Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?

Why should He have to? If you were an all-powerful being, what obligation would you face to treat something you created as you would wish to be treated, given you could wipe them out in a blink and remake them at will?

God does not have as you say. But if he did, his ways would show his good morals but unfortunately, when one says do as I say and not as I do, it shows poor morals and lack of leadership qualities.

If people want to follow a God with poor morals they can. Many do.

Look at all the Christians and Muslims who are homophobic and misogynous.

Scriptures contradict each other. Another example: Yes, it says to be like god yet it says to obey god.

Yes and if God is walking his talk then that would likely be ok but the bible God definitely does not walk his talk.

Not surprising as we have created a God who cannot stand up to the inflated attributes men have made up for him.

Generally, we do. We humans are quite good and altruistic and most use reciprocity daily.

When we forget to add to each others security and order, that is when it hits the fan.

The world needs what it has always needed for full peace. A God/Man.

We refuse to elect such a God/Man.

I see the opposite. If most people were to follow it most of the time, things would be very different.

Yes and if God is walking his talk then that would likely be ok but the bible God definitely does not walk his talk.

Not surprising as we have created a God who cannot stand up to the inflated attributes men have made up for him.

Regardless of any other deeds or attributes, 1 way to be like god is to not obey anyone.
Because nobody can do anything unto Him. In His case, the rule is moot.

So we cannot really love God then?

God obviously does not love us or he would not be absentee.

How about hate?
Many atheists and even myself have been accused of hating God.

I see the opposite. If most people were to follow it most of the time, things would be very different.


If you see the opposite, name one statistic that is not at it's best place since forever.

All the statistics I follow for evil have never been better. Crime, violent death, slavery and poverty. All the best per capita that we have ever enjoyed.

We could do better, sure, but not without a world leader to bring us all together in purpose.

Regardless of any other deeds or attributes, 1 way to be like god is to not obey anyone.

Not quite. God would obeys himself the same way you and I do. By following our own conscience.

I have written the laws of God in my heart the way Jesus indicated we should do. That notion is standard Gnostic Christian fare. Gnostic Christians are perpetual seekers after God. God here I define God as the best laws and rules to live life with.

We believe that those laws and rules, as Jesus said, are found in our minds/hearts.

I use the following to try to illustrate this notion. A bit of history and then a mindset and method to do what I promote.


The thinking shown below is the Gnostic Christian’s goal as taught by Jesus but know that any belief can be internalized to activate your higher mind.


This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus, in the esoteric sense.


When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. Becoming a God is to become more fully human and a brethren to Jesus.

if you see yourself as being better then others because of what you know, you are sinning, everything that you know has come from the outside the real world
if you see yourself as being better then others because of what you know, you are sinning, everything that you know has come from the outside the real world

Are you suggesting that all religions are full of sinners?

After all, which other corporate identities other than religions see themselves as better than all the other tribes?

if anyone in any religion thinks themselves better than other people they are sinning

All religions are equal to you then are they?

None have a better morality than the other?

The religions that embrace women and gays as equal are no better than those who have institutionalized homophobia and misogyny?

Is that your position?
