force to push in or pull out from the nucleus. Now if a force is applied, the electron will vibrating and produce pressure/EM wave across the space around it.

Every element has certain charge and bonding strength, therefore unique spectrum.

If Coulombs's law stands universally, we should assume that every atom or charged particle are connected by their force field across the whole space.

An atoms force field does not end at atom radius, but extend to infinity. In whole, an atom or planet maybe electrically neutral, but Every charge within has its own force field beyond distance, those forces overlapped to produce chemical bonding, magnetism and gravity.

If proton is in fact built by U and D quarks, then maybe the proton is like one small woman sleep between two fat man. It happens in real life. At least, the 3 quarks could electrically form into a group that we called proton.

We should assume all nucleus have some degree of polarity according their unique charges carried and the structure of all quarks stick together.

An iron atom maybe is a small magnet, the positive pole of the nucleus attract dense space fluid to form a force field that its density/strength drop off at 1/r^3, that matches the observation, and fits Coulombs law.
What's the fluid made of?

If you are God, you can create anything you want to, what would you like to create?

Let's see the material world first. You need space, matter, force to build anything that is real to human mind.

Atom, how is it build? If you only have two charged particles, 1 proton and 1 electron.

According to your law, they attract each other, the closer the stronger. f=q1q2/r^2. they become a little dot with positive force field on one side and negative the other. That's not the atom we see.

You have two choices, add more charge/matter or change your law. You forgot you have more matter, so you changed your law, one for things eyes can see, one for the minds to see.

You forgot you only have 1 law, the truth.

Do you really need to change your law? If you remembered the other matter that is the charged space itself.
How do you explain gravity and magnetism? Matter/atom is all forces carrier, correct me if you can.
An atoms force field does not end at atom radius, but extend to infinity. In whole, an atom or planet maybe electrically neutral, but Every charge within has its own force field beyond distance, those forces overlapped to produce chemical bonding, magnetism and gravity.

Ever wonder why is Fe=q1q2/r^2, Fg=m1m2/r^2, and mass proportional to proton numbers within it?
What's the carrier particle for this infinity-extending force field?
proton has positive force field, electron negative. Both are beyond distance, only the strength decreasing but never zero. F=q1q2/r^2
That doesn't answer my question.
There is no other force but Coulombs force, no other force carrier but electron, proton and space itself.

Strong and weak forces, gravity wave, might be just imagination.
Who says the universe has same amount positive and negative charges? If there are only 100 protons and 100000 electrons, would matter/atom able to form?

According to Coulombs'law, the universe should be a little ball of matter sounded by empty space. The matter part is the two kinds of particles mixture.
There's no such thing as a "Coulombs force".

A proton is not a force carrier. It's not even an elementary particle.

Why do you think that the Strong and Weak forces are imaginary? What evidence has lead you to that conclusion?

Any charge carries force. Otherwise how matter able to form.

What evidence leads you to strong and weak forces? If there's only 1 d quark carries -1/3 and 2 u quarks each carries +2/3, do they need strong force to from into a group we called proton?