Why does most of the world..

Discussion in 'World Events' started by NenarTronian, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. Captain_Crunch Club Ninja Valued Senior Member

    he he

    Everyone knows here that American tourists are only here to make money off of: over charge them n stuff.
    I tell you something that i have heard from American tourists so many goddamn times:

    "hey, your our ancestor"

    Ha ha, what does this mean? ! eh? If i were to be your ancestor i would most probally have to be 100+ years old.

    "We invented the television"

    ehm, no.

    "If it was'nt for us, you would be speaking German right now."

    maybe true, but if they were to have let the Nazis over-run Europe it would only have been a matter of time until they over-ran america. They were helping Europe to help themselves. i mean, c'mon. Maybe thats been posted on this thread before, but i havent read it all.

    i share the dislike of Americans that many others share. I'm not against them in any way, i just dont like them

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  3. Xev Registered Senior Member


    What Tyler means by "Nazis" is the dictators such as Trujillo (who we at least eventually assasinated), Pinochet, Papa Doc and the Shah of Iran that the US supported.

    Consider Montessori? My second and third grades were spent in Montessori schools.

    They are, however, hideously expensive.

    I'd advise you to encourage her to ask questions, learn more, so on. You can definitely help her learn and question more.

    Dictator trading cards? You have some odd hobbies.
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  5. Squid Vicious Banned Banned

    Oh. I see... everyone ELSE's dislike is blind, but you have reasons.

    As for the second sentence... fair enough, you did indeed.
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  7. Tyler Registered Senior Member

    Hardly 'everyone else' has blind hatred. There is just a large amount of it. The same way a large amount of Canadians hate Toronto because we're the 'big boy' blindly.
  8. Gil_W HU-Hybrid Registered Senior Member

    Hate, hate, hate....
    Why it sounds familiar to me ....

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    Let me answer you according to my point of view:
    The status of Europe citizens was really bad after World War 2 .
    And who came to help?

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    So what's the source of all this hate?

    The policy of Europe is shocking.
    I do not want to classify anyone, <b>but Europe is ungrateful</b>.
    Or maybe it's the mankind nature...

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  9. Captain Canada Stranger in Town Registered Senior Member

    Why do people hate the USA?

    Speaking personally, it's all about the fact that I envy your freedom and democratic system. You're wealthy, successful and live in a tolerant society where people have the freedom to express themselves in any way they like without fear of oppression.

    That's why so many people hate the USA, just like Bush says.
  10. Gil_W HU-Hybrid Registered Senior Member

    <i>"Speaking <b>personally</b></i>"??!!

    Why should you envy USA citizen's freedom, wealth and success??

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    You have free, democratic, wealth and successful country,<b> havn't you??!!</b> :bugeye: (Maybe I was sleeping during the New UK Order...

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  11. Captain_Crunch Club Ninja Valued Senior Member

    first off: What wars have the 'US' won? maybe its something to do with the fact of US foreign policy and that most americans are ignorant to everything that happens outwith their country?
    What exactly does america stand for? exploitation of the poor? 'equal rights'? now this i am not sure of, cause it sounds pretty bad what ever it is.
  12. *stRgrL* Kicks ass Valued Senior Member

    Wow. That was a powerful statement, Gave me goose bumps. (extreme sarcasm). Anyhoo, thats such a narrowminded point of view. Are there any other nations that you simply "do not like"?

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  13. Captain_Crunch Club Ninja Valued Senior Member

    i did'nt give any reasons, this does not mean i dont have any. read my last post and read between the lines. and actually 'no' to your question, i dont 'simply not like any other nations'.
  14. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    To me it is no wonder that American's have attitudes. It is a responce to what I have seen a lot on the boards, here. I am not after singling any one poster out. There are a lot of this opinion out there. There is also the scilent majority that little is heard from.

    I have seen time and again that somewhere in the world, some group, nationality, or country is suffering from a natural disaster. Americans did not ask their government if it was ok to send relief, aid, or help. They quietly gathered together their extras or their money and went shopping to get something, collected it and made arrangements to get it there. A lot of the time the US government used the military to see it got there. I have seen little of that type of attitude returned. It is not that I think because there is a hurricane or a tremour of an earthquake that we should be the receptors of return goods. But what of those who see this one the news? All I seem to hear is it serves them right. Does it?

    Is the attitude of the world so low of us? I am not in favor of not lending a helping hand. I think it should be that way. We seem to be the magnet for blame on everything that looks to be wrong with the world. Should we return to our borders and say screw the world? Somehow I do not think that is the answer either. No one gave America its greatness. The American people worked to make it so. Why can not other nations do so also? It does require hard work and perserverance. That is not in short supply around the world. Funny, I do not think less of most of the world because they want access to our markets. Should we deny them that access dependant upon their national attitude?
  15. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    It seems no wonder to me that there are people out there who do not like the attitude of the US government, in other countries around the world. What for instance is there to say about the refuge of the US government to participate in any furher piece miisions if there's brought one, just one, soldier of the US army before the International Court? From which nothing is to be found back in a Newspaper so far, here in the US.

    So riddle me this one here and explain why bush and his shadowy cabinet are acting this way. Considering that the US does not even acknowledge the ICC.

    I would be very pleased if someone could post a website or newspaper article concerning this "new law", by bush and friends.

    NOTE: This is in no way meant to the US citizens who obviously are not aware of some actions going on in their "own" government...

    (Yes, I will post it over and over if necessarry.)

    I can post a newspaper article, or articles in this case, in another language if you please...
  16. *stRgrL* Kicks ass Valued Senior Member

    Very well said Wet1. I always enjoy reading your posts

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    Exactly. It doesnt matter what we do, everyone will still criticize us.

    Captain Crunch

    It stands for equility. Were all human beings, deep down under our disgusting American bodies, lies people that care and have hope for a better world. Anyone who doesnt like us is rascist. Thats it. I can see not liking things that a country has done, but to just say that "I dont like Americans" - its rasism. I dont like alot of things that the Middle East has done, but I dont snub my nose at middle easterners. I smile and say hi, just like I would to any other person in the world, regardless of what nation they call home. I know that deep down, they are good people that are in a bad situation and that I should not label them for something that bad people from their country has done.
    Americans struggle to. Its not like we all live in a lap of luxury.

    Take care

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    Last edited: Jun 21, 2002
  17. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    Note to add: it concerns US soldiers who are brought before the International Court for a warcrime they commit. If they are brought before the ICC, than no one should judge over them, because otherwise the anger of the US government will "nuke" the judges and the country in which the iCC is located.

    So who's having an attitude here...
  18. NenarTronian Teenaged Transhumanist Registered Senior Member

    I'm beggining to dislike America myself, even tho i live there

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    Well, atleast i dislike what other countries think we stand for..
  19. Tyler Registered Senior Member

    I'm curious as to how Americans expect to seem intelligent when they don't reply to any of the points made by myself or others and rather just go on an 'America is good!' rant.

    Wet1, Strgrl:
    Take a good look at that site I gave you with all the dictators America has gladly supported. A few of them idolized Hitler and Mussolini. The fact that your nation has for so long valued the good of itself so greatly over the will and desire of other human beings disgusts me.

    Like I said before, there are way too many people who hate America simply because you are the 'big boy', but there is also some very logical and realistic reasons to hate the 'good ol' U.S. of A.'
  20. Eman Resu Registered Senior Member

    Man! Talk about a beating!

    ALL Americans - much like all of the other nationalities - do NOT share all of the opinions of their POLITICAL AND MILITARY LEADERS! That is why they call it a DEMOCRATIC society. We elect whom the majority votes for.

    Does that mean that EVERYONE shares the same view? Answer: No. How can you HATE someone that might share your pain and beliefs? If you do then you have been cursed with more animal instinct than human intelligence.

    There are people EVERYWHERE that have been given the ability to see beyond ALL boundaries. Which one are you? Human or animal?
  21. Captain_Crunch Club Ninja Valued Senior Member

    definition of racism:

    n 1: the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races 2: discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race

    i am not saying anyone is superior. infact i am saying that everyone is an equal. i am not discriminating against anyone; i am mearly pointing out i do not like americans. i am certainly not abusive.

    please get a real argument for justifying america's selfish needs before calling people racist.

    yes we are all human beings. i think you made a mistake, where you said better world did you not mean a better america? i mean, if they wanted a better world they would have signed the Kyoto treaty.

    i take it that 'something' is sept 11? where alot of innocent civilians were killed, America kills alot of innocent civilians in Iraq everyday where the death toll is more than sept 11. i'm sorry i had to use this fact against you but you called me racist.

    Nobody can justify violence...not even america.

    if you feel it inappropriate that i meantion sept11 i will edit it out, just give me the word.


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  22. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    bush and friends think everything is allowed now. And cover it all behind the Sept. 11 attacks. Well, maybe they are going too far in this. To do everything they (the government!) do, in name of the war on terorrism. I think they overdo it highly.

    And it shows...

    (this has nothing to do with racism.)
  23. Xev Registered Senior Member

    Equal rights sounds pretty bad? Interesting. I thought that equality was one of the things communism had going for it.

    As for what we stand for, I doubt we stand for anything. Americans would like to believe that we stand for democracy, freedom and a better way of life.

    Yadda yadda.

    This has some truth to it, America has gotten involved in conflicts for humanitarian reasons.

    But really, we stand for what every other nation stands for - self interest.

    You think any other powerful nation would be different? Bull fucking shit. As Orwell noted about Dickens' "rich benefactors":

    "If they were so eager to give their money away, they would not have accumulated any"

    Show me a powerfull nation that hasn't commited abuses.

    That's bizzare and irrational, even from you. Have you any evidence that the US would trigger a nuclear war if one of its soldiers was brought before the ICC?

    No, but it does have to do with bigotry.

    You and Captain Crunch dislike Americans simply for their country of origen.

    Racists dislike people of whatever race simply for their race.

    I see no real difference between David Duke fulminating about "niggers" and the likes of you fulminating about "imperealistic Yankees".

    Perhaps you have an actual reason. I'm sure that David Duke could tell me exactly why he dislikes "niggers" so.

    Honest criticism is one thing, but disliking Americans simply for being Americans is another.

    Not that I give a fuck. It simply wears on the nerves.

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