Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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A baseless assertion is when you claim you never insult anyone.
There is no scientific evidence that ghosts are real...none, zilch, zero, nada.

There is no scientific evidence for 99% of what you have experienced in your life. Does that mean it didn't happen?
There is no scientific evidence for 99% of what you have experienced in your life. Does that mean it didn't happen?
Of course there is.
Conception, birth, development, growth, aging are all observational scientific fact that explain why I'm an old bastard now that went through all that to arrive at where I am.
You appear to be scraping the bottom of the barrel with that rather silly assumption.
Of course there is.
Conception, birth, development, growth, aging are all observational scientific fact that explain why I'm an old bastard now that went through all that to arrive at where I am.
You appear to be scraping the bottom of the barrel with that rather silly assumption.

No..there is no scientific evidence for any of the things in your life happening to you. Of your being bullied in school. Of your nightmares. Of the time you lost your carkeys. Of the time you got drunk and threw up. Of any of the experiences you've had. Nor of what you felt and thought about them. None whatsoever. Science doesn't determine what happened. Firsthand experience does.
Wow, and I thought all this time you were just ignoring what "evidence" meant.

It turns out that you actually don't know.

That's just shameful.
Wow, and I thought all this time you were just ignoring what "evidence" meant.

It turns out that you actually don't know.

That's just shameful.

The evidence is personal experiences, photos, and audio recordings. Better documented that any experience you've had in your life.
"I've been ghost hunting now for a little over 4 years. Since I am usually going by myself,I always go
during the day time. I've gotten so many photos showing everything from shadow people, hooded figures, soldiers, children, and even a vortex, but I've never actually seen anything worth mention with my own eyes until last month, and it happened at my dad's house next door to me.

I know that both my home and my dad's is haunted. I've gotten photos and EVP's of alot of people.
One little girl,Samantha, is very talkative. I can hear her and the others with my own ears, but mostly through EVP. I had never asked her what she looks like, but I had her pictured as being around 6 or 7 because she talks so well. I pictured her being in an old fashioned dress,only because it seemed to be what a ghost girl would look like. But I was wrong.

One night last month,my family and I had stayed the night at my dad's house while he was out of town. I was asleep in his room on his bed, facing the door. It was dark except for a small night light
next to the door. My 5 year old son came into the room and the flood of light hitting me in the eyes woke me up. Standing in the doorway I saw my son and a little girl in light purple footie pj's right next to him. It didn't scare me, but I blinked several times.After about the third blink, she was gone.
I remember that she was not quite solid, she was the same height as my son, and she had short dark brown hair that came to her shoulders.

Since I've gotten the voices of several different little girls, the next day I got my recorder out and asked if anyone wears purple pj's. Right away I heard an older woman say,"Samantha does." followed by,"That's me!"

I've tried to find out more about her. So far all I know about her is that her father is with her. I've asked for her last name several times, but I either get no response, or I can't make out the answer.
I've tried to talk all of them over to the light, but they either say that they don't see it or they believe that they are only having a bad dream. But I'll keep trying."====http://www.ghostvillage.com/ghostcommunity/index.php?showtopic=23140
No. This has been explained to you dozens of times. You've gone from being ignorant to being a troll.
Now your just making shit up.
Again, you needn't take my word for it on any of this. The most basic course, or the most basic textbook will bring you up to speed and you'll be able to discuss this without guesses.

Until then, you're kind of in over your head.
Right..So when have you ever hallucinated something while awake

You are attempting to insert a word that is inappropriate.
'Hallucination' is not the appropriate word for normal human perception.

Using it as if it were appropriate is highlighting your inexperience in the subject of normal human perception.

Seriously, do some reading.
Guys, let's not turn this into another ad hominem fest. Ad homs are a clumsy attempt to derail a discussion when one has run out of valid arguments.

It is quite possible to address the issues here without attacking the character of the people.
You are attempting to insert a word that is inappropriate.
'Hallucination' is not the appropriate word for normal human perception.

Using it as if it were appropriate is highlighting your inexperience in the subject of normal human perception.

Seriously, do some reading.

Great. So now seeing a person that isn't really there isn't a hallucination? What would you call it?

plural noun: hallucinations
  1. an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present."
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Again, you needn't take my word for it on any of this. The most basic course, or the most basic textbook will bring you up to speed and you'll be able to discuss this without guesses.

Until then, you're kind of in over your head.

You have yet to cite one study or personal experience where anyone sees persons with detailed clothing and hairstyles that aren't really there. I take that as an admission that you have no support for your claim. Oh..and don't talk down to me. I'm not your inferior in any sense.
Reported for insult..
How many times do you have to keep being told that photos (which are possible to fake) and videos (which are possible to fake) and anecdotes (which are possible to make up) are nowhere near good enough to be the extraordinary evidence to support the extraordinary claim that ghosts, bigfoot, and alien spaceships are real?

If you don't believe that the claim of ghosts, bigfoot, and alien spaceships is an extraordinary one, then you have bigger problems than an accusation of trolling.
How many times do you have to keep being told that photos (which are possible to fake) and videos (which are possible to fake) and anecdotes (which are possible to make up) are nowhere near good enough to be the extraordinary evidence to support the extraordinary claim that ghosts, bigfoot, and alien spaceships are real?

Ofcourse they're good enough. They're good enough for the news. They're good enough to send a man to the gas chamber. Anything can be faked, even DNA evidence. But that in no way means that it isn't reliable evidence.

If you don't believe that the claim of ghosts, bigfoot, and alien spaceships is an extraordinary one, then you have bigger problems than an accusation of trolling.

There's nothing extraordinary about seeing or photographing things that exist. In fact one would expect as much if these things exist. So no..there is no reason for extraordinary evidence here. The usual evidence suffices in every case.
You can deny it and stomp your feet all you like, but science doesn't care about your opinion.
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