Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?

God Himself has in fact provided this--and you know it. But in a twisted form of self denial, you neither believe Him nor yourself. This is because you utterly hate the Truth, preferring lies along with the father of them. You will share his fate.

Good I get to be a prick in heaven just like the father of lies.

Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee. 1Kings 22:23

Now therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets.2 Chron 18:22

Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people.
Jer 4:10

O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived. Jer 20:7

And if a prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet.Ezekiel 14:9

For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.Thessalonians 2:11

O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived. - Jeremiah 20:7

To me, God’s worse lie was to Adam and Eve. He told them they could eat of the tree of life and then reneged and in a real sense murdered them by denying them a remedy.

That pesky God sure works in mysterious ways.


Now put your money where your mouth is and tell us what God has provided without you asking us to believe supernatural garbage.

God Himself has in fact provided this--and you know it. But in a twisted form of self denial, you neither believe Him nor yourself. This is because you utterly hate the Truth, preferring lies along with the father of them. You will share his fate.
No. That is ridiculous & you know it. You deny reality because you are afraid & you want us to join you in being afraid & denying reality. You do not know truth & you do not want to. You prefer pretending to know. You believing something does not mean it is true.
No god has provided any evidence to me & I have no reason to suspect that is different for anyone outside their delirious dreamworlds.
Until some god(s) gets up the courage to come out of hiding & show itself, you are only babbling bullshit.

...in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

It is still God lying. God id the father of lies just as he would be the creator of all things the way scriptures say he id is your imaginary God was real.

Strange that you have named someone above God for the creation of evil and are breaking the first commandment.

It is still God lying.
He not lying...He's telling you exactly what He is doing--and you despise Him for it because you are wicked, yet He still gives you breath...that is what is "strange". You don't take that to heart and seek to repent, more strangeness.
He not lying...He's telling you exactly what He is doing--and you despise Him for it because you are wicked, yet He still gives you breath...that is what is "strange". You don't take that to heart and seek to repent, more strangeness.
How is a figment of your imagination telling anyone anything?

the golden rule is not gods best rule, there is another - do not take offense from those who disagree with you.

if we followed this rule there will be world peace
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Why don't you go by that rule?

i do follow that rule. if i hear something that sound offensive, i try to consider it from all angles. i try to see if there is any scenario that had no intention to offend. i "choose" to believe that the other person had no evil intentions. i give them the benefit of a doubt. if the other person did indeed truely want to offend, they will let you know beyond doubt
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i do follow that rule. if i hear something that sound offensive, i try to consider it from all angles. i try to see if there is any scenario that had no intention to offend. i "choose" to believe that the other person had no evil intentions. i give them the benefit of a doubt. if the other person did indeed truely want to offend, they will let you know beyond doubt
Again, you will not answer questions.
